Chapter 39: Welcome home babies

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Both POV:

Maya and Carina had decided on names for the twins, Mateo being the baby boys name and Georgia being their baby girls name. "ok do you have everything?" Maya asked as she grabbed the bags and slung them both over her shoulder, "Si" she replied standing up so she could sit back down in the wheelchair. The blonde grabbed the twins from their cots and put one of them in each arm of the brunettes. "right... lets go home" Maya said as she looked around the room once more before wheeling her wife out of the hospital. Once they arrived home Lexie came running over, "Mommy Mam" she said gripping onto thr blondes leg with a death grip, "hi sweetheart" Maya said smiling down at her daughter, "ok hunny let mama come through the door" she said giggling as the blonde switched legs so she was now clutching onto the brunettes.  "Hi Bella" Carina said laughing softly at her little girl, "whers my bambino?" she asked wanting to see her son, "he's in the living room" she told them moving away from her leg so she could take them to Jamie. "Hi bello" Carina said as she sat down next to her son, "hi" he said making Maya furrow her eyebrows together knowing this wasn't like Jamie, "I'll go set the twins down" Maya said as she went into the nursery to settle them down, "what's up bambino? talk to me" the brunette said as she scooted closer to her son, "I- I don't want you to forget about me" she heard him whisper breaking her heart with each word, she saw tears start to fill his eyes, Jamie never cried, not even when he broke his arm, he was strong but they had always taught him that it was ok to cry. "Bambino come here" she said as she used her hands to grab her son and lift him onto her lap, she pushed his head to her chest so he could hear her heart beat. It was an awkward angle because the brunette still had a big bump, "we won't ever forget you bello" she said trying to sooth her sons cry's, "but I'm the oldest, you have Lexie and the twins to look after" he said his cry's getting louder and harder. "Woah what's up buddy" Maya said as she saw Jamie crying his heart out on Carinas chest, "take him" she said letting Maya lift the little boy off of his mother so he could be comfier, "shhhhh" the blonde soothed, lifting his shirt up so she could softly scratch his back knowing this was a thing that calmed the little boy down, "you're good to go Jack thanks" Maya said as she smiled at the man who had baby sat her children for her, "it's ok shhh shhh" Maya soothed hearing his cry's stop and just hearing little sniffles coming from him. "Ok talk to us" Carina said once his body had calmed down and the sobs had subsided, "foget" was all he said, "forget what buddy...? You?" The blonde asked not completely understanding what he meant, "mhm" he nodded nuzzling his head into the blondes neck, "oh Jamie... we would never forget about you buddy, yes I know it's different now we have the twins, but you know what?" She asked him, "what?" He asked looking up at his mother with watery blue eyes, "you get to be their role model, maybe Mateo will like science like you" she suggested watching his eyes light up at the thought of teaching his little brother. "Really?" He sniffed wiping the stray tears away from his eyes, "really buddy, just because you're the oldest doesn't mean you're gonna be forgotten." She told him trying to get him to understand, "ok I get it Mommy" he said kissing his mother on the cheek and nuzzling his head back into the blondes neck. "Mama!" She heard Lexie shout calling for Carina, "what is it Bambina?" She asked not wanting to get up because she was quite incapable. "Soap" was all she heard, knowing she probably couldn't go to her meaning the brunette had to stand up, "you good Care?" Maya asked as she watched her wife struggle to stand, "Sì I'm good" she said as she stood up and braced herself before walking to the bathroom.

Once the twins were awake both adults were sat on the couch the baby girl cradled in Maya's arms and Mateo in Carina's, gulping down their milk like their was no tomorrow, "wow someone's hungry" the brunette said as Mateo drank all of his milk from his bottle like the flash. "Mama can I sit with you?" Lexie asked as she walked over to her mother wanting to spend time with them too, "sure Bambina" the brunette said smiling at her daughter before shuffling over slightly to make room for the blonde, "bambino come sit" she said wanting her son to have some snuggle time as well, "ok" he nodded before making his way over to the three girls sitting at the end next to Maya nuzzling his head into her side. You could take a photo of the moment, picture perfect some called it, Maya loved her family and couldn't wait to build more memories with them all.

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