Chapter 36: Bones can be fixed

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Carina's POV:

It was a normal day for the brunette so far, signing papers and doing her rounds with the interns, a few surgeries now and then, but not too hectic, she was only at work for a few days of the week given how heavily pregnant she was. "Hey Carina" she heard Amelia say as she turned around to be greeted with the brunette and the blonde, "hey Amelia Ciao Teddy" she said hugging both women before leaning away and making her way down the corridor with the two women following. "We have something that you might wanna take a look at" Amelia told her friend knowing that she was going to flip when she found out who the patient was. "Let me see" she said before taking the chart from the brunette and scanning through the details, "6 year old boy broken arm... what's the issue here?" She asked not really understanding what they needed help with, "it's ummm... Jamie" the blonde said placing her hand on the Italians shoulder trying to sooth her. "Jamie! Oh god who did this to him?" She asked starting to get angry at the bully's at Jamie's school, "he said he got pushed over and fell awkwardly on his arm" Amelia explained taking the chart back from Carina. "Where is he? Did he want me?" She asked knowing Jamie can be very clingy when in distress, "he asked for you yes, that's one of the reasons we came and got you" she told her. "Ahhh Sì ok well let's go down now" she said not wanting to spend another seconds from her son, "do you want me to call Maya?" The blonde asked not knowing if she wanted some support and for Maya to be there, "Sì yes please Teddy" she replied smiling at her friend before she went off to take the call. When they made their way into the kids unit, Carina found Jamie's door and opened it straight away. "Bambino! What happened?" She asked making her way over to her son being bandaged and casted up, "I got pushed mama" he replied looking down at his hand and wincing slightly when his arm got moved a little to roughly. "Does it hurt?" The brunette asked not wanting him to be in pain, "a little" he nodded wincing again when the nurse moved his arm into a different position. "Can we get him some pain meds?" She asked the nurse, thankfully receiving a nod of the head before she got up to retrieve the medicine.

Both POV:

"Jamie buddy what happened?" She asked receiving the news from Teddy and getting to the hospital as soon as she could. "Pushed" he replied sighing at all the questions, "i know it's tough to talk about bambino but he shouldn't have down that" the brunette said, moving her hand up to his cheek and stroking it softly, "I know I'm sorry" he replied leaning in further to his mother's warm touch, "you don't have to be sorry sweetie" Maya replied knowing the young boy was probably tired and needed a nap. "Alright all done here" the nurse told them, "ahhh great ok let's get you home bubs" Maya told him grabbing his back pack from the floor and swinging it over her shoulder, "up you get" she said leaning down to swoop her son up into her arms. As soon as he was in close contact with his mother he nuzzled his head into the crook of the blondes neck, "thank you" Carina said to the nurse before following the blonde out of the examining room. When they arrived back at their house after picking Lexie up, Maya made her way towards the young boys room to put him to bed, hearing little snores coming from his mouth, "I'll sort him out" the blonde whispered before making her way into his room. "Ok Bambina you're going to have to be nice to your big brother Sì" she said knowing Lexie can be a bit much sometimes, "ok mama" she replied smiling up at her mother, "good girl Bella" she said moving her hand to sweep away some of the blonde curls surrounding her daughter's beautiful face.


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