Ice Rink

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The winter blew by coldly and harshly as students chattered about while stepping in the crunchy snow. Hermione held onto her girlfriends' arm for the majority of the time as they walked over to the Black Lake. The Black Lake over night had froze and everyone wanted to go and slide across the frozen water. Y/n held Hermione with care as if she were a fragile object. Ron, along with his sister, and Harry and Draco wanted to go. Near the Black Lake, Hermione holds onto Y/n's jacket tighter. "You okay?" Y/n softly chuckled. Hermione only nodded. McGonagall was in charge of taking care of the students and she handed everyone a pair of ice skates. "Me first!" Hermione exclaims, letting out of Y/n's arm and cutting Draco who let her. "Why are we doing this?" Y/n asks the boys who shrug. "I wanted to see people fall." Ron laughs without shame. Y/n nods in agreement before getting a pair of ice skates from the professor. She sat on one of the benches were Hermione was at, putting on her skates before standing up and putting her shoes away in a rack where everyone had there own spot for their shoes.

"Y/n/n! Hurry!" Hermione pleaded. Y/n only rolled her eyes and hurried quicker. Hermione had been planning to go ice skating once her and Y/n were out of school. Hermione squealed and grabbed Y/n's hand, letting them glide on the ice. "Ah! 'Mione!" Y/n hurdles up to Hermione who held her close while laughing "I'm not a professional!" Y/n defends herself. Ron comes crashing behind Y/n which makes her fall on her girlfriend, Ron on top. "Ronald!" Hermione said, a hint of humor and anger lacing her voice. "Oh c'mon, Ron." Fred says, grabbing one of his arms and George supporting the other. "Yeah. Let the lovebirds be." Fred and George throws Ron in another direction. They give us a playful wink before skating away. Hermione was the first to get off of the ice and offer a hand to Y/n who had gladly taken it.

"Scared?" Hermione asks Y/n who furrowed her brows, "Me? No!" Hermione only smiles knowing that it was a lie. She let go of Y/n's hand and started to go around the rink without a problem happening. Y/n's mouth hung open as Hermione came back. "Want me to help?" she laughs. "Was it that simple?!" Hermione shrugs, "I've learned when I was five." "Five?!" Y/n repeated. Hermione laughs and rolls her eyes before grabbing Y/n's hands and slowly skates backwards. "Just a small push on the ice then you'll get the hang of it. Make sure you balance well." Hermione instructed. Y/n looks at her feet, trying not to make a mistake before Hermione's hand slipped away to Y/n's pink cheeks from the coldness.

"Don't worry about making mistakes." Hermione softly caressed Y/n's jawline before it reached her hand again. "Okay..." Y/n says still unsure about the action. Y/n looked at Hermione's eyes which had hope in them for her. "Okay. I'm going to go fast and let go of your hands." "What?!" Y/n says, Hermione's pace going fast. She blocked out everyone in the way from behind her and let go of Y/n's gloves. Y/n's mind was filled with Hermione's words. She took a breath and pushed her feet over to Hermione who waited to Y/n only a few feet away. Y/n looked up and wrapped her arms around Hermione who stumbled back a bit, squealing at the little action. Y/n looked up at Hermione, kissing her lips lovingly and held Hermione's cheek.

Hermione let this happen. Y/n's soft and warm lips on her chapped like lips were like heaven for her. Y/n pulled away quickly, giving unsatisfactory to Hermione who pouted. "Don't give me that look." Y/n scolded softly to Hermione who only continues to pout. Y/n sighed, kissing Hermione again who gladly took it in again but smiled through the kiss and Y/n could feel her smiling too.

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