Chapter 6: Goodbyes are hard

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⚠️small mentions of abuse⚠️ if this is too hard for anyone to read then you can just skip it, it's not that important.

Both POV:

We both made our way down to the floor of the canteen as we started to make our way over to the table Amelia and Teddy were on I made a sudden halt, confusing Carina.

"Bambini what's wrong?" She asked furrowing her eyebrows at my sudden movement.

"I need to phone my mum and tell her about Mason" she told the brunette, Maya dreaded this part, but she knew it would have to be done.

"Ok why don't you do that now?" She asked waiting for Maya to make a decision.

"Yh that's a good idea, just tell them I'll be over in a bit" she told Carina smiling softly before the Italian made her way over to the duo.

"Ok Maya you got this, just tell her and it's done" she told herself releasing a shaky breath.

The phone rang for a couple of seconds until it stopped ringing and she heard her mother's voice on the other end.

"Maya?" She asked not sure why Maya had called her, it wasn't a regular occurrence.

"Hi mom, I have some news" she told her mom not really knowing what else to say.

"Good news?" Maya shook her head but then realised she couldn't be seen by her mother,so started to speak.

"No" she responded. "Ok Maya you're scaring me" she spoke not quite understanding what the blonde was getting at.

"it's Mason mom..." she said her voice cracking at the end of her sentence.

"Oh god I swear if that boy got back into drugs..." she said hoping Mason hadn't gone back to his old ways. "No mom... h-he got into an accident... a-a-and he didn't make it... I'm so sorry" Maya finished her sentence not hearing anything on the other line.

"Mom?" She asked checking her mother was still there.

"I'm coming to the hospital" she whispered not wanting to be loud, but maya could hear her pain.

"Mom why are you whispering?" Maya asked, not understanding her mothers quiet voice.

"Your fathers here..." she told the blonde, who continued to whisper down the line.

"HES WHAT!" Maya almost shouted, causing a few people to turn their heads.

"He came over to apologise and told me to give him a second chance, after I told him no, he wouldn't leave." Maya let out a breath of relief when she heard that her mother didn't take back her evil father that she had no choice in being related to.

"who's that?" She heard a harsh voice ask on the other end of the phone.

"it's your daughter" she heard her mother say back.

"Oh that little brat" she heard him spit.

You see you'd think that would upset her, but she was numb, her baby brother just died she's not going to let her father make this all about him.

"Ok hunny thanks for telling me we're on our way" she heard her mother say.

"wait he has to come with you?" Maya asked not wanting to see her father today of all days.

"He won't leave me alone other wise" she replied, not sounding happy about it either.

"well drive safe I'll see you soon" the blonde told her mother before she ended the call and made her way over to Carina and the rest of the group.

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