(38) Small But Satisfying

284 7 3

31 march 1519

I had just given birth to a son, and I lay on my bed in and out of light slumber. I heard the door open and I lifted my head to see Charles Brandon. a smile spread upon my face at the sight of him. he sat on my bed taking my hand as I sat up in my bed which took most of my energy.

"How are you feeling are you," Charles asked as I subtly nodded my eyelids slowly shutting. I tried my very best to stay awake and I somehow managed to keep them open.

"Congrats, a son," he said

"our son" I interrupted him sharply and he smiled.

"yes our son, im proud of you love," he said making me smile brightly.

"What is his name, im hoping you're going to say Charles after his favourite father" Charles said making me chuckle slightly.

"you are funny, I called him Francis I thought about calling him Charles but henry advised I didn't," I said and Charles overdramatically gasped as I laughed.

"you always know how to brighten me up even when I am at my lowest but you best be leaving," I said and he stood up looking towards the exit of my chamber connecting to my quarters. there stood lady Carew and lady Say with a smile upon both of their faces. 

"your majesty, your grace," they said curtsying to me and Charles before they wandered into the room. Charles turned back to me letting go of my hand he held tightly

"Thomas Howard wanted to see you, im just warning you and Edmund may be brought up in the conversation," Charles said before rushing out of the room.

"ladies," he said tipping his head subtly as they both bowed and I watched him closely.

"thank you, your grace" I cried out with all my energy causing me to sink heavily into the bed. I lay my head to the side taking a huge breath, I was drained. my eyes began to set as I lay still upon my bed with freshly changed sheets. I wrenched my eyes open and found Thomas Howard standing by my bed. I had only just my eyes, well in reality I had probably been asleep for a few short hours.

"Your grace, what is it you need" I tiredly groaned as Thomas bowed before speaking.

"congrats charlotte on the birth of your son," he said and I nodded expecting him to continue. instead, he wandered around the room looking into the distance. my eyes slowly trailed behind him watching his every move.

"What did you decide on naming him," he asked as I, trying to was tried to sit up ever so slowly and gently. I watched him walk over to my desk shuffling through a few of my papers skimming over a few. I didn't have the energy to fight back and demanded him to lower them and leave me alone.

"Francis, I named him Francis," I said and Thomas nodded sitting upon the end of my bed. he slowly got up moving closer to me.

"How are you feeling," he asked laying his hand upon my shoulder as he towered over me and I sloppily smiled.

"im fine Thomas, tired but feeling much better," I said and he nodded with a smile.

"charlotte I know you are very close to my younger brother Edmund. well I need to tell you that he is ill, he has come down with smallpox" Thomas said and my mouth knotted. 

"close, im not so sure about that but I am sincerely sorry for you and your family through such a difficult time" I cried gripping onto Thomas sleeve. 

"What a cold response your majesty" he cried out before he left not uttering another word. 

15 June 1519

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