Chapter 12: The morning after

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⚠️mentions of abuse and stabbing⚠️

Maya's POV:

Maya had a wonderful first night with Carina, I mean wonderful was a bit of an understatement but it was indescribable, perfect, any word to describe how amazing it was, she'd use it. But the blonde was kind of regretting having the brunette wake up in her bed, you see the thing is... Maya had nightmares every time, they normally woke her up at about 5:00 but she wasn't having them as much lately with Jamie waking her up at 4:00 almost everyday, but with the little boy being at Jack's for the night he wasn't here to wake her, right when she needed him too. Sound asleep Maya dreamed of her father... the man that had the label but really didn't deserve to be called it. He was there standing opposite her with a very sharp knife, making the blonde back up to the nearest wall, but he followed. Giving her a look of pure evil as he made one quick slash to her stomach . This made the blonde wide awake as she sat up and gasped for air.

Carina's POV:

You know when you go to a candy shop and you get to try all of these new candy's, having the first taste of each one and loving the taste of something new, and becoming addicted...
Well Maya was her candy she couldn't get enough of the blonde, they had gone about 3 rounds last night, alternating between who got the pleasure, even though it was enough for the brunette to watch her girlfriend come undone. As Carina was asleep happily content she heard heavy breathing, and the sounds of quiet whimpers, she slowly opened her eyes, adjusting them to the bright light that leaked through the windows. She looked next to her to see Maya's space empty in the bed, making her frown, but what made her frown even more was what she saw next.
The blonde was sat up with her arms supporting her, as soft whimpers escaped her soft lips.

Both POV:

She tried not to cry too loudly to not wake the brunette up, but she couldn't help letting the tears fall, as she tried to take deep breaths but not being able to catch it. All of a sudden she felt a pair of warm hands wrap around her pulling her so she was cuddling with the Italian. "Shhhh Bambina it's ok I've got you" Carina whispered soothingly into the young girls ear kissing her cheek softly and nuzzling her head in the crook of her neck, "Bella I'm here your ok, try and breath for me" she told the blonde trying to get her to calm down. "Bella look at me" she instructed forcing her face so it was facing the brunettes. "That's it look at me, copy what I do ok" she told her as she started to slowly breath in and out, Maya obeyed the older woman and started to breath in and out slowly, starting to get her breathing back to a steady rate. "Good girl" she heard carina say as she kissed her cheek again and started to place kisses all over her shoulders. As the blonde calmed down she took one more breath before laying back in the bed, "sorry about that I didn't think this part through" she told the brunette feeling slightly embarrassed that she had watched her have another panic attack about her father. "What part Bella?" The Italian asked burrowing her eyebrows together in confusion, "this part, me panicking over my father" she stated. "What did he do Bella?" She asked wondering what she was getting at. "I Umm... have nightmares, they come and go now because Jamie's here but I used to get them all the time, I think that's one of the reasons I've been left in the past..." she told the brunette as her eyes started to water again. Hearing the words her girlfriend had just said broke her heart, she couldn't even imagine leaving the blonde next to her, even though it had only been not even a month she had already planned to be with her for a long time " baby... come here" she told the younger woman as she also laid back and opened her arms for the blonde to crawl into. Maya quickly snuggled into the warm embrace of her girlfriend sighing contently as she nuzzled her face in the Italians neck breathing her in. "I'm not going anywhere Maya, every morning when you wake up I'll be here, unless I have to be at the hospital then I won't be but I'll leave a note... and Bella I hate him, I hate him for what he's done to you, trust me I know where your coming from and I will never judge you for something you can't control" she finished playing with the blondes hair stroking her scalp softly whilst her other arm ran up and down the soft skin of her back. "Mhm" she replied not trusting her voice to speak, and kind of falling asleep whilst her girlfriend massaged her scalp. "Are you tired sweetie?" She asked sensing that Maya was falling asleep as she stroked her hair, "mhm" she heard her say, " ok Bella go to sleep, I'll wake you up in a few hours" she told her kissing her forehead softly. "Ok, Carina..." "yes Bella?" She asked, "thank you" she said wanting to thank her for not leaving her. "What for Bambina?" She asked not really understanding what the blonde was thanking her for, "for not leaving me" she heard her say, this made Carina's eyes water slightly as she kissed her head again, "you don't have to thank me for that baby I wanted to stay" she told her before letting the younger woman drift off to sleep.

Authors note:

I enjoyed writing this chapter only for the factor of Carina supporting her, and being their for her. I found it really sweet and cute ☺️

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