(8) My Henry

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11th February 1510

Today was the day of I and king henry's wedding, I was quite nervous because I knew I was giving up my freedom and youth as most women do. I had also had a nightmare about us getting married and let's just say at the end my head was not on me, detached from my body. 

when I was little I had always said I would marry a rich man and we'd travel the world and have no kids to hold me down. well, I think that plan has changed as I was going to be queen soon and my husband will need an heir. In the early morning, I was woken by a booming thump at my door

"come in" I grudgingly muttered, and lady Beatrix de Foix, Elizabeth Dacre (beth), Joan Culpepper, Anne Hastings, Anne Stafford, Margaret Scrope, Agnes Tilney, Mary Say, Elizabeth Boleyn and Margaret Stafford rushed into my room.

"come on my lady today is your wedding," Elizabeth Dacre grinned ear to ear excitedly, and I slowly climbed out of my bed. Elizabeth Boleyn, Agnes, Anne Hasting, Beth Darce and Anne Stafford got me changed into my purple dress which was long, flowy and I think was satin with a clingy bodice emphasizing my tiny waist, with gold trim around the edges. Then I took a seat, Beatrix did my hair with a sour sulk but she did it surprisingly quicker than I thought.

"Why so glum lady Beatrix, it's not like you to sulk," I asked staring blankly at the mirror as Beatrix did my hair and mary did my makeup. She looked up with anger glowing on her face and she just glared at me through the mirror and I felt her eyes burning the back of my head. she didn't respond, but I saw a firey tear trickle down her face full of a searing fury. Mary then continued applying makeup to my face then Joan and Beth wore the official queen of England jewels upon me.

"are you excited lady charlotte," Joan asked, and I shrugged slightly

"well, yes just a bit nervous --- actually I mean a lot, my whole life is going to change" I shakily puffed biting my lip.

"don't you worry, I heard your majesty is making it a huge grand wedding to show you off to the world so they can adore you as much as he adores you? you'll take everyone by shock, don't think about what people are saying about you as long as you have and show your pride you are fine" lady Beth said still with a cheesy grin on her face. I took a little breath trying to calm myself down as my greyish blue foggy eyes widened. Once Joan and beth had finished all the ladies backed up as I stood up and strode to the mirror. I smiled slightly at my reflection, I looked like a new woman and I felt wonderful. My face was painted flawlessly, my lips were ruby red and I had silver heavy earing dangling from my ear and a silver necklace, broch and silver embodied everywhere making me feel grand. My hair was combed down my back and a crown with purple jewels was placed upon my head. I no longer looked like that sweet innocent french girl with a wild imagination but like a mature, regal young lady but I didn't feel like one and I don't think I ever will. I still felt like a whore, a flimsy mistress who was desperate to get in the arms of whoever would take her. am I sure marriage is for me?

"thank you, ladies, you may leave," I said as they left the room, I sat on my bed thinking hard. Was I rushing into this? did I still have feelings for Charles Brandon? What will life be like once I marry a king -- I -- I just. I thought as a tear ran down my cheek which I quickly whipped away. I stood up quickly and strode over to the mirror. I just stood there staring at my pale worrying tear-stained face. I then remembered myself at the age of 6 writing in my diary with a toothy grin. Each strand of my black hair was going in a different direction, my eyes wide and bright full of light and ambitions. now I felt plain, a vision of beauty to be flung around by any man who could grab her. I still wasn't too convinced the king truly loved me or he loved me more for my looks than who I was. I had been told by men that I was a vision of unique beauty and anyone who could see must fall for me. that is when there was a knock at the door, It was king Louis and I curtsied as he bowed before walking in.

"lady charlotte your carriage is waiting outside," he said as he drew me into a huge embrace.

"Oh Louis how, I have missed you," I said as we stopped hugging and we linked arms,
we then headed out to the carriage together. Once I made it to the church Louis smiled at me 

"This is the biggest thing you've ever done before, are sure about this, once you step through these doors theirs no turning back," he asked and I nodded very adamantly. 

"do you believe I'm doing the right thing," I asked and he turned to look at me?

"well I rather hoped you married him, I had always wanted you too when I sent you to England. when you returned pregnant by a titless fool I lost hope, but you really had the king in your grasp" he said and I smiled.

"she was a mistake but a happy one. she was about to change my mind about marrying the king but here I am" I said as he kissed my cheek before entering the church. the grand doors opened, and I saw king henry at the top of the aisle with a big smile. I walked up the aisle with my four ladies Elizabeth Dacre, Beatrix de Foix, Elizabeth Boleyn and Joan Culpepper. I did not look at anyone else but henry and his men behind him Charles Brandon, the Duke of Buckingham and the duke of Norfolk, once I made my way to the front I curtsied to the king. I grabbed henry's outstretched hand and beamed brightly at him as he did the same to me. I looked into his eyes and behind him to where Charles Brandon stood and we locked eyes briefly.

After the wedding, we made our way back to Thornbury Castle where we were going to stay for a few days, it had a massive ball that lasted all through the night. I got to dance with the king for almost the whole night, even though I was horrible at dancing, but he made up for my poor dancing skills. I also danced with Brandon and the duke of Buckingham who was quite nice, maybe a bit too nice. 

"your majesty, you look extremely beautiful today, I didn't know you could be even more beautiful," He said dancing me around.

"oh thank you, Buckingham, you look rather snazzy," I said,

"I never thought I would have many friends here at court, but now I'm queen I won't know who to trust," I said after a bit and he smiled.

"don't you worry, I'll be here at your disposal whenever you need it? as one of the most powerful men living on English land, I can do many things for a jewel-like you" he said and I chuckled under my breath. It was the best day of my life, I made it back to my bed-chamber late in the night. I sat on my bed and my excitement levels grew, henry would be coming to my bed-chamber. Lady Joan, Elizabeth, Mary and Beatrix came and helped me undress and change into my nightgown for this evening. they then made me drink sweet and spicy wine, which was quirt nice. Then there was a knock on the door which made me gulp slightly and Beatrix rubbed my back to calm me down. The king strutted in, along with a priest and a few of his men. the bed was blessed by the priest and then henry scurried in. I then followed him into the bed, as a stocking was thrown onto the bed one hitting me in the face. the one that hit me in the face was thrown by Beatrix who looked so pleased, this meant she would be wed soon.

"you are dismissed" henry commanded confidently grabbing my hand as they all scurried out of the room. all of them with smiles but except Beatrix who seemed a little down and had no eye contact which made me feel even more uneasy.

"you look beautiful today," Henry said and all I did was stare into his eyes.

"And you look so handsome," I said softly.

"don't be so nervous charlotte, I'm not going to hurt you," he said playing with my hair, was it that obvious I was nervous I thought as his hands went down my body stopping at my boobs. he then squeezed me into a hug his hands getting lower by the second. I swiftly drew him into a kiss he then stripped naked and lay on my bed. there then was a bang on the door

"less talking lovers" shouted Charles Brandon and I smiled at henry pressing my lips against his own. it was weird having people on the other side of the door listening. normally when you are about to consummate the marriage, your families are there. it's like an event, a very awkward one if you are the one in the chamber.

"come on charlotte," henry said as I looked at him with a grand beaming smile obeying him instantly by slipping into the bed as he mounted on top of me. 

"come on harry, I haven't got all night," I said and he laughed heartily, pressing his finger against my lip. All I can say is that this is the best day of my life.

His French Rose~ Henry VIIIWhere stories live. Discover now