Chapter 9: being sick sucks

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Maya's POV:

Sleep. Maya loved it, whenever she was at the station she took any opportunity she could to get a few hours sleep before her shift. Now that she had to take care of a young boy she slept less, waking up at about 4:00 in the morning to a crying toddler could get exhausting after a while. It was currently 4:00 on the dot, the sounds of Jamie's cries filled her small apartment. Lifting her legs off the bed putting on her slippers and making her were into Jamie's room. She saw the boy standing up gripping onto the wooden bars of his crib. "Shhh it's alright buddy I'm here" she whispered trying to sooth the small boy. She picked him up and put his head to her chest so he could feel her heartbeat, another thing she noticed that soothed the boy. After his cries stopped the blonde made her way into the kitchen to make the boy curled up in her arms a bottle of milk. She poured some of the liquid onto her arm so she could check the temperature, before giving it to the toddler and making her way over to the couch turning the Tv on. As she laid on the sofa with Jamie curled up making suckling noises with the bottle, she felt heat radiating from the small frame in her arms, "your quite hot bud" she said bringing her hand up to his head. "Woah your really hot" she stated lifting up his pyjama top and checking his back, being just as hot as his head. Maya stood up with the child still in her arms and made her way over to the kitchen opening the drawers in search for the thermometer. "Ah found it" she said grabbing the object and bringing it to the child's forehead. "38 woah buddy that's high" the blonde stated as she placed the object back down and made her way into her bedroom so she could give Carina a call, the best thing about knowing an OB is that you can get extra help with a child. The phone rang for a couple minutes before she heard the Italians beautiful voice on the other end. "Sì Maya what's up? Bella it's really early" she heard the brunette ask, "hi I'm sorry if I woke you, but I needed to ask something about Jamie" she asked worried she woke the older woman up. "I wasn't asleep Bambina I'm at work, Sì what's wrong?" Carina asked. "Well Jamie has been waking me up almost every morning at about 4:00am crying, about 15 minutes ago I felt him heating up whilst we were laying down on the couch, so I checked his temp and it's 38 should I be worried?" The blonde asked not knowing what to do. "Why don't you bring him in Bella I can check him out"she sighed slightly looking at the boy sound asleep in her arms. "Ok yh I'll bring him in" she told the brunette standing up and making her way into the living room. "He'll be ok Bella high temperatures and fevers are very common for his age and it might also have something to do with him teething" the brunette explained, "oh ok well that makes me feel a little better" she stated grabbing Jamie's push chair and placing him in it trying not to wake him up. "I'll be waiting for you Bella see you in a bit" she heard the woman say before she hung up the phone and made her way to the hospital.

Carina's POV:

Today was the day she started to do surgeries again, she was exited and ready to get back to work. After grabbing her coffee at the cart outside the hospital she made her way inside and to the attending lounge. Once she arrived she saw Teddy and Amelia sat down on the couch discussing a surgery, "Ciao" she said plopping down in the middle of the two women. "Morning, how have you been?" Teddy asked. "Ive been good, I finally got to take Maya out on Saturday" the brunette finished smiling at the mention of the blondes name. "Oooo please do tell us more" Amelia squealed. "Well I took her to a make your own pizza cooking lesson for beginners, well let's just say most of the ingredients ended up either on the floor or in Maya's mouth" carina finished with a giggle remembering the blonde eating everything in sight. "That one does love her food" Teddy stated laughing softly at her former friends actions. "Teddy... you know you told me about that ex... Kiera was it?" She asked looking at the blonde next to her. "Yes, what about her?" Altman asked, "well Maya mentioned not being offered to go on any dates before me, why was that?" The brunette asked confused as to why a beautiful woman like her never got asked out. "Well Kiera was ashamed of Maya, she hadn't fully come out yet and didn't want people to see them together  and think they were a couple, so I guess she just never asked." She finished. "Really! Woah that's bad" Amelia cut in, "Sì that's terrible" Carina agreed hating this Kiera woman even more now. It was silent for a few seconds before the sound of Amelia and Teddy's pagers went off, "ok well I'll see you later?" The brunette asked before she got up and left, "Sì Ciao" she responded, watching as the two women left her alone. It wasn't long though until the noise of her phone ringing distracted her from her current thoughts. "Sì Maya what's up? Bella it's really early" the brunette told the woman not knowing why she was ringing her at this time, but not caring because she loved to hear from her. "Hi I'm sorry if I woke you, but I needed to ask something about Jamie" she heard the blonde tell her, "I wasn't asleep Bambina I'm at work, Sì what's wrong?" Carina smiled at the young woman's concern for waking her. "Well Jamie has been waking me up almost every morning at about 4:00am crying, about 15 minutes ago I felt him heating up whilst we were laying on the couch, so I checked his temp and it's 38 should I be worried?" The brunette listened to what the blonde was telling her, "why don't you bring him in Bella I can check him out" the Italian told her as she stood up and made her way out of the attending lounge and down to the first floor. "Ok yh I'll bring him in" she heard after a couple seconds of silence, "he will be ok Bella high temperatures and fevers are very common for his age, and it also might have something to do with him teething" the brunette told her trying to ease her nerves, "oh ok well that makes me feel a little better" she heard the woman say as she sighed. "I'll be waiting for you Bella see you in a bit" she said letting the other woman hang up.

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