#33 shameless

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Delilah's pov:
"Why'd you flinch? Isn't a gun not scary when it's point at you? " Sebastian said as I slowly put my hand on the gun that was aimed at my head and put it in my mouth.

"Shoot me" and all I saw was shock in his eyes. Guess you didn't expect it from me.

Expect the unexpected

"You want me to shoot you?" I nodded.

Sebastian pulled the trigger as Josh rushed in and put him in headlock "why the fuck do you have the gun aimed at my sister. Are you trying to get killed right now"

Sebastian turned his head around to face Josh in a way of telling him that it isn't his fault.

"Guess you really can't shoot me at the end of the day" I started laughing and went to sit down on the kicken chair.

"Yo make me some food real quick" I told their chef. She nodded and went to make something without asking me what I want. Okay then.

I looked back as I saw Josh and Sebastian were standing aside together talking. Sebastian is probably being raged at for aiming a gun at me.

I walked up to them "cut it off mother fuckers" I eyed Josh as I grabbed his hand "let's go before I shoot you in the balls" he rolled his eyes

"Ma'am. I'm still making your food. Would you like me to continue it or not?"

"Nah I'm good. Appreciate it though" and we walked out.

"The fuck are you doing here? No one told you that I needed help"

"I know your trouble maker headass. I had to come stop him from shooting you."

"I was the one that put the gun in my mouth. Don't think he'll ever be able to do such a thing to me"

"I know. I saw Delilah."

"Okay then why were you talking to Sebastian privately in the side of the house"

"I was talking to him about business work. Don't think I was about to cuss his whole family out for something you did."

"And you are spying like a weirdo for what? Want to turn into a spy ninja or something?"

"Shut up"

We made it to the car and got home as I saw Josh standing beside the door with Ace in his hands. I swear he's obsessed.

"Yo Josh, I did your dare and I expect 2 million dollars now because I could've just gotten shot and killed right there"

"No one told you to start shit. All I said was go to his house. Matter a fact, what even happened there"

"Found out Sebastian had a new bitch already that's a weak motherfucker. She can't even handle getting a gun pointed towards her. What is she going to go through in Life without fearing?"

"Sebastian with a new bitch? I see. Now why was there a gun pointed at her exactly?"

"Because I tried to shoot her duhhh"

"You stupid bitch" I slapped his arm but not too hard because ace was being held by him

"You are lucky you have Ace with you right now or I would've just shot your dick right now and watch you on the floor crying like Ace"

"Ace doesn't even cry. You probably cry way more than he does" I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. I told Sebastian's chef to make me food but I had to leave so I didn't get shit

"Anaya bestie. Can you make me fries with cheese."

"Oh your favourite? I seee okay. I'll do it right now lovely" I nodded and gave her a smile then started heading for my room as I heard a loud sound as if someone fell then Ace started crying right after.

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