Chapter 38: Labour

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Carina's POV:

It was a day off for the brunette, she was now 8 months pregnant, she couldn't do anything at work. Maya was at the station and the kids were at school, so it was just her. She was due to have the Twins in about 2 weeks, she was exited to be bringing new life's into this world. Both women had decided on some names, if one was a girl they would call her Zoe if the other was a girl they'd call her Giorgia, however if they were both boys then they would call them Mateo and Finley. Carina was dragged from her thoughts by an excruciating pain in her stomach, she had never done this before the whole giving birth thing, so she didn't know if this was a contraction or not, after all Maya had carried Lexie. "Ahhhhh son of a" she groaned clutching onto her stomach, waiting for the next one to see how far apart the pains were, so far they were 12 minutes in between each one. "Ok Carina baby time" she said to herself as she grabbed the phone next to her to call her wife. "Maya..." she said gasping slightly at another ongoing contraction, "yes sweetheart what's up?" She asked, "it's baby time Bella" she said waiting for Maya's reaction, "Maya?" She asked to make sure she was still there, "sorry.... are you sure?" She asked making sure this wasn't just braxton hicks contractions. "Sì Bella could you come get me?" She asked knowing they had this part planned and if Maya was ever at work she'd come home and collect her, "of course I'll be there in 10" she said knowing she could run there in that amount of time, "Carina...." she said before she left, "yes Bella?" She asked, "we're gonna have our twins" she said smiling into the phone, "Sì we are" she replied also smiling, "ok be quick she said as another contraction shot through her body.

Both POV:

"Ok I'm here" Maya said as she opened the door to see her girlfriend laying down gripping her stomach, "hey Bella" she said through gritted teeth, "hello my love" she said as she made her way over to her wife placing a soft kiss to her sweaty forehead. "Ok I'll grab the bags" she said before hurrying into their room to grab the pregnancy bags they had prepared, "right need help getting up?" She asked, "Sì" the brunette replied holding onto Maya's hand letting herself be pulled from the couch. "Oh" she said looking down at her feet but failing with how big she is. "What? What is it?" Maya asked starting to worry, "my water broke" she replied laughing softly at what was really going on. "Ok well then it's baby time" the blonde said smiling up at her wife as she leaned in to place a kiss to her lips.

Once they arrived at the hospital Maya grabbed a wheel chair for the brunette helping her sit down. "Hey, my wife isn't due for two weeks but she's having contractions" she told the nurse, "ok name please?" She asked, "Carina deluca... she works here" she replied, "ahhhh ok then Dr deluca if you guys could follow me" She told them as she stood up and made her way into a private room, "they'll be a nurse to come in and check on you in about an hour just get settled and relax" she told them both as she left the room. "Ok up you get" Maya told her wife as she helped the brunette out of the wheelchair, "can I get dressed Bella? These clothes are all wet" she explained, "of course darling" the blonde replied as she grabbed one of the bags and pulled out some lounge pants and a ninety, Carina lifted her top over her head revealing her very big stomach and her breasts that had increased a lot in size, a thing Maya had appreciated a lot, "so beautiful" Maya said in awe of her glowing wife, as she made her way over to the brunette and placed a soft kiss to her shoulder, "mmmm Bella not now" she said not feeling that comfortable to have sex after she practically wet herself, "didn't you say sex speeds up the process?" She asked smirking at her wife moving her kisses up behind the Italians ear knowing she had a weak spot there. "But Bella my stomach hurts and I feel yucky" she said moaning at the kisses behind her ear, "ok ok no sex" she said feeling guilty for the brunette, "thank you Bambina"

"Ok hows the mother to be?" They heard the nurse ask as she opened the door and put her examination gloves on, "good" Carina replied, "ok let's see how long you've got until these two come out" she said before making Carina spread her legs and take off her lounge pants. "Right we can start, you're about 9 centimetres" she said taking off her gloves to put some new ones on. "Wow ok" the brunette said not expecting this to go so quick, "it's ok my love I'll be here the whole time" she said as she grabbed her hands in her own and kissed them softly, "do you want drugs?" The nurse asked as she got all of her medical equipment ready, "no, no drugs" she replied wanting to do this all natural. "Ok well I have a few other nurses that will be helping me" she said as the door opened revealing some younger looking nurses, which Carina assumed were interns, "don't worry these are my best ones" she said knowing the brunette was worrying slightly about having newbies deliver her baby's.

"Alright Carina I need you to push once more for me" the nurse said as she waited for Carina to give her one big push, "ahhhhhhh" the brunette screamed the pain being one of the worst she's ever felt, "good girl" Maya said leaning down to kiss her wife's sweaty forehead. "Alright I see a head" the nurse announced making the blonde release a relieved breath knowing she didn't have long to go until their first child was out, "alright one big last push" they heard the nurse say, "ahhhhhhhhhh" Carina screamed pushing with all her might, "Okkkk we have a baby boy" the nurse said as she handed the crying baby over to one of the interns that caried the baby over to a scale to be measured. "Omg" Carina gasped leaning her head back taking big breaths trying to calm her body down, "well done sweetheart, one more to go" she said grabbing a towel for her wife, wiping it over her forehead to get rid of the sweat and tears of joy. "Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" One of the interns asked as they held their baby boy wrapped up in a blue blanket, "Sì Bella you do this one" she said knowing she could do the other one, "ok" she replied grabbing the scissors from the nurse and cutting the cord, "ok baby number two wants to come out" the nurse said as she grabbed another pair of gloves preparing for the next birth, "one more Care" Maya said stroking her wife's sweaty hair, "ahhhhhhh" Carina screamed as she pushed as hard as she could, "Gooood Carina" the nurse praised as she watched the head of their second baby come into view, after more pushing followed by screams, their second baby was born, "we have a baby girl congratulations" the nurse said as she once again passed the baby over to her interns so they could measure her, "we have one of both Care" Maya said laughing and crying with joy, "Sì Bambina" she replied being absolutely exhausted, "you did so well, I'm so proud" Maya said as she leaned down to place a soft kiss to her wife's lips, "ok would you like to cut the cord?" The intern asked holding the baby so Carina could reach, she grabbed the scissors and cut the cord. "Ok here's your baby boy and your baby girl" the interns said as they brought over the two baby's and placed one in both of Carinas arms, "awwwww hello there" she cooed smiling down at each child, "wow Care they're beautiful, they've got your eyes" she said in absolute awe of both tiny humans, "Sì... I'm teaching these two Italian" she said giggling. "Ok we'll leave you two alone, congrats Carina and you too Maya" the nurse said smiling at the mother's, "Ciao thank you" Carina said before she watched everyone leave the room. "We get to keep them" Maya said it only just hitting her that she had twins, "Sì these are ours" she replied leaning down to place a kiss to both child's forehead.


I loved writing this chapter 🦋🥺

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