(28) I Will

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1st January 1515

mary burst into my room and while Edmund lay on top of me thrusting. I then tapped his shoulder and his head turned to the door. he immediately flipped of me and turned to mary who stood there in shock.

"mary get out" I cried but she shook her head as she entered the room covering her eyes,

"it's king Louis, I think he's dead" She cried out as my eyes widened and filled up with tears. Louis was a very big part of who I am now, he taught me things my dad never got time to. he loved me so dearly and we had a deep connection, much more than anyone other than we knew.

"But if you two are so busy" Mary started but I stopped her,

"Mary wait, just let me get changed" I cried as Mary slipped out of the room. I clambered out of bed and so did Edmund. we both changed into our nightgowns and headed with Mary to the king's chamber. I was running, faster than I thought I had ever in my life with Edmund and Mary trying to catch up.

"LOUIS, LOUIS," I said with a tear running down my cheek fling the door open and seeing his cold still body. this man was like a father to me when I lost my own. he cared for me, spoiled me rotten and he was always there for me. I then thought of one of the last things he said to me 'you're right, but I'll be back next week, trust me'. now I thought about it, there isn't going to be the next week, there never will I should have just let him. I sunk onto my knees by Louis body and burst into tears gripping onto his limp arm, hugging it tightly. Edmund then rubbed my back and held me close to him. I then cried onto his shoulder as Mary rubbed my back instead.

"it will be okay, charlotte trusts me," Edmund said as I drew him into a hug. after a few minutes I pulled myself together, Edmund helped me up.

"Mary I need the word spread, tell nobles at court first and the news will spread and Edmund get a physician," I said and they both nodded. she walked off and Edmund went with her, so it was just me and Louis's body left in the room. I lay in the bed next to him and gripped onto him tightly laying my head on his chest.

"Louis what do I do, only you and I know and now you're gone so I only know. I can't keep this secret forever it's weighing on me and I don't think I can take anymore. but you told me it's between you and me only so I'll try and I'll only tell when the time is right. oh, I wish you could hold me tightly like you once did and I wish I let you yesterday. I wish I let you touch me, I wish I let you do it to me " I hushed cried to Louis holding his limp body tightly as tears began to swell up in my eyes.

"you brought me such joy louis, you were my everything and you taught me everything you knew" I said lifting the kings limp body into both of my arms. I held him tightly to my warm body as tears still flooded my eyes.

"I loved you louis" I said placing my lip upon his cold lifeless bony cheek.

later that day I sat upon Louis throne, It hit me once more my own brother may be king or Fredrick may. It wasn't decided yet but I was so proud of both of them, no one ever thought either one of them would become king and I know dad would be proud. I then thought about how much I missed henry and our son Arthur. I hope he is alright, I didn't want the same thing that happened to henry to happen to Arthur and especially cause I was so far away. I then was drawn out of my thoughts by Fredrick and his tutor entering the room. they walked over bowed and Fredrick sat by me

"you wanted to see me, Lottie," he said and I nodded.

"Fredrick, I'm so sorry to tell you this but I thought it would be best I break the news to you. your father, King Louis is - dead" I softly blurted out the news. Fredrick once-grand grin turned sour in a matter of seconds. a few tears began to trickle down his cheeks as I shook my head trying to hold back my own tears. his tears became much more intense, they began streaming down his glowing face. he then ran into my arms balling his eyes out onto my chest, as I held tighter then I ever had in my life.

"I know what your feeling right now, Fredrick. I lost my own father when I was your age, I cried for months and barely even left my chamber. I was broken to bits but you'll soon get over it and realise that life moves on" I said rocking the six-year-old on my lap. his hand gripped onto me tightly and I hugged him back not wanting to let go. Francis strutted into the room with a smile. he then looked at me, as he sat down on the throne where Fredrick once sat.

"Lottie, my dreams have come true I'm now the king of this fine country," he said with a huge grin

"really what about Fredrick, is he not king" I cried and Francis looked deeply into my eyes.

"Not sure yet, but it's leaning towards me," he said and I smiled,

"well, whatever happens, I love you both," I said as Francis ruffled Fredrick's hair

"all hail king Francis of the big nose" I chanted raising his arm, punching the air, which Fredrick joined in on. that earned me a slap on the back of the head, I then rubbed my head pouting at him and he kissed my head which made Fredrick laugh.

"you act like a child at times," he said and I nodded

"I know but so do you, Francis," I said drawing him into a hug. 

4th January 1515

"Queen Charlotte, we have a court meeting, where we will be reading out loud will would you like to join," one courier asked and I nodded. Thomas Edmund And Charles Howard joined me, as we attended the meeting. this meeting would tell us who was king, Francis or Fredrick. 

"in the late kings will he says, Prince Fredrick is heir to the throne and once I die he will become king if my wife Mary doesn't provide me with a male heir. if Fredrick is underage Francis duke of Orleans will be his regent. if my lovely people disagree Francis may be king but my son Frederick will be next in line no matter how many children Francis has" somebody read. 

"why isn't Fredrick just made king" Edmund whispered

"he's illegitimate and nobody but king Louis knows who the mother is" I whispered back. 

"So why is this going on, when we all know Francis is going to be king" Edmund whispered and I shrugged.

"you tell me," I said making him smile as his brother Thomas eyed us suspiciously.

"it also reads, Fredrick has a closer claim to the throne than you may think" the same person read of Louis will. I looked across the court at Marguerite and her husband who looked petrified as I did. My whole family knew who Fredricks mother was but she was dead and she was disowned from her family. if the news ever got out Louis would have a bad name, alive or dead.

"queen charlotte Tudor, is a person very close to my heart and I will be leaving her this letter and her father's sword" was readout. I stood up and went to collect the letter and sword thanking the lord. In the end, the court had come to a decision, the new king was Francis. Edmund, Charles and Thomas shook my hand at the announcement

"congrats," Charles and Edmund said. we then walked out of the court and I walked alongside Thomas Howard. 

"you look guilty, what is it your hiding" Thomas sharply spoke quite randomly,

"I am not hiding a thing from you," I said and he nodded not convinced at all. we then headed out and I quickly went to Fredricks chamber. I knocked three times

"come in" I heard but it wasn't Fredrick. I opened the door and saw Fredrick writing as Francis stood behind him, observing and Claude sat upon the bed. I walked over to Francis and his wife he then wrapped his arm around me.

"So how did it go," he asked and I didn't even try to hide my smile.

"very well, your grace," I said and he turned his head sharply to look at me,

"your grace, why are you calling me that," he asked. I grabbed his shoulders and shook him slightly.

"your king" I cried and he drew me into a hug, he then grabbed his wife drawing her into a tight embrace, kissing her intensely.

"Fredrick is next for the throne, as Louis requested even if you produce a male heir who outlives you. I'm not sure that will stick when the time comes, but your still prince Fredrick" I said and he nodded with a smile of glee. Francis then drew me into a hug 

"louis also left me our father's sword" I cried withdrawing the sword from side. Francis ad Fredrick gawked over it as Claude held onto Fredrick's shoulder to make sure he didn't injure himself.

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