55) Drowning & Undressing

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6th May 1523

I sat upon my horse, travelling through acres and acres of land through the dark starry night. this was the only freedom I got as queen usually, there had to be somebody by my side. I just loved the feel of the wind whipping past my face and through my hair. my thick jacket billowing in the wind behind me as my horse began trotting faster and faster. the noise of my horse galloping through the peaceful night brought me joy, calling and clearing my spinning mind. my horse then suddenly began to slow down as a carriage began approaching. The carriage made a sharp stop right in front of my horse as I ran my fingers through the horse's mane. the carriage door flung open and an angry man stomped out cursing. 

"would you mind if you filthy son of a whore" he cried out and when they came closer I realised it was Maria de Brézé half brother Francis de La Tour d'Auvergne.

"oh you, my sister's killer" he spat out as I smiled jumping off of my horse and walking up to him.

"last time I saw you, you used to call me your future wife," I said placing my hand out for him to kiss but instead he just shoved it out of his way. I lowered my arm, before dusting my dress

" I see you are still up to your little tricks and schemes but now you have even more power to be an absolute foul. like killing off innocent people like my sister" he started

"your illegitimate sister, cause your father couldn't keep it in his pants like most men," I said and he laughed out.

"like your husband" he added and my mouth fell open

"How dare you speak of our king in such a way" I huffed out still in disbelief. 

"he is not my king, the only king in my eyes is King Francis of France," he said.

"you are on English ground, owned by the king who you must obey and respect the second you step forth on his land" I spat at him.

"if your father had just kept faithful to your dear mother, we wouldn't be here in this situation," I said and he shook his head.

"you have an illegitimate daughter, what if I go right now and kill her" he cried out as I slapped his right across the face. 

"I have always been faithful to my husband, that was before marriage and none of your business" I cried out,

"so a mistake" he muttered.

"my daughter is nothing but a mistake, she is one of the best things to ever happen to me. she is my all and you sir have no right to talk down to her" I cried out poking him in the chest repeatedly as my passion grew. he then grabbed my hand which had just stabbed him in the chest. he held both my hands above my head pressing me up against the tree.

"Francis love, hurry up" I was called out from the carriage, the silhouette of a lady was illuminated from the open carriage door.

"go on without me" Francis called out as the carriage door shut and the carriage rode past us, both of us watching it go.

"what are you doing" I cried out as he smiled,

"what I should have done a long time ago, hear that," he said as he stayed silent and a smirk grew on his face. I heard the slashing of water and knew there was a lake nearby, as I remembered back to that day.

I stood behind my mother, my brother and my sister both to my side, in the hallway. we all wore false smiles as the grand doors opened. mother wandered out to greet the people coming out of the carriage while use children just stayed put. I was 12 at the time my sister was 10 and my brother was 8. we stood impatiently as our mother chatted with this older lady, with a rather large and elegant dress. a young boy then stepped out of the carriage, with blonde long hair and a charming grin. they then wandered to the top of the stairs where we all stood,

His French Rose~ Henry VIIIWhere stories live. Discover now