My Lover

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"C'mon, 'Mione! We've got to go before curfew hits!" Y/n whines. I grab my last items before Y/n drags me. "Y/n! Slow down, baby!" I giggle. She does slow down and intertwines my hand with hers. Some students are roaming around the school talking. Dinner just ended, it's make sense for some students to go to there dorms.

"No running, Miss Granger and Lupin." McGonagall warns. "Where are you both headed to anyway?" "Astronomy tower." "Everyone's already went." McGonagall tells us. "It was crowded." Y/n lies. I smiled at her and tell McGonagall about the homework assigned for us. I had to lie. Dean was great enough to give us the answers. She lets us go. She also told us that she'll tell Filtch about us going out for homework.

As soon as we both get to the top of the tower, she lays flat on the floor and gives a big sigh. She brings her hand watch out and looks at the time as I lay on her stomach. I feel her soft hands reach my curls. She twirls my hair with her finger softly and carefully as she rants about her day. I adore her voice. I love how she talks about what she does everyday. I love that I got her before anyone else did.

"I love you." she says quietly. It was her first time saying an 'I love you'. This was our first time saying an 'I love you'. "I love you, too, baby." I whisper softly. She chuckles softly. "I didn't think you'd hear that." I smile. "Of course I would hear're my girlfriend, and I always would listen to you."

I can feel her smile acting up when I said those words. I felt myself blush and I brought my hands up to my face. "Damn...I can't believe I said that..." I murmur. She gives a small giggle. "It's fine, I'm glad I heard it, my love." I take her hand that was resting on my stomach and kiss the fingertips separately. I hold her hand and caressed it with my thumb. "I'm glad I got with you." she whispers lowly.

I smile before sitting up. "We've got to go, baby. McGonagall would find it suspicious if we weren't in by one." I tell Y/n. She gives a sigh again and sits up. She lays her head in my shoulder as we face opposite sides of the tower.   "Off, we've got to go, my beloved." I say to her. I push her head off gently before she stands up with my in sync. "C'mon then." she grabs my hand again. Y/n places a gentle kiss on my knuckles before she evens steps on the stairs.

It's been a long night.

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