Used For But Fell For

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It's been two weeks since the "relationship" has happened between me and my best friend, or crush, Hermione Granger. Everyone was star struck to see that Hermione, the girl who had gotten straight grades and more is dating a girl after her break up with Ron. Everything's changed. I'm not sitting at the Ravenclaw table anymore, I sit with Hermione as she talks to Ginny while I talk to Harry. Every time I had sat next to Hermione, I could feel Ron's deadly stare burn my scalp everywhere I go and whenever it's breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

It was class and Hermione excused herself to the bathroom. Ron had excused himself too. I was getting suspicious of the red headed boy. Maybe he was going to apologize. Or maybe Ron's going to yell at her. Before the more negative and positive thoughts rushed through my head, Ron and Hermione both came in with a cheerful walk. Hermione sat next to me and tapped my shoulder. "Hm?" I hummed, turning to the grinning Hermione. "He's my boyfriend again! He apologized and I told him our scheme!" Hermione said lovingly. I could tell that my heart had shattered into millions of pieces. A lump of my stomach dropped down lower. "G-great!" I sputtered lowly. Hermione smiled and hugged me before going back to the lesson.

I was starting to enjoy the moments between us...
Second person pov:

Ron and Hermione were back to their usual relationship. You've been a real wreck. Of course, no one knew. But, Harry was suspicious. He knew that Hermione wouldn't break up with you like that to go back to Ron. Plus, the two of you only had a good two week relationship, there's no way she just called it off like that.

You were off to the Ravenclaw tower after you Quidditch practice with the Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors before Harry stopped you. "Y/n!" he panted. I turned to see his face red from running. "Why—why you and Hermione cut the relationship off so easily?" he asked slowly. "Because it was fake, Harry. Hermione told me to make him jealous so she could be his again." Half of what you told was true.

You told Hermione to make him jealous, she didn't tell you. "But—but you two were so cute together and were a real couple." I shake my head and force a laugh, "Harry, Harry...acting a thing, chosen one." I ruffle his hair before tracing his scar, "Plus. She chose him, I chose to help because my crush on her won't stop." You carried you broom over your shoulder and Harry looked flustered, awestruck, and confused.

Hermione's pov:

I know I shouldn't feel this way but I miss Y/n a lot. That meaning, miss her in the "relationship" that we had together. She's been avoiding me ever since me and Ron had gotten back. I guess I had those feelings for Ron when he had confessed to me when we were in the halls next to the bathroom. Ron's just like Y/n now. He likes to trace the back of my ear just like Y/n would to when I lay in her lap. She's trace my palm when she's nervous like what Ron does when he's in class with me. Everything Ron does reminds me of Y/n. His walk, his talk, his smile, even his personality. It's as if they were the same people with different appeals.

I laid awake in my bed wondering what do to do to get her back. I sighed loudly and turned myself around, tossing myself and shut my eyes tightly. All I could see was her face and her beautiful, gorgeous eyes. Her laugh and giggles whenever the twins did something stupid at the dinner table. I could hear her 'I love you's when I closed my eyes tighter. I could see the person I love but lost. God I'm a loser. I thought. I sighed and looked at my nightstand. There sat a sticky note heart and I reached out to grab it. Opening it, it showed Y/n's hand writing.

Dear Hermione,

HI :) you're my 'girlfriend' now, you're stuck with me, sadly.
I just sneezed, say 'bless you' thank you <3 anyways, I hope that dimwit Ron doesn't take you back, or, you don't take him back. You don't deserve the shit he had put you in that night. Hope you stay with me, jkjk, unless...


Y/n L/n :P

I sighed sadly and held the note near my chest, "I'll get her back."


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