First Date and First Kiss?

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holy fuck i am not dead 🤗 IM SORRY FOR BEING UNACTIVE- I HAD NO IDEAS- for this story. it is summer 👏 and they are 15
Y/n's POV:

I planned it all out perfectly. Under the tree, with lit lanterns around us as we have our picnic. I wasn't used to this at all. I sighed deeply while laying on the grass. It was Hermione and I's first month anniversary. We took study dates but not a real date. Like—not just was studying or talking about school, it was us being ourselves to each other and talking about the outside world. I had set up food and others on the blanket and I sat up. I looked over my shoulder to see my bike laying on the concrete. I stand up and pick it up and take it to the Weasley's house. Where Hermione was staying. We kept out little secret to ourselves. Who knows what would happen if we told them?

"Y/n! You're here!" Mrs Weasley announced. I smile sheepishly, "Not for long. Maybe but I've got to ask my parents." I see some people come up and the first was Hermione. She wrapped her arms around my neck and i hugged her back. "Hey! We're taking turns, 'Mione, move!" Ginny says smiling. She was the only one who we would've trust. Ginny knew how I felt about Hermione when I told her. Hermione laughed and moved over. Before Ginny could've even hugged me Ron came through hugging me almost knocking me down. "Ron!" "Sorry, Gingin, I guess I miss Y/n/n more than you." he said softly. He quickly got out of my arms and i lunged towards Ginny. "Just making sure Harry doesn't steal your hug." I laugh. "I should've stole it." "And I would've killed you." Ginny spiked back at Harry who backed up.

"Okay now..." Harry motions as me and Ginny pull away. I open my arms and Harry hugs me gracefully. I pull away as the others get caught up ok whatever. "'Mione," I whisper and she comes towards me. "I have a surprise for you, darling." I can see the small tint of blush when I had called her that pet name. "C'mon." I whisper, kissing her cheek after and opening the front door for her and me. "Are we seriously going to ride your bike?" I shrug, "Maybe." She smiles before slapping me, "Be serious!" "I don't know! And that hurt!" I whine. She kisses my forehead, "Well I'm sorry." "Mhm. Sure." I say not really convinced.

As soon as we reach the spot, i had her eyes covered with my hands. Her hands holds my wrists and holds me close. "Ready?" I whisper in her ear. I can feel her nod and I let my hands get off of her eyes. I go to her side holding her hand and I see her blink a few times. "A picnic?" she whispered. I can't tell if that's a bad sign, " you like it?" She looks at me lovingly, the look she gave me when I had confessed. "I love it, Y/n/n!" she hops into my arms again and I hug her back, holding her head and her back. I was happy she took it. It was just a small thing yet she still loved it. After a few hours we spent time with each other talking about our summer since we were kinda away from each other. I laid in her lap as she played with my hair as we talked.

"This was a cute date, Y/n/n." I blush a bit, "Thanks, 'Mione. Costed a lot of Muggle money but it managed to look good." She giggles cutely before smiling, "I'm glad you know how to work Muggle money." I smile softly before sitting up and facing her. "Did you like today?" I asked quietly. "I loved today, Y/n." she said. "If it were spending time with you, it'll be a thousand times better than just studying at Hogwarts." Hermione says softly. I can see her eyes studying my face. I can see them flickering up and down. I scoot closer to her, holding her cheek. I lean in and I can sense her breathing become uneven. I hide my smile and ask, "Can I kiss you?" Taken by my words, she can't speak. She only nods. I laugh softly before leaning in and connecting our lips. Only a month into the relationship and we have our first kiss, on our first date.

I can feel her hand come upon mine as I pull away from her. "That made my day much more better than just a thousand times." she laughs. I smile softly and kiss her forehead, "I'm glad, my love."



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