(11) Beginners Luck

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26 November 1510

I was awoken this morning by henry, who just stood over my bed with a grand old grin. I looked at him up and down before I sat up.

"morning love," he said kissing my cheek softly.

"Morning," I mumbled eyeing him suspiciously scanning his face full of joy. I could tell he was hiding something but what, I couldn't tell. had I done something, had he done something, was there like a war or something or. I began rapidly thinking in my head but that was interrupted by henry.

"I got this for you," Henry said handing me a suit of armour, my face lit up and I jumped up slightly. I was now sitting on my knees admiring the armour then I looked up at henry after a few minutes.

"you said you liked jousting, so do you want to take part in a competition, it will make the people see you and me in a different way, just different from...," he said looking unable to finish the sentence.

"different from your father, from any other king, you want to be remembered once your gone, I get it," I said and he looked shocked but agreed. before he could ask how I knew what he was going to say, I spoke first.

"I desire power to, I'd do anything for power and legacy, my power, our power, our legacy, wouldn't you," I said moving closer to him, I was now cupping his face. once I was done talking he grabbed my wrists and ripped them off his face and put them behind my head. he then lowered me down onto the bed as he placed his legs in between my own. his lips then brushed against my own,

"now, that's why I married you," he said making me smirk but also blush intensely.

"but remember you must be very careful, as its a man's sport," Henry said as the huge grin that was stained upon my face, unravelled.

"a man's sport, so what sport is a woman's -- huh tell me --- you can't can you, " I shot at him causing him to place a hand on my ankle and run my hand up my leg. 

"I am only allowing you to do this, just this one time," he said then I pushed him off me and I huffed slightly.

"we'll see" I laughed as I got out of the bed and stood by the mirror. I then began raising the heavy armour in front of me posing slightly. after a bit of silence

"would you get my ladies in to get me dressed, thank you," I said to henry without looking at him, I then heard him leave the room and my ladies shortly came in and got me in my suit of armour.

I got to the field and saw thousands of folks watching the jousting. I strutted over to my horse not letting all the fear that was creeping up my body take power over me. I then got handed my lance and I was helped up onto my horse. 

"and who are you," Charles Brandon said as galloping over to me with Willam Compton and Nicholas Carew behind him. I moved closer to Charles and lifted my helmet a little as I lay one hand on his shoulder.

"don't you worry about it, Charles" I wisphered and his face was filled with shock. I galloped towards my starting point. my opponent did the same but came on quite cocky, too cocky making me want to slash him of his horse, so badly. I watched him as he got onto his horse, waving and enjoying the cheers of the crowd, then we were announced

"on the left is Lord Edward duke of Buckingham and on the right under the king's arms," he started but then stopped looking at me then back at the paper.

 "Lord Charles Valois of Angouleme" the crowds clapped and I received many stares but I was focused on the game. people had no clue who the hell I was, all they knew was that I was connected to royalty and foreign of course.

His French Rose~ Henry VIIIUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum