Chapter 28: Going to Africa

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Carina's POV:

It was a Friday evening at the Hospital, she was tried worn out and had enough surgeries for one day. As she started to make her way over to the attending lounge, she was stopped by a very chirpy woman next to her, "Hi Carina!" She squealed making the brunette wince, intensifying her headache. "Ciao?" She said confused as to what she wanted, "have you heard about the program?" The redhead asked walking with the Italian. "Oh Sì to Africa right to take care of the children?" She asked opening the door and making her way inside. "Yes yes! Are you going?" She asked excitement evident in her voice, "well it sounds like an amazing opportunity, I'll have to talk to my girlfriend first though" she responded opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water. "Ahhh ok well it would be lovely if you were there" she said politely before excusing herself. Carina did want to go, it was an amazing thing to have the chance to do, but whenever she thought about it she also thought about Maya and sweet little Jamie. What if he forgot about her? It was stupid to think but she still thought it. Once she had finished beating herself up in her head and drank her water whilst getting changed, she made her way home.

Both POV:

"Ciao Bella" the brunette said walking into the apartment to see Maya on the floor and Jamie resting on her two feet, in an airplane position. "Hi sweetie, who's that Jamie?" The blonde asked seeing the little boy bounce and his face immediately lighting up when he saw the brunette. "Maaaaama!" He squealed hopping down from Maya's feet and running over to the Italian "Hi my baby boy" she said picking him up and spinning him round. Some people might think it was a little soon for her to be in a relationship and have a little boy, but she loved it she couldn't wait to build more fantastic memories with this little guy and of course her beautiful blonde as well. "Tell Mama what happened at Day care today bubs" the blonde said knowing he was exited to tell her. "Me get icker" she said pointing to his T-shirt with the sticker on his chest. "Woahhh you got a sticker?" She asked proud but confused for what he got it for, "yes me good boy" he added smiling cheekily as Carina softly tickled his stomach. "You are a good boy, now let me go say hi to your other mommy" she smiled as she placed him down on the floor and made her way over to the blonde. "Hi baby" she said leaning down to kiss her girlfriend softly on the lips. "Hmmmm I missed you" she said pushing away a strand of brown hair hanging from her face. "Any good calls today?" The Italian asked as she stood up straight and made her way back over to the door to hang her coat up and place her shoes neatly by the door. "Yes actually 3 alarm" the blonde replied, not wanting to tell her about her wrist and arm being sprained since it was only her first week back at work, covering it under her jumper, because little did Carina know that she knew all about Africa and actually already booked for her to go. "Oh no how did that go?" She asked scared but relieved for her girlfriend being home and safe. "It was good, nothing really come sit down for a minute" she said using her good arm to call her over with her fingers. "I had such a rough day Bella" she sighed plopping down onto the couch whilst the blonde struggled to get up. "Hmmm two seconds and then you can tell me all about it" she responded. The brunette watched her girlfriend struggle to get up on the couch from the floor, that's not a hard task? She thought wondering why she was struggling so much. "Bambina... what did you do?" She asked suddenly realising that 3 alarm fire must have affected the blonde in some way, "what? Me I'm fine" she said finally being able to push her self up and sit onto the couch next to Carina. It wasn't until she was sat next to her that the brunette realised her left arm was inside her jumper, "Maya take your arm out" she told the woman, knowing that must be the main cause. "Baby I'm fine trust me" she said kissing the brunettes cheek softly, "nope arm let me see it" she said again waiting to see what was wrong. "Ughhh fine but don't get worried it's only a little sprain" she told the Italian knowing their was no escaping this. Maya slowly lifted her jumper over her heart ad to in-fact reveal a sprained arm and wrist in a sling. "Baby! What did you do?" The brunette asked knowing her girlfriend always had to risk her life for some more and meone. "Look I'm good ok but this is not what I wanted to talk about" she said looking her girlfriend in her eyes, "then what is it?" The brunette asked starting to worry. "Ok so, Africa..." the blonde told her watching the Italians face drop slightly at the topic, "look Maya I want to go but I don't want to leave you and Jamie and now with you in a sling I can't go" she sighed stroking the Injured arm. "Hunny you don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine I promise I'll have people to help me with Jamie I've already planned it... and as for Africa you're going, I've kinda already booked it..." she said smiling at her girlfriends reaction. " Maya..." she gasped loving her girlfriend so much, "how did I get so lucky hmmm?" She asked leaning in slightly to nuzzle their noses together. "I know right what would you do without me" the blonde teased so happy she could do this for her girlfriend. "Sweetheart you do realise I'll be gone for 2 weeks?" She asked making sure she really was going to be ok, "yes baby I know... and I'll miss you but I love knowing that your helping all of those kids out there and giving someone another day" she replied kissing the brunette softly on the lips. "What if he forgets me?" Carina suddenly asked really not wanting to leave the little boy, "baby don't worry about that he loves you so much, and when you can we will call you" she finished stroking the soft skin of her girlfriends cheeks. "Your sure?" Carina asked just making sure she was positive, "my love... I'm certain, I'll still be here when you get back".

Authors notes:

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