#17 necklace like hands

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Delilah's pov:
He chuckled " My love, I'm not joking. I was thinking about getting a new house for a while, but the main reason why I wanted it on the beach was 1, because it's an amazing view. 2, because I knew you loved beaches. I could just imagine you running out on the beach with your bikin on " 

I started blushing. My face turned redder than a tomato and he just watched while smirking.
" have you found one yet?!?" He nodded

" I actually have had one in mind for a while but I wanted to get your opinion on it since you are apart of it now. "

I went and sat down on his lap then placed my head right at his neck while watching him on his MacBook scrolling through some random stuff.

I slowly start shutting my eyes, as he looked down on me and places a kiss on my forehead and pulled me tighter before putting his focus back on his Macbook.

I started shutting my eyes due to the comfort be gave me, till I heard something. I opened my eyes wildly and looked at Sebastian to see if he heard the same thing, but he only looked at me and gave me a worrier look " are you okay amore? That was very instant and quick of you" 

But I couldn't reply. Sebastian took me off of him lap and made me face him " love what's wrong " but tears started forming up and I wouldn't be able to say a word or the tears will drop.

" Delilah, my love can you please use your mouth and explain to me what happened so I can try fixing it for you? " and there it was. I couldn't hold in my tears much longer.

They started slowly falling down my face, drop by drop while Sebastian took his hand, placed it on the side of my face, then used his thumbs to wipe off my tears then stood up and allowed me to start crying while he hugged me and place him head on head.

He didn't know what was wrong, but still comforted me.

" I- I saw Devon. " I said. Sebastian sighed then placed his hand on top of my head " I'm sorry. I know I keep mentioning him and I really don't want to annoy you. I'm sorry for overreacting and acting a way I wa- "

He placed his lips on my lips as I was trying to talk then backed way " love. He has caused you trauma. Don't ever apologize for something you aren't able control okay? He's dead now. You killed him with the slowest death he could ever ask for and he deserved it. No guy should ever be able to do this to you, okay love? "

He started wiping away my tears then placed his head on top of my head again. " I love you and I know you know it. I have loved you since the very first day my love. " he looked at me, gave me a smile, then threw me over his shoulder and started running up the stairs.

Oh boy, this guy knows how to make me happy to the fullest. I don't think I can ever ask for better. He is the best you can ever get.

We reached up stairs and threw me on the bed then ran to the closet. I got out of bed to check what he was doing, but he wouldn't allow me in.. oh okay then.

I went, sat back down on the bed and grabbed the lighter out of the drawer. I started turning it on and off due to my boredom.

I can still feel my eyes burning due to my tears since I rarely cry, but what can I say? Bad bitches cry too.

Even your ancestors are probably crying because of you right now.. I mean what??

I started zoning out, as Sebastian opened the closet door harshly and threw me a black tight dress while he was already wearing his suit " amore, go get ready FAST. I have reserved a restaurant table for us. I wanted to take you on a cute date since I don't think I do enough to show you that I really love you "

I grabbed the dress instantly and started getting dressed " stop staring at me. You know, if you have a picture it would last longer. " he chuckled. " love, you are mine to look at every second of the day for my whole life. I don't need a picture if you are in-front of me 24/7 "

I rolled my eyes. I took off my shirt then threw it at his face " you like that huh? " he took off the shirt from his face " do that again and I'll show you what I like " he smirked and I blushed. God I hate blushing in front of him.

I continued dressing up as he continued staring at me. Atleast this is better than nothing. Some of you can't even get a man, I chuckled to the thought in my head (don't worry I can't get a man myself either💀)

" what are you laughing at? " Sebastian asked "I'm laughing at your big ass forehead you Oompa Loompa. " I laughed maybe a bit too loud.

" WaAaA, wAAaA" Ace started crying. " yea Sebastian you go get Ace. Everyone else is asleep except us. "

" anything for you my love " he surprisingly got up and hushed Ace as I was trying to get ready.

At the moment, me and Sebastian are treating Ace as if he's one of ours. As if he's our kid.

For some reason, it was taking Sebastian so long with Ace to the point where I was already done my makeup and had my dress on. I just need to find jewelry.

Sebastian barged in with Ace in his hand that had the clown hair in his head " I HAVE JEWELRY. I HAVE A NECKLACE FOR YOU TO WEAR." oh okay? Reading my mind much?

He got on his knees and gave me a box. " why are you on yours knees as if you were going to propose you dumbass " he chuckled " I wanted you to get nervous for a second. "

He passed me the box and I opened it. A group of Diamonds just flashed my eyes. I took it out of the box, and it's a mini chain that I get to wear as a necklace " this is so pretty whattt. I love it! "

" next time it'll be my hands instead of the necklace. " he smirked " anyways let's get out of here now and head to the restaurant before we get late."

We started walking out, till we realized we had Ace with us. Shit

I grabbed Ace out of Sebastian's arms and went to knock on Aiden's door, but he wouldn't reply, Whatever. I walked right in, just to see him listening to music on full blast using his AirPods. This guy is crazy, It's like 4am now. 

I went and threw Ace to Aiden, as Aiden jumped out of fear " what the fuck?! I though you were a stranger for a second. Knock next time"

" bitch I did knock but you are too deaf to hear"

" okay now why did you give me this little rude ass child that calls me a bitch every time I try talking to him? "

" bitch Kajdbh" ace said as I chuckled

" take care of him, We are going out. " and I walked out the door. I didn't want to hear any of Aiden's complaining.

Make sure to vote and comment! Till next time loves <33

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