Chapter 77: Emergency surgery

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It was 2am in the morning when Maya was rushing to the hospital.

She had the night to look after her other children, the twins and her daughter.

She was sleeping when she got the call, and when she heard the twins screaming due to the noise of her phone.

She had to ring anyone from the station to come and watch the twins, luckily jack was off duty and came as soon as he heard.

Here she was, stood outside Grey-Sloan, drowning in the heavy rain, trying to calm herself down before she went inside.

Her hair was dripping wet and her hands were shaking, she doesn't know what from, it's either the nerves, or the freezing cold.

She rushed into the hospital after telling herself everything would be fine and made her way up to Jamie's floor.

She knew it off by heart now, you had to when your kid was living here, it became your home too.

She saw Carina stood outside of Jamie's room, her hands covering her face, and her body trembling.

"Babe" Carina spun on her head at the sound of Mayas voice.

"Bambini" Maya could immediately tell from the state of her wife's eyes that she had been crying, they were red roar and her face was puffy.

"What happened?" Maya tried to peak into Jamie's room to see him, and to see if her was ok, but he was covered by doctors.

The door was shut also so they couldn't hear what was going on.

"He just started seizing, out of nowhere, he was fine and talking and then..." she broke down again, Maya opened her arms for her wife and enveloped her in a much needed hug, for both of them.

"He's gone through a lot, too much, he'll make it" he had to, Maya thought, he didn't go through hell with cancer just to die.

Jamie was a fighter, he had to be ok.

She didn't reply, she just let Maya hold her there outside his room whilst the doctors worked on their son.

It had been an hour now, they had decided to sit down on the the chairs places in the corridor outside Jamie's room.

Maya stood when she sore a doctor making their way towards them, a familiar doctor.

"Maya, Carina" she nodded her head at both women, as Carina stood to join her wife, her hands interlocking with pale skin.

"He has been taken in for emergency surgery, we think that the seizure was some sort of sign, a sign that the cancer has stopped spreading and can be removed, it's the brains way of telling us that perhaps this could be it" Maya can hear the sudden breath of relief from her wife, her hand squeezing hers.

"How sure are you?" Maya on the other hand didn't want her hopes to be broken, she had to make sure the doctor was certain.

"There's a 50-50 chance" Maya is not putting her hopes on a 50-50 chance.

"Thank you" the doctor took the hint and left the couple alone as she walked back down the corridor.

"This is good, no?" Carina could sense the uncertainty radiating from her wife, and she wasn't quite sure why.

"It is good, it's amazing, but I don't want to get my hopes up, she said there's a 50-50 chance, I'm not going to put all of my hopes on him being cancer free on a 50-50 chance" Carina understood why Maya was struggling to trust the words the doctor had told them.

They had been doing this for a while now, and they'd been getting bad news after bad news, she understood why it was hard for her to peg all of her hopes on their son being cancer free just like that, it seemed too good to be true.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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