#14 sorry, not sorry

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Delilah's pov:
He left.. he's been gone for about 7 hours now and I'm not sure what's happening. I came back home after that traumatic strip club shit happened and spent the rest of the day just texting Kelsey.

We were talking about how girls go through way more than boys do, but some boys just don't want to admit it. Kinda stupid if you asked me. Anyways I'm very confused right now. I'm not sure if I should be worried about Sebastian or not. After telling me that 'I was his and only his' he just left. He walked straight out the door and didn't bother looking back.. Did it really affect him like that?

I feel like I was being very over dramatic with the invading my phone privacy. I don't think it was that big of a deal. I don't think he looked through it, or was even looking for anything, all that happened was he heard it ring and checked who it was and turned out to be my brother Aiden.

Aiden is probably my favourite brother.. sorry Josh. Aiden is the funny, more energetic brother that's willing to do anything crazy, while Josh is the serious, more cold hearted person that doesn't show any emotions unless he wants to or needs to. He already has a wife and a son though which I find very cute. His wife's name is Hanna and his sons name is Ace.

Ace is uh.. a scary child. He will pull out a gun from his father, Josh's drawer and not even know what it is, then aim it towards you. He's going to be a real killer when he grows up for sure and I'm down for it. I'll be his cool auntie that allows him to go on killing sprees 24/7 .

We have this stupid family group chat and our conversations are the dumbest shit ever.

Demon killers gang bang😈🔫🔥

Ace🚗: jdjhddhil

Aiden👹: Ace pull up. Let's shoot your dad, don't you think buddy?

Ace🚗: Babakakaje

Aiden👹: I think that's a yes. I'm coming.

Me: Aiden, you are fucking talking to a 2 year old that doesn't know how to talk and is just pressing random letters. Why did Josh even think of giving him a phone at such a young age?

Aiden👹: I know baby language shut the fuck up. Me and Ace are best friends. Homies for life, gang gang.. right Ace?

Me: please don't ever say that again. What the hell was " homies for life gang gang "? 😭😭

Ace🚗: ⚠️🧎🏽‍♀️😩👿😍❤️👅

Me: Ace.. buddy, why do you have those recent emojis? 🤨

Aiden👹: might have taught the guy a little sex language.. he's not too bad at it actually

Josh👿: YOU DID WHAT?!?!

Me: okay you guys can deal with your bullshit while I go sleep. Goodnight whores

Ace🚗: whores wnjwbsben


Ace🚗: 🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸🥸

And I instantly closed my phone and threw it across the room. Josh, why would you allow Ace to have a phone at the age of 2? What, is he going to call you and talk to you in baby languages if he's in a dangerous situation? Bitch be like " blahhdhd ebhdhdh herndbfnf" and expect anyone to understand that he is right now in a warehouse locked up in a room and is about to die.. okay Josh. Aiden by now probably has taught him what po-

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