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"Why the fuck are her eyes glowing?!" Regulus exclaimed, my eyebrows knitted together when I lifted my head. My eyes glowing?

"That happened last year....they go golden. She was mad at Snape, who angered her?" Sirius commented, the five boys staring at me.

"I just threatened your lovely parents. Ah, that must be why they were scared. Hm" I shrugged, the four of their jaw's' dropping shouting jumbled words. "Reg, your wrist please" He gave me his wrist, a dark purple bruise already forming, to which I healed with a spell, smiling at him and ignoring the boy's comments.

"Thank you" He breathed out, glancing to his healed wrist, "You uh didn't have to do that"

"They were hurting you, Reg, why would I let them do that?"

"I don't know, but they could have hurt you. T-they will most likely tell him about you now, glowing eyes aren't normal in the Wizarding world, Lo"

"Shit" James scrunched up his face, tilting my chin up and flickering my eyes between his, "We need to get them back to normal, as much as I love them"

"True love's kiss" Peter snickered, Remus groaning and leaving the compartment due to 'head boy duties' even though he probably just didn't want to witness him kiss me.

"Go on, Prongs, you kiss her all the bloody time what's stopping you now!"

"I feel pressure now!" James yelled at him, before turning back to me, frowning faintly, "I do want to kiss you, love, because I love you very much so but this is a lot of pressure and I-"

I cut him off, pressing my lips to his softly, Regulus making a disgusted sound and Sirius whistling at the two of us as he melted into it, kissing me back instantly. "You're adorable" I chuckled when I pulled back, a crooked grin on his face when he tucked s piece of hair behind my ear.

"I'm hot, Elody" He corrected, "Beautiful chocolatey brown" He hummed, my eyes seemingly back to my normal colour. "They didn't hurt you did they?"

"No, they only hurt their own children" Regulus grumbled, "She called them Onion and Walnut"

"You did what, M?" Sirius barked out a laughter, clearly finding my nicknames for them hilarious, "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because i'm the best" I boasted, flipping my hair over my shoulder.

"That you are" James agreed, taking me onto his lap and encasing me into his arms, pecking my temple delicately. The other three began a conversation about something happening this year as I droned out, nuzzling my head into James' neck pondering on Regulus' words. Did I just put myself in danger? Will they tell him about me? "Hey, Lunes, love"

"Mhm" I sounded, brushing my lips over his neck and closing my eyes briefly.

"I love you" He whispered, planting a kiss on the top of my head, my heart fluttering.

"I love you, James"

"Me too" Sirius nodded seriously, shuffling closer and wrapping his arm around me too, Peter taking a picture using a muggle camera and Regulus paying no attention with his head in a book I leant him. The both of us pushed him away playfully, to which he pouted, folding his arms over his chest and mumbling something like 'My Moony will get you for that'


"Hey fellow lions.....and snake?" Mary greeted, as we all sat in our normal seats, Regulus joining us by sitting across from me, Remus and Peter moving down one.

"Regulus Lupin-Potter is a Slytherdor now" I announced to the girls, them obviously not knowing what happened with Regulus as it was only a couple of days ago and there was no point owling them as we were going to see them now.

"Lo, i'm not sure-"

"Lupin-Potter" I cut him off, "Although that is a bit strange considering you're Monty and Mia and mine, maybe just stick with Black"

"That was what I was going to suggest" He hummed, the first years beginning to be sorted into their houses.

"I didn't think you were friends?" Lily pointed out, Regulus and I laughing at the comment. I think we've come a long way since then.

"Friends? No, brother? Most definitely" I replied, grinning at the tousled haired boy in front of me, "It's not like I don't have enough of them, what's one more?"

"I'm not your brother" James contributed, my face scrunching up. That would not be right.

"I think I know that"

"Just checking, my love" He chirped, resting his hand on my thigh and kissing my temple.  "Evie!" James whisper shouted the table to the blonde girl a few seats down. She looked so much older, she's matured a lot since the day I found her in the hallway as a timid, shy first year.

"James, Melody. Good summer?" She asked, a broad smile on her face.

"Oh I definitely had a good time" James smirked, causing me to hit him. Git.

"James!" I scolded, before turning back to her, "How are you, Ev?"

"I'm alright, thank you, Melody. Mum and dad weren't sure whether they would let me come back with everything going on and they are muggles. I wish I could be there to protect them if anything happened but i'm not sure how much I would be able to do anyway" She responded, my heart sinking in my chest for the girl. She's thirteen, she should be excited to be going to Hogsmeade and staying up all night talking with her room mates, not worrying about her family at home, who were defenceless in the world.

"Well, Little Lune my mum and dad are aurors and they are out protecting us all, and I am sure that if anything was to happen to your family they would be there to help them" James reassured her, even though I knew he was worried about Monty and Mia himself as he squeezed my thigh.

"What's your last name?" Regulus queried, running his hand through his brown curls.


"Muggleborn. You're okay he goes for blood traitors first and the rest of his bloodline" Regulus nodded, meaning himself, to which Evelyn snapped her head towards us in alarm.

"Reg, I uh don't think that was needed" Remus coughed, shaking his head at him.

"It's the truth, listen, it's alright i'll die first-"

"Reggie, shut up you are scaring the children" Sirius hushed, the younger ones on the table listening to Regulus with eyes of fear. Marlene was laughing at his bluntness, probably not knowing how to even react.

"Regulus you are not going to die. You are a Gryffindor now, we are courageous and strong, we fight and we fight together"

"I'm a Slytherin"

"You are snake in a pit of Lions, that makes us stronger. We need you, so don't do any of that self sacrificing shit because like you said, you're a snake you are more cunning than that"

"Talk about depressed" Sirius mumbled under his breath to me. "You don't think he'll actually do something like that, do you?" He whispered in my ear, pretending to look at the Ravenclaw table behind us.

"No, no, he said he wanted a life like us. He wouldn't do that. I hope" I murmured to him, as James began telling jokes to uplift the dim mood we had created. They were awful jokes, but they were funny because they were awful.

"Yeah" He nodded, kissing my temple, the both of us reassuring ourselves.

Regulus was going to be okay with us.

•1769 words•

☽𝐌𝐲 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧☽ -ᴊ.ғ.ᴘTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon