(57) Madrid

175 4 0

25 February 1525

I watched as my luggage was being shifted onto my boat, we were heading to Madrid to meet Charles V Holy Roman Emperor and agree on a peace treaty. Wolsey would have gone but he hasn't been feeling the best and had been off duties for a few weeks. henry would have been the next in line to go but he didn't want t miss out on hunting season and he believed I would be the best man for the job. he said he'd see if he'd be able to come but I just assumed that was a no. 

my ladies stood behind me, along with Charles of Savoy, William Compton, Norris and Brandon. I was just about to clamber onto the boat till a trumpet was blown so I turned to where the sound was coming from. two horses were galloping towards the boat, they stopped and one of the messengers legged it over to me. he bowed and before opening his scroll,

"it is from your majesty the king has requested for me to read this to you right now," he said and I nodded.

"My dearest Charlotte, I would love to join you as I had planned to but I cannot. arthur is ill, do not freat or cancel the trip, go. Arthur has me, England has me and I will report daily on how he is doing. I love you with all my heart, Harry" the messenger read.

"tell your majesty, thank you," I said before counting to walk onto the boat. I was shown to my chamber which was next to savoy's room and Suffolk's room. I headed to Suffolk's chamber later in the day, slumping onto his bed.

"yes, your majesty," Charles said turning to look at me as I lifted my head to look at him. he walked over to me and sat by me, I yanked him down so we both lay on the bed.

"I'm worried," I said and Charles turned to look at me,

"about what, meeting the emperor or Arthur," he asked as I rested my head on his chest his hands wrapped around me automatically.

"a bit of both, but mostly about the trip" I replied 

"you have written loads of letters to the emperor and his wife back and forth. I feel they will be pleased to meet you, I even hear you are going to be presented with an amazing gift" Charles said and I mumbled in response. I hated being on a boat it is the most boring thing ever and Charles's words were calming but for only a bit. I flung my arm around Charles closing my eyes, I was hoping id be able to sleep. Charles fell asleep before I did 

"Brandon" I heard as the door was flung open and I turned to see my uncle standing a the door with Compton. I nudged Charles who immediately sat up, he turned to look at my uncle was fuming then Compton who held his thumbs up. uncle grabbed Compton's thumbs and bent them, Compton winced and whined from the pain.

"Brandon we need to talk," uncle savoy said and Charles stood up.

"we will continue our talk later, but get some rest and stop worrying," he said before following Compton. Savoy stood in the doorway looking rather disappointed at me,

"we will talk later," he said pointing right at me like I was a naughty child that had just broken something. he turned to go

"We didn't do anything wrong" I cried out and uncle sharply stopped startling me slightly. he turned his neck to glare at me before turning his whole body.

"later" he cried out at the top of his lungs causing my eyes to tear open. he kept his penetrating glare on me for a bit longer before storming out of the room. I slumped back down onto the bed, waiting a few minutes so I definitely wouldn't run into uncle charlie. I left the room and was shocked to find Anne Boleyn and her cousin Catherine have their ears against savoy's door. mary Boleyn stood watching them in disapproval, his face lighting up once I arrived.

"look at them, being all unprofessional" she shrieked as the two ladies at the door gestured for her to shut it.

"they are right to keep it down, and you two tell me everything later" I whispered as I lead mary to my room.

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