54) Lady Of Loss

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12th July 1522

I was at Devereux residence, mary had just had her baby but her husband had just died the day before her girl was born. I entered her room, with my mother by my side as we were guided into mary's room. she lay upon her bed in tears, as her baby lay in their cot, silently sleeping. I rushed over to mary who latched herself onto me, and I embraced her tightly.

"I am so sorry for your loss mary, you don't have to come back to court straight away as you planned. take as much time as you need to recover," I said as my mother stood by the baby's cot admiring the scene between me and mary. I could tell she was proud of me, she was amazed at how much I had grown since being crowned queen.

"I will come back as soon as possible, I need to distract myself I feel that is best," she said, as her baby began crying. my mother picked up mary's child immediately cradling the child,

"is the baby a boy or a girl, I hadn't been informed before my arrival," I asked trying to cheer her up.

"a girl, Cecily Devereux" she said,

"beautiful name, after your mother, right?" I said and she nodded.

"and walters mother, same first name, it was always something we found funny. we had always said we would name our first daughter after them," she said then after a painful silence she spoke again. 

"walters body will be arriving soon, will you stay with me till it does," she asked and I was confused. 

"where is his body, I thought he died here, I heard he died at home by his wife's side, you, his wife," I said and mary shook her head, you could see she looked rathered pained by my question.

"no, he was with his mistress Margret Garnish Garneys, they have three children together. he claims all as his own, and most of his money and land will go to them. I get the house now though, his son was kind enough to let me stay here" she said and I had no words. I felt so sorry for her, she gave him all her love but he does to her. she was loyal and faithful, like a good little obedient Christian wife. at least walters son has a heart, for letting mary stay in the house that she doesn't own anymore.

"they may come, with the body," mary said and I nodded drawing her into my arms.

Later that day, my mother, Charle Brandon and Thomas More who had come not long ago we're all waiting for Walter's body. 

"did you know Walter had three children with his mistress," I asked, Charles who shook their heads.

"No, since when," Charles asked 

"three children ago" I replied and he let out a little chuckle at my response. The body was soon brought into the dining room, he was laying on a stretcher covered with a white cloth. they uncovered the face and the lay the ugly man, his face scrunched up but his moustache as pointy and shiny as ever. he looked as if he was in mighty pain, my mother then went to tell mary and help her downstairs.

"didn't think it was possible but he looks even uglier" Charles wished to me and I giggled as he chuckled.

"but the moustache looks extra gelled" I sniggered back as we kept on silently chuckling as Thomas entered. he made the sign of the cross muttering a prayer in Latin before speaking to us.

"I feel so bad for her, but at least god has delivered her with a healthy child" more said and I nodded.

"it's all she has ever wanted and had to do since she was 14 years of age" Charles replied,

" Such a smart, loyal, caring, religious and beautiful lady she is. she deserves so much more, I wish there was someone who could give it to her, "Thomas said as he looked at the body. I turned to look at him as Charles did the same.

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