(47) Maid Of Death

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13th May 1521

Today was the day of my son's funeral, I headed to Westminster abbey. my ladies were all with me and Arthur Plantagentat came along. he stood by my side as we walked over to my son who lay in his tiny coffin. the coffin was much bigger than henrys, but this one was still tiny in my eyes. Arthur placed a hand on my shoulder looking at me with a sorry looking smile. 

My Son is gone
The angels came that winter day,
Now day just dims into the night.
you never woke; you slipped away.
As I always wake in the dimming limelight.

Your eyes, your face, not in my sight.
My son won't rise to see another day.
all I wish is to hold you tight.
Time can't stop, just cause your away

How is my life to carry on?
So empty since my son is gone.

I was sat at the table with my husband eating dinner together like we always did. I stared at my food as I took a sip of wine, I then turned to look at henry as I lowered my glass. I looked at his blue, beautiful eyes as he viciously bites into a pomegranate. he then looked up at me, the fruits juice dripping down his hand. 

"Are you okay" he muttered and I looked even deeper into his eyes,

"fine, just feel a little ill," I said placing my hand upon my bump looking down.

"shall I get a bucket," he asked and I shook my head.

"How was your day," I asked as I always loved when he informed me about his day or ask for my opinion. as queen there is not much I can do, it gets quite boring. he opened his mouth till the door opened and a servant entered with a lady behind him and my mouth fell. it was lady Maria de Brézé, my old friend from France.

"Your Majesties, it's so lovely to see you again charlotte" she cried out as I looked at her with great horror. she handed a paper to Compton who handed it to the king,

"it's lovely to see you again," I stammered with a strained smile as I rose from my seat. the king whispered into Compton's ear and he nodded.

"May I be excused," I said and the king nodded as I left the room with maria following. I lead her to my quarters as we remind in silence. so many thoughts ran through my head as we walked down the hall. Compton stopped us and lead me down the hall and whispered to me.

"the king finds she is suitable for the job and asks of your thoughts as she is from France," he said.

"Trust me I know her, she is not suitable she stole from the queen of France, she killed her husband and I hate her" I whispered through gritted teeth. I ran off to go catch up with maria and led her to my quarters, where I dismissed all my ladies so we were alone.

"what the hell are you doing here" I cried out looking at the woman with great anger.

"Just thought I would come and see England, get a job as a servant. I lost all my titles and land, I have been banished from France but believe me I am innocent." she started but I cut her off as I walked over to her, slamming my hand against her neck, squeezing but not hard enough to suffocate her.

"I never wanted to see you again, you promised to stay out of my sight and here you are. who brought you here," I whispered and she shook her head. she opened her mouth for breath and I let go of her neck. I was towering over the now hunched over maria, we were extremely close, I wanted her to feel trapped.

"you sent me a letter pleading for me to come, something along the lines with that you desired my touch. you said you knew of my banishment and thought I may find comfort here in your home" she said and I laughed.

His French Rose~ Henry VIIIWhere stories live. Discover now