Chapter 33: Wedding planning

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Both POV:

"Baby try this" Maya said to her fiancé as she took a forkful of cake from the plate and fed it to the brunette. "Mmmmmm what one is that?" She asked loving that cake the most, "red velvet" she replied smiling at her adorable reactions. "I want that one" she said grabbing more with her finger, "Ok red velvet it is" she replied writing it down in her wedding planner. "Jamie have some?" The brunette asked as she held a spoonful of the cake for her son to try, he nodded his head sitting up on the bed. "Yummy momma" he replied after Carina fed him the cake, "more" he said whilst grabbing a handful of the cake with his hand and bringing it up to his face. "Buddy" Maya laughed as she watched her son stuff the cake into his mouth. "Alright bambino that's enough" the brunette said also giggling over his adorable actions. "Plans for today?" Maya asked as she grabbed the plates from the bed and made her way into the kitchen, "I was thinking about sending some invitations out, take Jamie to the park, a chill day" she said as she also got off of the bed and followed the blonde into the kitchen carrying Jamie on her hip. "park momma?" Jamie asked his eyes lighting up at hearing it, "Si bambino" she replied as she kissed his cheek before placing him down on the couch. "what about you Bella? what have you got planned for today?" the brunette asked. "Well my mum wanted to meet for brunch" she replied her face frowning slightly at the thought of meeting up with her mother, she loved the woman she really did, but the blonde didn't really have a bond with the older woman. "ahhhh Bambina it will be good Si" she replied making her way over to her fiancé, wrapping her arms around her waist and resting her chin on the blondes head. "yea I know its a good thing but I'm also dreading it" she said her voice slightly muffled due to her face being snuggled into the brunettes neck. "Si and you also want your mother to come to the wedding Bella if my mama were still here she'd be on the next flight out" she said sighing at the memory of her mother. "ok baby I'll go and pretend just for you" she replied leaning away from the Italians neck so she could hold the brunettes cheeks in her hands, "your mother would be so proud my gorgeous girl" she said wiping away the stray tear that slipped from her cheek. "I assume your papa isn't coming?" Maya asked after a couple seconds of silence. "Si no way in hell, Andrea will be walking me down the isle" she said before placing a soft kiss to the blondes forehead.

Maya's POV:

"Hey mom" Maya said as she made her way over to their table and pulled out her chair so she could take a seat. "Maya my sweetheart how are you?" she asked as she called the waitress over to place their order, "I've been good, and yourself?" she asked wanting to know how she's been since her father was put into prison and the divorce. "I've been much better my dear... I don't have to fear anymore" she said sighing finally feeling free, "thats good, I could say the same" she replied smiling softly at her mom. After they placed their order and both started to eat, leaving both women in an awkward silence Maya began to talk "so... I've been meaning to tell you something" she said placing her sandwich down on her plate. "go on" the older woman replied, becoming intrigued, "well, Carina she kind of proposed and I was wondering if you could come... to walk me down the isle" she said watching as her mother clasped both hands over her mouth in excitement. "Well...?" she asked waiting patiently for an answer, "of course oh my Maya I'm so happy for you sweetheart" she replied holding her arms out and standing up so she could hug her daughter. The blonde reciprocated the gesture and hugged her mother, "its a shame Mason couldn't be there and walk you, he'd be so proud, he always loved having a gay sister" she said moving away from the blonde and taking her seat again, making both of them giggle at her statement. "I know... I do miss him, all the time... its hard because I have little Jamie, its basically a constant reminder" she said missing her brother more in times like this. "oh hunny.... you know he's watching over us all" she replied smiling softly at her daughter. "he's your number one fan"

This is a short chapter, I'm not meant to be on my computer right now... I'm kind of grounded.

but I hope you enjoyed :)

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