(46) Title, Tainted & Trial

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8th February 1521

she stood in front of me in a red vibrant dress, a Tudor roses crown entwined in her luscious long black locks of hair. she had grown so much and I was so proud, but I felt slight guilt for missing so much of he childhood. her eyes blue, just as bright as my siblings. she stood at the entrance all the people of the court stood to the side as she walked down. I sat by henry upon our thrones as my daughter walked forward Charles stood a few steps behind her. I smiled at her as she looked at me, I then looked behind her at Charles who looked rather proud. I nodded at him and he smiled heartily as we reached the front and Henry stood up. isabella curtsied down low as the king was handed his sword,

"lady Isabella Brandon, Valois of Aungleme, I now give you the title of Marquess of Pembroke," he said. he rose his sword and tapped Isabella on both shoulders. he handed the sword to the closet person and wore the robe of estate on her, granting her some lands. she rose once more and nodded towards the king,

"thank you, your majesty," she said and he drew her into a hug. Charles took her hand and everyone slowly but surely left. I went over to my daughter and drew her into a hug,

"my daughter, look at you all grown up," I said and she grinned.

"any man will be lucky to have you as their wife," he said,

"not yet, don't worry Isabella I can see the fear growing in your eyes," I said which calmed her. she held her father's hand and he led her to the banquet hall, as I held her other hand. I looked at Charles who smiled heartily at me. once we were alone he whispered to me,

"this was all your doing I know, you are a great woman" he said but I shook my head.

"it wasn't, the king decided it and I happily agreed," I said, we spoke for a bit more till he left, probably going to thank the king. once I entered the hall once more I saw henry leading Isabella to his throne and letting her sit upon it. the banquet and celebration started, 

21st March 1521

I wrapped my arms around the warm body which lay next to mine, I ran my fingers through their hair and opened my eyes. it wasn't at all henry that lay by my side, it was the young 17 year old lady jane pole sound asleep. her bare beautiful body pressed up against me, her locks of red vibrant hair running in all different directions. I hesitantly raised my hand and cleared the hair out of her face. I observed her sleeping features, her nose small with a sharp pointy end, her lips slim red and so kissable. I shook her awake as I rose,

"your majesty, I am so sorry please don't punish me" she cried out and I only laughed.

"darling I won't punish you, I loved your company hope we can do it again," I told her as I outstretching my hand. she took it and I helped her up, I then wander out of the barn. I jumped onto my horse and waited for lady jane to appear. I waited over 10 minutes for her to arrive and when she did, she was shivering.

"Why did we have to go here, in all this filth and muck" she complained as I tried to clamber onto her horse but fell straight off. I climbed off of my horse to help the now muddy jane up, and onto her horse. I tried my hardest to hold in my laughter and I managed, just about with a smirk left on my face.

"oh laugh if you must, your queen I can't stop you," she said as she began ridding off and I let out a few hearty chuckles. I then kicked my horse with my feet and it began catching up with jane who was going awfully slow. I opened my arms as we passed jane, galloping past her

"oh come on jane catch up will you" I laughed as she began cursing. I made it to the stable where I handed my horse over to the stable boy then headed back to the castle. I entered the castle and waltzed my way to my chamber but on the way, I looked out the window. I saw a muddy fuming jane arrive on her husband's horse, which made me smile. she was helped down by the stable boy, she pushed past him and marched towards the castle. I chuckled to myself as I walked down the halls to my quarters. when I arrived I saw Henry Norris stood there with the lord of Derby. Norris moved closer to me as he noticed my arrival

His French Rose~ Henry VIIIWhere stories live. Discover now