(7) Like Mother, Like Father

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12th December 1509

I was almost eight months along and I looked much bigger. I was still at my mother's house and I was hiding out there for the rest of my stay. I had been at court for a bit but stopped when I began showing.

"Catherine de Bretagne, is visiting me today," I said and my mother nodded. Francis then walked over to her and jumped onto my back.

"Francis, get off your sister," my mother said softly before leaving the room. Francis sat upon my bed and I lay by his side as he placed a hand on my stomach. I watched him as he did this, he then kissed my bump making me smile.

"im so happy, im going to be an uncle," he said and I nodded.

"the best uncle but I hope you know I'll be heading back to England to look after this child. you won't see them much but I will tell them all about you and how amazing you are" I said and Francis's smile slithered of his face immediately. 

"so you are going to leave, permanently," he asked and I nodded

"yes, but I will be travelling the world with Charles Brandon and our child. we will go to Spain then Portugal first then see where our boat takes us. or I may marry the king and become queen of England but do not worry for me" I said and Francis smile returned.

"enjoy it, I know you will, whatever one you go for," he said as I drew him into a hug kissing his forehead, we both stood up and I looked Francis up and down.

"you've grown too much, I was only gone for a few months and you've grown so much, you are much taller than me now" I moaned as he laughed leaving the room.

I walked through the hallways with a skip in my step, as I walked down the stairs. I then stopped at the window and sat upon the edge. I looked out of the window in deep thought and that's when I saw a man on a horse enter our grounds. they jumped off the horse and I realised it was Charles, Charles Brandon. I quickly shoot of the window sill and speedy dashed up the stairs where I bumped into my mother.

"what is charlotte, you shouldn't be running so carelessly with your condition" she cried

"it Charles, he is here I just saw him get off his horse, he is here" I screeched out as I ran behind the corner.

"my lady Louise of savoy an English man representing the king of England is here," our servant said and my mother nodded.

"let me go greet him," she said walking off with the servant as I stood upon the steps dumbfounded and confused. what should I do, face Charles or retreat away? I decided to leg it, but Francis was behind me and turned me around by the shoulders.

"We are going trust me, it will be fine," he said holding my hand and guiding me to the door. how did he know I was going to bolt it, like a wimp? mother was chatting away with Charles who turned to look at me when he saw me approaching. I looked at Francis who was nodding towards me, he then let go of my hand, bowed in front of Charles and drew him into a hug.

"it's a pleasure meeting you in person, I've heard so much about you. your dreamy eyes, your fit body, you were right charlotte his eyes are beautiful" he yelled out laughing his head off and I yanked him off Charles and behind me. Charles looked me up and down,  with a beaming smile and his eyes falling upon my bump. my mother and brother left slowly so it was just me and Charles,

"So when were you going to tell me," he asked and I shrugged.

"I'm not sure when, but I was going to tell you when I gave birth," I said but he shook his head.

"but what if you got ill with childbed fever, what if you died you wouldn't be able to tell me would, you," he said holding onto my hands. I looked deeply into his eyes, my eyes followed with so much guilt and sorrow.

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