Chapter 57: Breathing is a blessing

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Both POV:

"Hey sleepyhead" Maya said watching as Jamie slowly opened his eyes adjusting to the light welcoming him.

"Mhm" he grumbled still having a dry throat, they had tried to get his fluids up and make him try and drink something, but he wasn't having it.

"So I was thinking... maybe let's try and take a walk around the hospital today?" She asked watching as a small smile started to make its way onto his face.

"Mhm" he nodded liking the sound of that.

"Maybe we could see Isabel?" She asked making his smile grow bigger at the mention of the little girls name.

Maya got another nod telling her yes.

"Right then let me go get your mama and then we can try walking" she told him before leaving the room to retrieve the brunette.

"Sweetheart" Maya breathed as she wrapped her arms around her wife, leaning up so she could place a kiss to her ear.

"Mm, what's wrong?" She asked loving warm embrace and the contact from the blonde.

She was currently stood up against the nurses station signing a few forms when she felt the warm embrace of her wife.

"Jamie wants to try and walk" she explained watching as the Italian turned around, a smile forming on her face at the news.

"He does?" She asked a little surprised at hearing this

"yea I asked, and he seemed happy about the idea, I thought he might as well be moving about if he hasn't got long left" Maya said, making the brunette frown, she knew it was true, but she didn't want to admit it.

Her baby was dying and she had to face it sooner or later, but for now she just wanted to make her little boy happy.

"Sì ok I'll be in any second I just need to finish filling these out" Carina told her as she placed a soft kiss to her lips, stroking her thumb over the blondes bottom lip.

Maya smiled at her wife and made her way back to Jamie, seeing he had already attempted to get up.

"Woah woah woah" Maya said quickly making her way over to the eager boy.

"Buddy you have to slow down you haven't walked in months" she explained lowering her voice so she didn't seem mad.

"But I want to get up" he whined being fed up of the hospital, the room, the food, everything. He just wanted to feel normal again.

"Ok ok just hold on, your mama is coming any second" she told him, placing her hand on his arm, supporting him so he didn't fall.

"Hi Bella... sorry bambino" the brunette said as she walked into their room being a little longer than expected.

"Walk" was all he said as he attempted to start walking, but his mother's grip on his arm stilled him.

"Wait let me help you sweetheart" Maya said wanting Jamie to go a little slower

"look I know this sucks, but you haven't stood up in months it's going to be hard" she added as she looked at her wife for help.

"Sì bambino listen to mommy" she said watching as Jamie closed his eyes taking a deep breath before opening them again

"I'm ready" he said after a minute of silence.

"Ok then let's do this" Maya said as she grabbed Jamie's left arm and Carina held onto his right one.

They both hoisted him up off the bed so he was standing, a thing he hadn't done in so long.

"Woah" he said feeling a little dizzy

"you alright?" Maya asked, taking a second to check he was ok before they continued. "Yea" he replied closing his eyes and taking another deep breath. "Right ready?" Carina asked, receiving a nod from Jamie making both women start walking again.

"You alright?" Maya asked, as they made their way to the door stopping for a moment so Jamie could take a breath.

It was an awkward angle for both women due to the machine that was attached to their son, but they managed.

"Hey wow bud look at you!" They heard a familiar voice say, looking up to see uncle Andrew.

"I'm walking" Jamie said, a small smile on his face as they slowly but surly made their way down the hallway.

"I can see that, well done buddy" Andrew praised feeling really excited for his nephew, such an easy task, that for Jamie was so difficult due to his condition, but yet still making him happy.

"Can we see Isobel?" Jamie asked, as he looked up at the blonde waiting for an answer

"of course sweetheart" Maya replied smiling at her son before they made their way down the rest of the hallway to Isobel's room.

"Right knock bambino" Carina told him, not wanting to be rude and just walk in.

Jamie placed his hand on the door knob and slowly opened the door "here" Maya said as she grabbed the door handle to help her son.

"Jamie!" Isobel said instantly smiling at the little boys presence "hi!" He replied also lighting up when he was around the little girl.

"Hey captain Bishop, Dr Deluca" Isobel's mom said as she shook both ladies hands

"oh call me Maya, this is my wife Carina" Maya said as she shook the woman's hand.

"Ahhh well then I'm Alice and that's my husband Phill" she replied pointing to her husband sat over next to Isobel.

"Come sit" Isobel said as she tapped the spot next to her on the bed

"mommy am I allowed?" He asked not knowing if he was allowed to sit with her or not.

"Of course baby just be carful with your wires" Carina replied knowing it was easy to get them tangled up at times.

Jamie used his hands to attempt to push himself up but it wasn't working, he was too weak. "Here bud" Phill said as he made his way around the bed so he could lift Jamie up and place him next to his daughter "thank you sir" he said receiving a small smile from the man before he sat back down.

About an hour later both children were still sat together on the hospital bed, watching a cartoon on Tv. "right bud we should go back to our room now" Maya said as she checked the time on the clock and realised it was getting quite late knowing they had to be back to their room for his checkup. "I don't wanna" he replied a frown forming on his face as he heard what his mother said.

"Baby you can come back another day" she added, she hated it when Jamie was upset especially if she was the cause of his sadness. "Come on bambino say goodbye" Carina said trying to help Maya out "ok.... bye Izzy" he said smiling at the girl before letting his mother lift him off the bed and onto the floor. "Bye bye Jamie" she replied waving to the boy as he left the hospital room.


Again thank you sm for 30k

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