#50 long lost parents?

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Sebastian's pov:
"Where is he?" I ask as I walk into the bar that Lero had sent me the location to.

"Right there" he pointed towards a door as we were seated with 2 shots right in-front of us.

"Anything else I can provide you hot looking men?"

"I have a wife. Piss off" I took the shot, slammed the glass down and walked off with Lero right behind me.

Walking towards the door Lero told me about. I noticed 2 guards right in front of it. One that's tall and skinny, while the other is short and chubby.

"Move back" the skinny, tall man said with his squeaky voice that was unexpected. He looks tuff but has a very annoying voice.

"I suggest you watch who you talk to like that. He will kill you within a second or so if he wanted to without a doubt" Lero spoke up.

"Now move out of MY way before I shoot a bullet through your brain" but he shook his head no.

I turned my head to Lero in a way of telling him "do something" so he did.

He started talking to them, distracting them both as I slowly moved closer to them and opened the door.

As soon as the door was opened, I pushed one guy in the room, and Lero pushed the other.

"Good work. Now it's death" he nodded and we both walked into the room with both of them laying dead in the floor.

Rule number 83 million which is a rule I might've already mentioned before: anyone that sees you kill some one has to be killed too.

I shut the door behind me, and looked at Lero. "Go shoot them both while I continue walking. Follow up after"

I started walking forward into the dark. I cannot see anything other than a wooden, old table with a dirty wooden chair in the middle of my path.

As I walk towards it, I see papers and papers of work and writing, but one specific one caught my eye.

- New installed
- Attack succeeded. Richard aka C
- New attacker coming soon.
- Dead by e-

That was written on a small index card with the letter C on the right side corner in red mixed with green.

Shitty combo. Could've done red and black instead.

The last note written looks like it hasn't been done writing. Like someone pulled him as he was writing.

I start looking through more of the papers now that I know this might be towards us.

Actually. I'll just take all the papers.

Quietly, I picked up the pile of papers, and shoved it into the side pockets of my suit.

For once they were actually useful. Had to fold some pieces of paper because they weren't fitting right. But who cares.

I continued walking, as I see a trail of blood and footsteps leading to somewhere.

What if this is a trap? It probably is but oh well.

I follow the trail of blood leading up to a door. How much longer till I just find him and get this over with? 

Hours? Probably

I put my head near the door to listen to any sounds coming from the other side, as someone comes up behind me and drops something.

I quickly get a hold on my gun and turn around aiming it just to see that it was Lero.

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