#27 against the world

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Sebastian's pov:

" if one thing fucking happens to her, I'm going to make sure this whole city falls apart except me and her "


"Use your got damn mouth and try telling me a sentence that I will understand. Yes I got the fact that she got kidnapped from more than 5 guys but that doesn't help find her in any way. So fucking useless  "

"Don't know " yea but you know what?

"Alright then, Get the fuck out of my office. I don't want you here just to tell me you 'don't know' " I yelled and pushed him out of the room.

I cannot deal with this. Not today and not any day.

Josiah got out the door and slammed it. "Slam it one more time, and I'll make sure to slam your girlfriend against the wall. " I yelled then cooled down

I sat back down on the chair taking in the fact that she's been kidnapped by multiple guys and I wasn't there to save or help her.

I mean what must be happening to her right now? What if she got raped-

I hate using the word rape. I have a very deep story that has to do with rape but I never tell a single soul and don't think I'm ready.. all I'm going to say is that boys can get raped too..

The anger started rushing through my blood as that throughly started running through my head. Fuck I cannot do this

I grabbed the chair that I was sitting on, and threw it across the room. It hit the shelf's and everything fell including glass. The only thing that didn't break what a picture frame with me and her in it. Of course it didn't break because me and her will never break. We will end up together no matter what.

Shes mine. End of discussion

Lord what has she done to me. She always is on my mind but that has never happened to me with another girl expect her.
Her.. she's different from the rest. She knows how to be herself and is confident in who she is and that's very attractive about her. Probably one of my favourite things about her..

Though I love every part of her, her strength and confidence gets me the most. The look of anger on her face while killing some one is very hot to the point where I'll get hard while she killing someone. Cant tell me that any girl will ever be able to compete with her.

No way will that ever happen.
It's me and Delilah against the world.

I took a second to take in how lucky I feel to have her. Having her is like having the whole planet to yourself.

I pulled out my phone to check if she has replied to any of my messages which I didn't expect any but she did read the message.

She left me on read.. I mean that totally didn't make me feel a way in my heart

I cant get too emotional about such a thing because she is kidnapped. Im not sure if she escaped or not, but I highly doubt it with the amount of guys around her.

You know what? I'm done. If my men can't find her, then I'll go find her myself.

I walked out of my office and straight into the car. I turned on the music, and the first thing that popped up was Uncomfortable by Chase Atlantic.. Seriously? I don't need anything that's going to remind me of her even more.

I turned off the music and started drive speeding. I want her now.

" FUCKKKK" I yelled out of anger while hitting the stirring wheel. How did I manage to let her leave? to let her go?

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