Chapter 4: when i lost you pt2

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⚠️warning⚠️ mentions of death!

Good song to listen to during this:
Chasing cars- snow patrol

Both POV:

Maya closed her eyes as the words of what Carina had just told her struggled to settle.

she swallowed the very large lump in her throat, and opened her eyes again only to be met with Carinas soothing gaze.

"I'm so sorry bambina" she whispered, struggling to hold back her own tears.

"I don't know what I'm going to do" maya admitted, as she moved her eyes to the small boy in the brunettes arms.

"Are you going to keep him?" Carina asked.

"I don't really have a choice I'm pretty much the only family he has" Maya answered.

"what about your parents?" Carina suggested.

"They're split up: my mum is travelling, and my dad... pfffft he's out of the question" it saddened the blonde that her parents couldn't be with Mason, even if their Dad is a complete arsehole.

"Well I'm here for you, I know we only just met, but I could help you out" Carina suggested, moving her hand to Mayas, as she ran the tips of her fingers across her soft skin.

Maya looked down at Carina's hand, and instantly felt relaxed. "That feels good" the blonde whispered as she closed her eyes again relaxing, "I'm glad Bella" the Italian replied softly. "Do you want to see him?" The brunette asked whilst continuing to stroke Mayas hand. "If you wouldn't mind?" She responded opening her eyes again. "Sì don't be silly it's not problem, your saying goodbye" the blonde nodded letting go of a shaky breath she didn't know she was holding. "I should probably wake him up" she spoke, looking down at the boy in her arms. "Jamie buddy" she whispered softly into his ear, watching the boy squirm in her lap and finally lift his head off her chest. "Hi there sleepy head" Carina softly whispered as she stroked her thumb over his cheek. "Enjoy your nap?" Maya asked the boy, "hmmmm?" He responded, not fully aware of what's going on yet. "Hey buddy" maya said kissing Jamie on his forehead, "you must be hungry bud?" She asked stroking his back whilst he looked around them. He nodded yawning and stretching his arms making his face scrunch up, "someone had a nice nap huh?" Carina asked the tired little boy, he nodded his head whilst smiling softly. "Let's go get some food then" Maya said as she picked Jamie up and rested him on her hip, Carina followed behind them making their way into the hospital. "Umm could you lead us to the cafeteria?" Maya asked realising she had no idea where to go, "Sì Bella follow me" she told the woman as she lead them to the cafeteria. Once they got there and ordered their food they made their way over to Teddy and Amelia who were sat down eating their dinner. "Teddy, Amelia... could we sit?" Carina asked as she waited for the women to respond. "Of course you don't have to ask we love spending time with you" Amelia said as she looked at maya and the little boy giving them a soft smile before looking back to her tray of food. "Altman it's been a while..." Maya said looking at the blonde opposite her on the table. "It has, but it's good to see you Maya, how have you been?" She asked looking back at the blonde taking a bite of her sandwich. "I've been good I guess... mom finally left him" she told the woman, forgetting she had an audience. "That's so great Maya I was waiting for that day" Altman responded smiling at the news Maya had shared. "So this is Jamie huh?" Teddy continued as she looked at the little boy speedily munching on the ham sandwich Maya had given him. "Yes this is him." "I'm so sorry about your brother Maya" Amelia told her, "it's ok" she answered shortly not wanting to be reminded that her brother would never wake up again. "I was actually wondering if I could see him, you know say my goodbyes?" Maya asked as she grabbed her second sane hi her from the plastic container and started eating it. "Of course that would be fine, did you want to go now? We could watch Jamie for you?" She asked wanting to give Maya some alone time with her brother. "That would be great actually, but I don't know where to go" Maya told them, "I can come with you and just wait outside?" She asked not wanting to push Maya's boundaries. "Yh ok that sounds nice" she responded looking at the brunette and giving her a soft smile. "Ok buddy I'm going to leave you here with Teddy and Amelia, you think you'll be alright?" She asked the toddler thinking he would answer her, he just continued to nibble on his sandwich not really knowing what she was asking him. "I take that as a yes" she giggled picking Jamie up and handing him to Amelia, "hiiiii buddy" She gushed looking at the beautiful boy. "Ok I'm ready when you are" Maya told Carina and stood up both making their way up to the 4th floor to see her brother. Once they made it up, Carina and Maya stood outside of Mason's room not doing anything other than standing still in silence. "Are you going to be ok on your own Bella?" The brunette asked her as she grabbed Maya's hand stroking it softly. "Well I think it's now or never really, and I think this is something I need to do on my own, but thank you" she told the Italian smiling at her sweet offer. "Sì that's fine bambina" she told the blonde, letting go of her hand and letting her walk in to see her brother.

Maya's POV:
She slowly walked into her brothers room, closing the door behind her and making her way over to her baby brother. "Omg" she whispered, seeing Mason covered in cuts and bruises looking small and fragile. She grabbed a chair and pulled it next to him, sitting down and placing her hand on top of his stroking her thumb over his bruised skin. "What happened Mase?" She asked not understanding how in the space of a couple of hours he had been able to get into this condition. " I'm so proud of you bud" she continued starting to tear up. "You did so good, you fought for what you wanted, you dug yourself a hole and got yourself out of it... that's a tough thing to do" she told him not caring if she cried at this point. "I'm so sorry this has to be the way you go, we didn't get the time I wanted, I had so much I wanted us to do, and to see... and that little boy out there, now has no mother or father. Was this your plan? Get in an accident so I could open up to the option of having kids?" Maya giggled slightly wiping her tears that threatened to leave her eyes. " I promise you though, I'll be the best for him, I'll love him and raise him good, to be respectful to women, and to be everything our father wasn't" she said moving her hand up to stroke his shoulder. "I love you Mason Bishop, I'll never forget you" she told him as she rested her head on his chest letting all the emotions hit her like a truck. She lifted her head off of his chest and gave him one last kiss on his cheek, "bye Mase" 

Carina's POV:
She watched as the blonde made her way into the room that held her brother, she couldn't imagine what Maya felt right now, if this was switched and it was Andrea in that room... she'd be crushed. She watched by the window as maya sat next to her brother and spoke to him, giggling at something funny she said, but what she saw next hurt her the most. She saw Maya rest her head on her brothers chest sobbing vigorously, letting every little tear fall out. She watched as the blonde gave her brother one last kiss before getting up and wiping her eyes on the jacket of her sleeves. Opening the door and closing it behind her, Carina could see that the firefighter was not ok. "Maya are you alright Bella?" She asked as she got closer to Maya, "I- I- I can't breath" she told the brunette as she started to heavily breath and her breaths got quicker and shorter. "Ok Maya it's ok just breath" she told her as she looked at the woman clearly having a panic attack. "Bella you have to slow down your breathing" she told the blonde as she cupped her face in her hands and forced Maya's eyes to look into her own. "Look at me Maya" she told the woman, the blonde  obeyed her and looked into Carina's beautiful chocolate eyes. "Ok now breath with me ok?" She asked the woman as she started to breath in and breath out slowly. "Good girl now keep going" she told Maya as she slowly got her breathing back to normal. "Does that feel better?" Carina asked as she started stroking her hand through Maya's hair breathing her warm, minty breath onto the blondes skin. "Mhm" she answered closing her eyes and just breathing Carina in.

This chapter actually made me cry 🤧😅😂

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