Blue woke you up a few times to eat during the night after your nightmare. You were pleased you didn't have another one. Bucky seemed intent to get up with you every time you had to feed Blue, and would get up to take him out for you instead, wanting you to stay in bed. By the time it was six thirty and Steve was at your door, you were still exhausted. You felt like you had spent half the night awake with the way Blue was hungry, but also because of your nightmare. You didn't even get up to answer the door this time. Bucky did.
"Morning" Steve looked at Bucky surprised.
"Morning Punk" Bucky yawned. "Its been a long night" he spoke gently.
"I heard" Steve nodded understandingly. "I need the bottles too" he took Blue from Bucky.
"I'll get them" Bucky nodded and grabbed a reusable bag and put the empty bottles in it.
"Did you want to go to the group meeting with the pups instead?" Steve offered.
"I think I'm going to stay with Y/N, she had a rough night" Bucky shook his head.
"Don't be late for breakfast" Steve reminded him. Bucky went back to the bed and got back into bed with you.
"You could have gone" you whispered to Bucky.
"You should be sleeping" Bucky pulled you in close.
"I'm too tired to sleep" you groaned.
"Come on doll, just try to sleep a little more. You have a big day in front of you" he whispered, putting his arm around you. You closed your eyes and nuzzled in. You heard a whine at the balcony door, and peeked your eye open.
"Awe, they are sleeping together" Melody cooed and you groaned.
"Did you have a bad night pup?" Cloud asked gently.
"Should we let them sleep?" Snow asked.
"I don't know, humans are weird" Jasper sighed.
"The pack is back" you sighed sitting up and going to open the door.
"Pup?" Cloud asked you as he came in.
"Nightmare" you spoke out loud for Bucky's benefit.
"Go back to bed" Cloud pushed his head against your legs once everyone was inside. You went over and laid back down with Bucky while the others jumped up on the bed.
"Good morning" Melody sang as she went and licked Bucky's face and you giggled as he chuckled.
"She said good morning" you repeated to him.
"Good morning Melody, we need more sleep" his voice was raspy.
"But it's a beautiful morning" Snow jumped on him, and Bucky let out a small groan.
"Shh... Y/N had a nightmare, she needs the sleep" Cloud admonished.
"Doll, just lay back" Bucky sighed as Snow got off of him again. You snuggled into him again and closed your eyes.

Bucky woke you up a while later, with only fifteen minutes to get ready for breakfast with a soft kiss on the lips. You looked at him and smiled brightly and held him a little tighter.
"We got to get up, you don't have long to get dressed. I let you sleep in" Bucky whispered to you.
"I'm getting up" you sighed, and leaned up to kiss him softly again.
"I'll come get you for breakfast" he slipped off the bed, and watched as you got out of bed. His eyes trailed up and down you again and he flushed a bit before giving you a flirty smile and headed to the balcony door. You immediately went to the bathroom to use the facilities and wash your face. You knew you had very limited time, so you just went into the closet and changed into a pair of dark blue leggings, a matching sports bra, and a white baggy t-shirt. As you were tying up your sneakers you heard your door open and smiled softly to yourself and came out to see Bucky standing by the balcony door.
"Just one more moment" you ran to the bedroom and brushed your hair and teeth. You put your hair into a ponytail and came back out and walked up to him with purpose. He grinned looking down at you, and you reached up on your tip toes and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "Thank you for taking care of me" you gave him a flirty smile.
"I should do it more often" he chuckled. "I get good morning kisses"
"You can have those anytime" you winked and took his hand. "Come on pack" you called and went to the bedroom door and opened it. The four wolves bolted out the door and headed to the kitchen while Bucky walked beside you with a grin on his face.

When you got to the table, you let go of Bucky's hand to hurry around the table and stood between Pietro and Peter and put your arms around both of them.
"I missed you two" you leaned over and kissed each of them on the cheek.
"We went to Aunt May's for the weekend to go to a party" Peter grinned.
"There was a lot of pretty girls" Pietro smiled happily.
"One of these days you should bring one of those pretty girls home" you ruffled his hair and he quickly fixed it.
"Not until I know she's the right one" Pietro shook his head.
"Welcome back" you smiled to Scott and Clint. "Were you ant-sy this weekend Scott?"
"No, I had a good weekend" he laughed a bit.
"How about you Clint?" you smiled at him happily.
"I am still past my kids on that game, so I have my bragging rights still. Thank goodness Laura keeps me updated on how far they are. They all loved the pies again, and asked if you could send some more, but I told them you have a lot of missions this week so they might have to wait for a bit" Clint smiled at you easily. "How was your weekend?"
"The very best" you grinned and sat back in your chair.
"I like the necklace, it's a good thing we aren't in the gym today or else you'd have to take it off" he smirked.
"Bucky bought it for me" you flushed. "Isn't it beautiful?" you gushed.
"It looks like a rose made of sapphires" he looked at it a little more closely.
"It is" Bucky shrugged. "It suited her"
"Its good that he's spoiling you" Clint smiled at Bucky then ruffled your hair.
"You'll have to come and hold Anastasia more often, she started talking" Nat announced proudly. "She had her first howl last night"
"I missed it?!" Clint seemed surprised. "I knew I should have left earlier" he grumbled. "What were her first words?"
"Mommy" Bruce smiled happily.
"She's going to be a mommy's girl huh?" Clint chuckled and passed down the food for you. You filled your plate and passed it to Pietro.
"I hope so" Nat cooed down to Anastasia. You looked over and saw that Vision was holding two pups and Blue carefully while everyone else ate.
"Vision, did you want me to take Blue?" you offered gently.
"No, I'm enjoying this" he smiled over easily.
"You ready for offensive training today?" Tony looked over expectantly.
"Yes, I'm excited to see the new program you installed" you nodded enthusiastically.
"We are only doing it for half the day. I want to test out the helmet" Tony warned you.
"Okay, whatever works" you shrugged.
"Are you coming to see us tonight now that its safe Princessa?" Pietro asked excitedly.
"Of course, I miss coming to see you boys" you grinned.
"Can I come?" Bucky asked quickly.
"Of course Bucky" you blushed a little bit. "I need someone to watch Blue though" you bit your bottom lip.
"I've got him" Clint looked to you. "You're only gone an hour or so" he shrugged. "Then we can hang out in the living room after you get back. You need to go to bed early tonight, we have a mission tomorrow morning and the rest of the week"
"I didn't forget" you smiled and finished your breakfast. You went and put the dishes in the sink.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now