(9)Red Dress

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3rd April 1510

"Charlotte, charlotte wake up it's your coronation tomorrow" henry cheerfully said shaking me. I woke up and we were face to face and I dreamily smiled at him, sloppily holding his face and gently kissing him on the lips. once I let go I beamed even more as he shuffled off the bed

"what is it henry," I sleepy said rubbing my eyes.

"your coronation is tomorrow we must be heading to the tower soon," he said grabbing my arm and yanking me up drawing me into his arms gripping tightly onto me. I had wrapped my legs around henry's torso resting my head upon his shoulder. Then there was a knock at the door

"Enter" cried henry spinning me around and lady Beth, Joan and Beatrix entered the room and curtsied. Henry kissed my cheek and flung me onto the bed making me giggle then left the room without another word and I got up. The ladies got me dressed and ready for the journey, I thanked them then headed towards the carriage but I was stopped by lady Beatrix. she drew me into a hug which I embraced

"I'm sorry, I've been all over the place these past months, your majesty an emotional wreck," she said and I let go and tutted

"I'm not officially queen yet, Beatrix," I said making her smile.

"you're going to be the best thing to ever happen to this country, I know it" she cried and I nodded. 

"I can only hope, do you remember what that peasant said in France while we were in the carriage on our way here," I said and she began laughing.

"What, here comes the kings whore, all you do is steal our money and leave us poor" she laughed and I shook my head choking on my tears of laughter.

"not that man, the one who said jealously is one of the most powerful emotions which drags you down and destroys your life, don't let it, but remember it's natural so embrace it," I said and she nodded still chuckling which made me grin.

"I don't think that's exactly what he said" Beatrix started but I interpreted her laughter

"it doesn't matter, that's pretty much what he said anyway, I'll see you there you money stealing whore" I laughed as I left to go get the carriage leaving Beatrix in a fit of laughter but on the way there I saw guards guarding a door. I asked what was going on and one of them told me the king was in there. They let me enter and I saw my husband sitting by the window deep in thought. I didn't want to disturb him but I did anyway

"you all right Harry," I asked and the eighteen-year-old king came out of his train of thoughts and back to reality.

"yes --  yes fine my dear," he said extending his arms, I walked towards him and he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into a close embrace. we both stared at the morning sky, for a good few minutes.

"it's not easy -- being king," Henry said looking over to me as I looked at him

"you've only been king for a few months your majesty" I chuckled and he nodded chuckling slightly.

"I know, it's just so much to do and little time I can I spend with you in my chambers. also, think about and I never know if I'm doing the right thing. my father had so many people he could trust like my grandmother, my mother but he lived in a world of paranoia. but with you by my side, I believe I can survive and you will be powerful just like them" he said looking at the sky avoiding eye contact.

"don't you worry, I'll try my best, I can never be as brave and perfect as your mother and grandmothers but I'll try for you -- anything for henry," I said with a beaming smile.

"I don't want to be like my father -- not like him - never" he blurted out tears rolling from the corner of his eyes. I placed my hands behind his head and turned it burning his face onto me.

His French Rose~ Henry VIIIWhere stories live. Discover now