#55 backstabber

527 12 20

Delilah's pov:
This random driver had drove me back home, and now I'm laying in bed with my door locked finally taking in everything that had been happening.

Well most of what I know.

The doctor was talking about me getting some sort of concussion which leads to a bit of memory loss.

Car crash? Sebastian? What are they talking about.

That Sebastian guy had also mentioned that he'd come by to the hospital, but I'm not there no more.

Oh well. At least I don't have to deal with some random guy probably trying to fuck and dip.

"Delilah. Open this door" Hanna had knocked on the door.

Hanna. Joshs wife.

We rarely talk, especially that I'm usually not around where she is, but she's very kind hearted. I could see why Josh had married her and had the most amazing kid with. Ace.

Missed that child more then I miss the old me.

"I'm not feeling like it. I have a headache, plus I need to take in what the hell has been happening with my life" I blow out a breath oh air. "Where did the Delilah that went to strip clubs 24/7 and hung out with Kelsey all the them go? Where even is Kelsey?"

"Hun. I'd like to talk to you, so does someone named Hamna" she said. "Do you remember her?"

"No. Who's Hamna?"

"Oh god Delilah. Open this door" but I still resisted.

Who's Hamna?

"Not before you tell me who Sebastian is"

"Sebastian is a guy you love and are dating"

"I'm not dating no fucking guy"

"Delilah." She sighs as I finally give in and get up to open the door.

Maybe I don't want to talk to anyone, but I need to figure out what information I had apparently forgotten.

"Finally. Now let's get back onto your bed to figure this stuff out" I nodded thinking it was only Hanna and Hamna, but there is another guy with them.

The same guy with the huge scar going across his eye. Aaron.

He gave me a slight look, then gave me a nod giving comfort in some what way. He doesn't seem to smile though. Very intimidating looking.

Oh grumpy boy.

Reminds me of whenever I read books back in the day, and used to obsess over the
sunshine x grumpy trope. Best trope to be honest.

I put my head down taking in how shitty I look at the moment which causes an embarrassment pointed at me.

Keeping my head facing towards the ground, I walk towards my bed and got comfy again.

I went under the blanket as Hanna sat on my bed, and Hamna stood beside her with her arm in Hanna's shoulders.

"Sebastian. Sebastian is your lover Delilah. You guys were the ultimate goal. The couple everyone would look at and think 'let's not mess with them because they'll kill us with one look." They looked at each other, then back to me. "You guys were the ultimate couple. Held power but also humanity"

"Oh. He sounds too nice for me anyways. Need a guy that'll murder someone if they look at me"

"Oh he would've. He was nice, but also had a scary hide to him"

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