Chapter 42: Uncle Andrew

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"Lexie sweetheart uncle Andrew will be here soon tidy up your toys" she said as she packed lunches for both children, making sure they were good for food, but knowing Andrew would probably spoil them. "Maya Bella make sure Jamie has his asthma pump" she heard Carina shout down the corridor, "got it my love" she replied double checking just in case she forgot. "Done mommy" Lexie said as she walked into the living room, "good girl" Maya responded proud of her daughter for listening. "Mom!" She heard Jamie shout, making her way to her sons room, "what's up bud?" She asked worried he hurt himself, "I can't find my glasses" he said hands out in front of him, not being able to see as well without them. "Oh no ummm..." she said scanning the room for the glasses, "oh Jamie" she giggled seeing his glasses on his desk, "silly" she said as she placed the glasses on her sons head, "there" she said before leaning down to place a soft kiss to his forehead, "thanks mom" he replied smiling up at the blonde.
"Maya he's here" the brunette shouted as she opened the door to let her brother in, "Andrea hi" she said leaning in to hug her brother, "hi Carina" he said smiling back at his sister, "where are my little guys?" He asked not seeing them anywhere that was until Lexie knew he arrived, "UNCLE ANDREW" they heard Lexie exclaim as she came running from the living room and right into the mans arms, "Lex" he said before grabbing her in his arms lifting her up in the air, "how are you my gorgeous Bambina" he said before placing her on his hip looking down at her. "Good, wanna see the twins?" She asked knowing Andrea hasn't seen them yet, "ooo yes please" he replied placing Lexie back on the floor before following her to the nursery, "here" Lexie pointed, "woah they're gorgeous" Andrew said in awe of the two baby's, "they really look like your Mama" he said smiling at their noses being exactly like the brunettes. "Mhm" Lexie nodded. "Ok time to go Lex, Jamie is ready" she heard her mother call, "let's go" Lexie said grabbing her uncles hand pulling him back into the hallway, "Hey little man" Andrew said fist bumping Jamie like they always did, "hey uncle Andrew" Jamie replied letting the older man ruffle his hair with his hands making him giggle. "You guys ready to go?" He asked making sure they had everything, "yup they're all set" Maya said thinking they had everything, "wait... blanky" the small girl exclaimed not being able to sleep without her blanket, they watched as she ran into her room retrieved the blanket and then ran back out, "right now they're ready" Maya said laughing at her daughter. "Bye Bella" Carina said as she leaned down to place a kiss to the blondes forehead, "bye mama, bye mommy" Lexie said as she latched onto the blondes leg and then switched to the Italians, "bye bambino" Carina said as she kissed her sons cheek as Maya hugged him. "They're only going for one night jeez" Andrew said laughing at the women, "yes but that's too long" Carina groaned. Both women watched as the door shut, "well well well..." Maya said staring at her girlfriend cheekily, as she saw an empty house, well apart from the twins but they were asleep, "an empty house" the blonde continued as she made her way closer to the Italian and wrapped her arms around her wife. "Mmmmm... whatever could we do?" Carina asked pretending to think of something they could do, "I want to do you" Maya said being straight forward like she normally was, "go on then what's stopping you?" The brunette asked knowing that was a dangerous game to play with her wife. Before she knew what was happening she was being lifted and whisked away into their bedroom.

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