Chapter 58: Numb

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AN: Thank you all sm for 50k reads

Both POV:

"Bambina be carful" Carina giggled as she watched her daughter struggle to lift herself onto the hospital bed, attempting to sit with her brother. Both women hated that their other children had to see their big brother go through this. The twins are still young enough that they probably wouldn't remember it, however Lexi... the memories will probably stick with her.

"Hey Jamie... I got you this" Lexie said, as she finally managed to get herself on the bed and scooted closer to her brother, placing her hand into her Jean pocket pulling out a stone. .Both Maya and Carina furrowed their eyebrows in confusion at their daughter, that was until she turned it over.
"I painted this for you... see" she added, as she turned the rock over, revealing a blue lady bird covered with black spots. The background had an assortment of colours splattered across the whole of the rock. "This is the letter of your name" she said as she pointed to the letter 'J' and then to the letter 'L' next to it "and that's the letter of my name" she explained. The previous sad emotionless boy, had changed at the sight of the rock his sister decorated for him, their was a sparkle in his eye that Lexi always managed to unravel when around her brother.

Carina could feel her heart melting at her daughters act of kindness towards her big brother. It broke her that sooner or later he wouldn't be here. What were they supposed to say? What were they supposed to tell this little girl? That soon she wouldn't have her big brother, her role model?
"Sorry I- I need to go to the bathroom" she said as she turned to leave wanting to excuse herself, knowing that she would break down at any moment, butt of course was quickly stilled by Maya's firm grip on her wrist. Making her stand still for a moment giving her a minute to take a deep breath trying her hardest to not crumble in front of her children.

"Carina...?" The blonde asked as she watched her wife look at her, eyes watery smile weak...she looked exhausted, and could tell she was trying to keep it together for the sake of Lexi and Jamie, but Maya knew her wife... she wasn't ok. She could tell that this was too much for the brunette, so she let go and watched as her wife left the hospital room.

Maya's POV:

"Mommy wear did mama go?" Lexi asked as she realised the brunette was no longer in the room. "She just went to the bathroom sweetheart she'll be back soon" she replied, smiling at both Jamie and Lexi reassuring them everything was ok.

"Right Jamie buddy it's walking time, do you think you can walk today?" Maya asked as she made her way over to Jamie's side of the bed, standing next to him and placing her hand on his head whilst softly stroking the smooth skin with her thumb, waiting for a response.

She soon received a nod and a weak smile from the boy. Maya loved that Jamie was enthusiastic and that he loved to walk when he could, however it broke her slightly when she thought about the pain that had to come with his happiness.

"Ok bby, both of you stay here for a minute whilst I go get Mama ok" she said, watching as the nurse came in for Jamie's daily check up. "Could you watch them for two seconds whilst I go find Carina?" She asked, before quickly receiving a wave of her hand and an "of course" from the woman. Maya thanked the nurse and quickly made her way to the place she knew she could find her wife.

Both POV:

"I knew I'd find you here" Maya softly said as she approached the brunette. "Sì... I always come here when I need a break" she replied, as she breathed in the evening breeze, smiling weakly at the blonde.

Carina always went to one of the many places that made her feel like everything was ok. A time when she didn't have a son that was in intensive care currently fighting for his life. The place she had chosen that night, was one that held the closest to her heart, a place that started the best journey, a relationship that held the most precious memories... the place her and Maya had reunited. After their first encounter, she wasn't sure if she would ever see or speak to the blonde again, let alone get married and have a future with her. The person she created her children with, built a life with and now caring for 4 gorgeous, smart, funny, kind hearted little souls with.

The ongoing year had been tough, but she always knows... that when she's sat on that bench, suddenly everything feels alright, the world stops for a minute.

Maya sits next to her wife, placing her hand on her leg and squeezing it softly "look at me care" she said watching as Carina shook her head no, knowing that if she made eye contact with the blonde she'll completely break.

Maya knew why she wasn't looking at her, but she needed carina to look at her, she needed to know that she's here with her. That this isn't a thing she has to go through alone.

"Baby please" Maya pleaded, as she moved the hand that was previously on her leg up to her chin, softly tuning her head so she could see those beautiful brown eyes. Although instead of shining like they normally did this time they were full of hurt, pain and tears.

As soon as carina turned and met Maya's soft sympathetic look, and those eyes. Those eyes always made her melt, they always made her unravel. She couldn't keep them in anymore she had to let all of the pain out. So she started crying, but not just a few tears. Heart breaking sobs filled her entire body.

"Oh sweetheart" Maya sighed, placing her forehead against Carina's, an attempt to try to sooth and calm her down. "Shhhh it's ok shhh" she breathed as she placed soft kisses to her cheeks trying so hard to rid the tears.

"It hurts... so-" Carina said, struggling to breath
"it's ok I'm here look at me" Maya said, wanting carina to calm down so she didn't have a panic attack. The brunette had been there so many times when Maya was going through her pain, the panic attacks were a regular occurrence and Carina had gotten her through every single one.

"Look at me gorgeous" Maya said, as she placed both of her hands on her face, holding her jaw and softly stroking the soft skin of her cheeks with her thumbs. Carina reluctantly lifted her head and was met with Maya's gorgeous blue orbs, watching as the colours changed, her eyes dilating. Carina found it so soothing to look into her wife's eyes, she felt her body relax under Maya's touch as she continued to whisper sweet nothings into her ear, and place soft kisses to any part of the Italian that she could reach.

The brunette took one deep breath. Inhaling the smell of the coffee, the fresh air that surrounded them, and Maya's perfume the only smell that could make her whole body fully relax.

"You ready to go back up?" Maya whispered, as she pressed one more kiss to the brunettes forehead, before standing up and holding her hand out for Carina to accept. "Sì" she replied as she also stood up and followed Maya back into the hospital.

It didn't change the fact that Jamie was ill... but with Maya she felt safe, she was her safe haven; a place she could go to always feel like no matter what was going on in this cruel world, she would always have Maya.

And that is something pretty special

AN: Hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter :))

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