Chapter 34: The big day

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Maya's POV:

"Maya come on you haven't got long until you need to get out there" Andy said through the bathroom door of the church they were currently at. "I'm coming calm down" she replied taking a deep breath nervous for the next thing that was about to happen, but also exited and happy for the future she was about to have with the brunette. After she finished in the bathroom she opened the door to be greeted by her best friend and her mother, "oh Maya" her mother gasped covering her face with her hands, in awe of her daughter. "Really you like the suit?" She asked running her hands down her pastel pink suit brushing away the creases. "You look gorgeous" Andy replied walking over to her friend and pulling her into a tight hug, "you ready?" The brunette asked, "as ready as I'll ever be" the blonde replied, "ok then let's get you married" the brunette said as she grabbed her hand squeezing it lightly.

Carina's POV:

"Ok buddy here's mama" Andrea said whilst he handed the little boy over to his mother,
"bambino hi!" She said as she held her son on her hip stroking his cheek softly "you look so handsome" she said making Jamie smile, "you pretty mama" he replied. "You look stunning Carina Mama would be so proud" Andrea told her walking over to his sister and pulling her in a tight embrace, "I love you" he said leaning back and stroking a stray tear from the brunettes cheek. "Ahhh don't make me cry" she said releasing a shaky breath not wanting to smudge her makeup. "Ok... I'm ready let's do this" she said taking one last deep breath before following Andrea out into the church.

Both POV:

Carina was already at the alter, it wouldn't be long until Maya came to join them. Before she new what was happening the music started to play, she watched Jamie walk down the isle as the flower girl, yes stereotypically that shouldn't happen, but the little boy wanted to do it and well since when was marrying the same gender sticking to the stereotypes anyway. She watched as Jamie sprinkled the flowers everywhere smiling at people all around him, once he got to the end and ran out of flowers he wasn't quite sure what to do. "No more flowers mama" he said walking back to pick the flowers up again earning giggles from the audience, "ahh ah bambino it's ok you run out at some point" she giggled grabbing his little hand and walking him back up to the alter making him stand next to Andrea. After a few minutes of the music playing she turned around to be greeted with her favourite person, everyone was in awe of the woman making her way down the isle, I mean who wouldn't be she was beautiful and all hers. She continued to watch the blonde walk down the isle her mother holding onto her arm linking them together, she raked her eyes up and down her body totally in a loss of words on how to describe what she was feeling. Carina looked amazing, stunning, gorgeous any word you could use to describe it, when she finished walking down the isle and kissed her mother on the cheek to dismiss her back to her seat, she stood next to the brunette smiling at her gorgeous soon to be wife.  "You look amazing" the blonde whispered leaving a soft kiss to her cheek as she leaned away, the Italian smiled back at her and then turned to face the priest as he began to speak. "Dearly beloved we are here today to celebrate the wedding of Maya and Carina" he said pointing to both women. "Ok Would you both like to share vows?" He asked. "Sì Sì" carina nodded as she turned around and interlocked her fingers with the blondes, "Maya.... ever since I met you, you have made me better... a better person, a better mother, sister, you help me to be stronger. I remember when we went to the family park you always make sure we go to for a picnic, to spend time together. I remember looking at you whilst you pushed Jamie on the swings, played with him laughed with him... that's the moment I knew you were the right woman for me. I'm thankful everyday for you and for little Jamie, every time you go fight fires we make sure to say I love you, just in case one day you don't come home to me, I want you to always know that my love for you is infinite. Maya Bishop I want to spend the rest of my life with you, have my children, grow old with you." She said sniffling at her own words, and also seeing the blonde start to tear up. "Carina my gorgeous strong girl, you've made me so brave... before you I was hopeless I slept around, I didn't look after my self, my dad was abusive I found it difficult to deal with that. However when you came in my life it's like my whole world changed for the better. Every morning when I turn around and see you next to me and sometimes Jamie if you brought him in, I'd sit there and stare at you... not in a creepy way of course. I'm so lucky to have you I want to build a life with you, a home a family. I will always be your shoulder to cry on, your person to talk to, bitch to... and I am glad to be calling you my wife" she finished leaning in to place a kiss to the brunettes forehead. "Ok the rings please" the priest continued holding his hand out for Andrea to place the rings into his hand. "Carina do you take Maya Bishop to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked as he handed the ring to carina,
"I do" she replied as she slipped the ring onto the blondes finger. "Maya do you take Carina Deluca to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked as he handed the other ring to the blonde, "I do" she replied smiling at the brunette as she too slipped the ring onto her finger. "I now pronounce you wife and wife... you may now kiss the bride" he said. Maya didn't hesitate to lean in and passionately kiss her wife, holding her hands to her face pouring all of her emotions into the kiss. After they pulled away they both looked at each other "I love you Bella" Carina whispered stroking the blondes jaw with her thumb and index finger.

"Carina take some" the blonde said as she held out her hand filled with red velvet cake, "feed me Bella" the brunette said in a low voice being turned on at her wife feeding her. Maya placed her hand to the Italians moth feeding her the cake, "is it good?" The blonde asked as she watched the brunette lick and eat the cake out of her hands, "mmmmm so good" the brunette moaned happy they chose this cake. "Bambino try some" Carina said lifting her son up to rest him on her hip, and leaning forward so he could take a bite out of the cake smothering his face in the cake, "yummy?" She asked giggling at the small boy munching into the cake, "woah breath buddy" Maya said giggling at her son almost marrying himself in the cake. "Maya the car is here" her mother told her, they had booked a flight to go to Hawaii they also wanted Jamie to come along with them, they were their own little family and Jamie was part of it. "Ok you guys ready?" She asked the two stood next to her but mainly talking to Carina, "let's go Bella, let me just say goodbye to Andrea first " she told her before handing Jamie over to the blonde and walking over to her brother. After they had said their farewells the three were in the limo exited for their trip to Hawaii.

Hope you guys enjoyed :)

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