Chapter 8: A wonderful first date

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Maya's POV:

It was currently 6:00pm and Maya was deciding what to wear on her date with Carina not wanting to over do it but also not wanting to under do it. The brunette didn't give her a clue on where she'd be going so she finally decided on a pair of tight blue jeans and a pale pink top, simple but cute she thought as she grabbed the items out of her closet and put them on. She applied a layer of pink lipstick that went well with her top, and some mascara, not worrying about putting on anything for her skin because it was just naturally clear. Once she was done the blonde made her way into the living room when she heard the door go, "two seconds" she shouted looking in the mirror to see if her hair was alright, before she opened the door and was met with Andy. "Why so down I thought you'd be happy to see me" the brunette giggled as she made her way into the apartment. "I'm sorry just thought you were Carina" she stated making her way back to the living room where Jamie was sat on the carpet playing with his toys. He had been a lot better now that he had all of his things from his house and a proper room. "Aha it's fine, have fun tonight" she heard the brunette tell her as she grabbed her purse from the coffee table checking she had enough cash on her. " I'm looking forward to it, she didn't tell me where we're going but I'm sure I'll enjoy it" she told her best friend exited for the night ahead. She was torn from her thoughts when she heard a knock again knowing exactly who it was this time.

Carina's POV:

Carina was sat on her bed, talking to herself and trying to calm down her nerves, as she sat up and observed the choices on what to wear. "Perché sono così nervoso?" (why am I so nervous?) she asked herself as she forced herself off the bed and stood in front of the choices she had laid out and tried to pick one. Her first outfit was a pair of black jeans matched with a white jumper with a turtle neck, her next outfit was a flowery maroon silk top with blue skinny jeans, and her final outfit was a pair of dark blue jeans with a black button up shirt. "Trappo da scegliere" (too much to choose from) the brunette huffed but then soon she realised that this was stupid, and just decided to pick one at random. She closed her eyes and swung her hand in the air for a few seconds before stopping and opening her eyes again to see what she had chosen. "Sì I like this one" she smiled as she grabbed the flowery Maroon silk top and blue skinny jeans. Once she was dressed and touched up her makeup, she made her way to the kitchen and stole the roses from the vase, wanting to give them to the beautiful blonde. Once she had everything she grabbed her keys and made her way out of her apartment. Not long later she arrived standing outside the blondes door, your got this Carina she thought to herself as she leaned forward and softly knocked on the door until it opened with a smiling blonde on the other end.

Both POV:

It took them about 20 minutes to leave the blondes apartment mainly due to said blonde not wanting to leave little Jamie. They were walking down a street Maya had never been down before, "please tell me where we're going!" Maya continued to whine as she looked around becoming more and more curious as they continued to walk a long the unknown street. "Bambina it's not long to wait now" Carina giggled finding it cute how impatient the younger woman was. "Ugh fine" Maya responded rolling her eyes and continuing to look around the beautiful street they were on. "Ok Bella we're here" Carina finally told her looking to her right at the blonde. "Make your own Italian Pizza!" The woman read as she turned to a grinning brunette, "I hope this is ok I thought It would be fun and give you a chance to find out what real food taste like" she said hoping she hadn't overstepped or understepped for their first date. "No this looks so fun, let's go" the blonde replied grabbing Carina's hand and making their way into the building. Once they had settled in and washed their hands and got their aprons on, they made their way over to the small kitchens lined up around the room. It had been about 15 minutes since they started to make the pizzas and Carina had done pretty much everything whilst Maya just observed and starred at her favourite Italian treat. "Maya you have to actually participate Sì" the brunette giggled as she watched maya lean up against the counter giving her a very intense stare that made her stomach knot and her heart beat pick up. "But I like the view" the blonde pouted as she grabbed the cheese next to her and walked over to Carina. "Ok now just sprinkle some of that all over the dough" she explained but instead the woman just placed some of the cheese in her mouth closing her eyes at the taste. "Bella your not meant to eat all the ingredients" the brunette spoke as she watched her consume most of the cheese, "try some come on it's so good" the blonde stated as she lifted a handful up to Carina's mouth tilting her head back with the other one softly on her chin. "Your an awful cook" the Italian giggled as she let the woman tilt her head back and place the cheese in her mouth. God was she right it was delicious, "mmmmm that is good" Carina moaned as she lifted her head back down to swallow the rest of the food she was given. "I told you!" Maya stated before bringing her hand back down by her side and turning towards the counter, "you know we need that, don't eat it all" the blonde said smirking at the look on the brunettes face. "Your such a loser you know that right?" She giggled as she also turned towards the counter, grabbing the left over cheese and sprinkling it on the dough in front of them. After they had made their food, it was time to tidy up. "Ok Bambina could you please pass me that pack of flour per favore" the blonde gave the older woman a cheeky grin before grabbing the flour and dipping her finger in making sure their was enough on it to do what she planned. "Maya could-" the brunette was cut off by a puff of flour in her face, and a giggle from the blonde. "Oh I'm getting you back for that!" She stated before grabbing a hand ful of flour and smashing it on the blondes face, "ok ok ok truce" the blonde giggled as she grabbed Carina's hands to still her from drowning Maya in flour. "Never mess with an Italian we're very competitive" the brunette told her smiling down at the firefighter. "Oh that's so is it?" the blonde asked as she dipped her finger in the sauce next to her and spread some on the brunettes nose. "I think I won this one" she giggled looking at the brunettes face with the bit of sauce on it. "Maya!" the Italian exclaimed grabbing a cloth about to wipe the source off of her nose, "uh uh uh let me" she heard her say before she lent forward and licked the small bit of sauce off of her nose, making the older woman swallow hard and make eye contact with the woman opposite her grinning proudly. "Mmmm that's one way to do it" Carina giggled resting her forehead on the blondes. "Thank you for this, it's been nice" Maya sighed as she breathed in Carina's scent. "It's not over yet Bambina" the older woman told her as she stroked her arm up and down the length of the blondes, "I know but I just wanted to thank you, I'm kinda knew to the dates thing, I never really got offered to go on any" she continued looking into the Italians eyes. Carina pouted at hearing this, "well you deserve it Bella" she said leaning in capturing the blondes lips with hers. Maya didn't care if people were staring, normally she would but it was just something about this woman that made her want to live and not care about other peoples opinions, I mean she never really did but she had always struggled at showing acts of affection out in public, but the brunette just made it feel easy.

Ps: Italian is not my first language I just thought it would be nice to add some in. If I got anything wrong and I'm pissing off some Italians out their then I'm sorry 😂

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