Chapter 16: Jelousy is a dangerous thing

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Both POV:

Maya had now FINALLY been made captain, her and Carina celebrated with a nice night in with Jamie and then they did their own activities to celebrate, if you know what I mean. Carina and Maya were currently at the station, in Maya's office spending some time together before Carina had to get back to the hospital. They were discussing Jamie's birthday party that was in about a month, they wanted it to be special. As they were discussing what cake they should get him they heard a knock on the door. "Come in" the blonde instructed not prepared for who was going to open the door, just assuming it was one of her team. "Maya" she heard a very familiar voice say making her immediately lift her head from her desk, to look at the woman standing by the door. "Keira?" She asked but obviously knowing it was her. "Hey, I heard you were promoted captain?" She asked taking a step closer into the office shutting the door behind her. "Umm yh quite recently actually" she answered not being able to tear her eyes from the woman she first loved, "Oh umm sorry, this is Carina my girlfriend, babe this is Keira my ex girlfriend" she told both of the women. "Nice to meet you Keira" the brunette said in one of her fakest tones Maya had ever heard, making her smile slightly at her girlfriends jealousy. "Likewise" she responded flatly, looking at Maya and ONLY Maya. "So how have you been?" She asked taking a seat next to Carina crossing her legs together, "good, really good" she replied smiling at her girlfriend. There is one thing Carina knew, and that was that if this woman did try anything with Maya, given the fact that she ruined her and for the fact that the blonde was very loyal to the Italian then she didn't have anything to worry about on Maya's end, it was just this bitch.  "That's good, I didn't ruin you too much then?" She asked, was she being for real? Maya thought noticing her girlfriend biting her lip to stop herself from causing an argument. "No not at all you were quite easy to get over actually" she replied quietly laughing when she saw the woman's face scrunch up in rage. "Well no offence but you didn't really do better..." she continued clearly getting to the brunette and enjoying it. "I'm sorry" Carina finally spoke not caring if she started an argument or not,
"I mean come on Maya you could do so much better" she said loving the reaction she was getting out of Carina, "well for your information at least I didn't cheat or leave her when she was the most vulnerable or oh wait pretend you weren't an item because you were to pussy to admit you were gay" she finished realising the blonde didn't know she knew all of that information worried she pushed a boundary. The blonde absolutely loved Carina sticking up for her, it was hot as hell, and she loved the reaction this earned from Keira, but she was confused as to how she knew all of this information. "Now she's cleared things up I think you better leave I'd quite like to have sex with incredibly sexy girlfriend because quite frankly I found that a massive turn on for me" At that the woman stood up and stormed out of the office slamming the door behind her, "thank you for visiting" the brunette shouted loud enough so she could hear. "That was so hot babe" she admitted walking over to her girlfriend and pulling her up so they were both standing. "Sì? That turned you on?" She asked loving the reaction she got from the blonde, "it did, but baby how do you know all that? I definitely didn't tell you" she asked letting her curiosity get the better of her. "Teddy told me and I'm sorry Bambina b-" she was cut off by her girlfriends lips on hers passionately kissing the brunette until she felt herself being lifted up and into the room connecting to the office that held a bed.

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