Chapter 4: when i lost you

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⚠️warning⚠️ mentions of Death
A good song to listen to whilst reading this: Arcade

Maya's POV:

She made her way to the hospital walking as quickly as she could with a sleeping baby in her arms, if she were alone she would have sprinted.

"Hi um my brother was brought in about 15 minutes ago" she told the woman at the front desk.

"Ahhh yes Mason Bishop?" She asked waiting for a response, "yh that's him" maya answered swallowing the lump in her throat that was starting to form.

"Ok well if you could just take a seat and someone will come out and inform you on what's going on" the redhead told her. "Ok thank you" she said turning around and making her way to the seating area. Once she sat down she started to stroke Jamie's back, holding the little boy that could soon loose his father.

After about 10 minutes she heard a door near her open and looked up to see if it could be for her. When she saw the woman walking towards her, her throat went dry. "Hi Maya" the brunette said to the blonde,

"hey, we need to stop bumping into each other like this" she said earning a little giggle from the Italian. "He was asking for Jamie, and that's when I knew that this little boy must belong to him" Carina said pointing to the boy in Mays Arms.

"How's he doing?" She asked preying he was ok. "I can't say, because we don't know, but it doesn't look good Maya" the brunette told the blonde staring into her glossy blue eyes.

"Hmmm anyway how's your back? I forgot to ask earlier" she wanted to keep her mind off of her bother being in critical care.

"It's better still so itchy though" Carina said smiling at the blonde. "Mine too, the worse thing is, that it feels so good when you itch it" maya said smiling and the blush that creeps up on Carina's cheeks.

"Sì it feels fantastica" the brunette responds looking at maya in her eyes, seeing pain and hurt, and the water slowly filling her eyes. "Ok well I'm going to go for a little walk, and give Jamie some fresh air" maya said breaking the silence as she stood up and walked out of the hospital to try and process what has happened in the short amount of time.

Once she got outside she breathed in the clean salty air that was Seattle. She walked over to the bench her and Carina had previously shared earlier in the day. It was almost 10:00pm and it was pitch black outside, the only source of light were the lamps that were illuminating the area around her.

She sat down leaning her back against the cold wood of the bench, and took another deep breath as she smelt the delicious smell of coffee fill her nostrils.

"Everything's going to be ok" Maya told the small boy that was sleeping soundly on her chest, but more to herself really.

"Even if it's not, I'll be here for you, I won't let anyone take you" she whispered into the boys ear, as she noticed that he started to stir below her. "Shhh it's ok baby" she said rubbing his back, knowing that was a thing Jamie found comforting. "Dhahr" she heard him mumble against her shoulder, making Maya giggle.

"What was that bud?" She asked knowing that the boys speech wasn't the best. "Dada" she heard him say, it made Maya's heart tighten at the little boy asking for his dad.

"Daddy's still out sweetie, he'll be back soon" she told the young boy as she stroked her hands through his curly blonde hair.

Come on Mason you can pull through this... maya thought as she closed her eyes and dozed off.

Carina's POV:

After Teddy and Amelia finished assessing Mason, they took him up for a head Ct.

Carina left the room taking a deep breath as she processed all the information about what just happened, she made her way to the nurses station making sure that someone had contacted Maya.

The brunette wasn't looking forward to have to tell Maya that it wasn't likely Mason would make it, the thought of seeing her sad made her heart swell.

"Excuse me, can you contact Maya Bishop and make sure she knows her bother is here?" She asked the nurse. "She's already here" the nurse answered pointing to the blonde sat on the wooden chair holding a sleeping Jamie on her lap. "Grazie" she told the woman as she made her way over to the blonde.

"Hi Maya" she said softly as she noticed the blondes eyes shoot up at the sound of Carina's voice. "Hey, we need to stop bumping in to each other like this" the blonde said smiling back at the brunette whilst she giggled softly.

"He was asking for Jamie, and that's when I knew that this little boy must belong to him" she said as she pointed to the small boy curled up sound asleep on the blondes chest.

"How's he doing?" She heard Maya ask after a couple seconds of silence.

"I can't say, because we don't know, but it's not looking good Maya" The Italian said softly smiling as she saw maya's eyes fill with tears, she wasn't crying but she was definitely feeling the pain.

"Hmmm anyway how's your back?" I forgot to ask earlier" the blonde asked, Carina was surprised that she remembered after such an exhausting evening so far.

"It's better, still so itchy tho" carina giggled as she saw a smile make its way onto the firefighters face. "Mine too, the worse thing is, that it feels so good when you itch it" she continued, the brunette wasn't sure why she blushed at this statement, maybe for the fact that when Maya mentioned any type of pleasure she felt her stomach tighten.

"Sì it feels fantastica" she replied looking directly at the blonde, into the deep depths of those ocean blue eyes. "Ok well I'm going to go for a little walk, and give Jamie fresh air" the woman told her as she stood up and watched her walk outside of the building. After she watched maya leave the building, she turned around and made her way up to head Ct.

"Ciao" Carina spoke once seeing both Amelia and Altman,

"Hi how is she?" Teddy asked feeling worried for her former friend.

"She's trying to be tough for Jamie, but I can see she's worried, those eyes give away so damn much" Carina said with a giggle at her last statement.

"Her eyes are very beautiful" Teddy confirmed as she grabbed a chart from the nurses station.

"How is he Amelia?" Carina asked as she dreaded this bit the most.

"He's in a coma" she spoke clearly not looking forward to telling the Italian this piece of information.

"Damn it" Carina cursed as she put her hand through her hair taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry Carina" Amelia continued as she looked at the woman in distress.

"It's ok, I'm sure you did everything you could, I need to go find Maya" she told the two women as she started to walk away and make her way outside. What she saw next broke Carina's heart.

She looked at the little boy curled up in his aunties arms playing with her necklace, a thing the brunette noticed to be a soothing habit.

She then looked up to see Maya resting her head on the boys with her eyes closed. Carina made her way over to the woman and sat down next to her.

She gently pushed her shoulder

"Maya" she whispered trying to get the blonde to wake up.

"Bella" she said again pushing slightly harder on her arm.

"Hmmm? Maya groaned as she slowly opened her eyes. "Is he ok?" She asked again, Carina didn't say anything and just shook her head. "He's in a coma Bella" she said her voice cracking slightly.



I'm no surgeon so please don't judge my medical talk:)
I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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