(26) Tears & Stares

449 9 4

6th October 1514

 I woke up to banging on my chamber door, 

"enter" I tiredly mumbled, Francis strutted into the room and sat on the bed looking at me with a smile.

"what" I mumbled rolling over in my bed but he flipped me over to face him once more.

"I wanted to spend the day with my lovely big sister," Francis said wearing an annoying grin, I wanted to slap off his face. he then whipped off my bonnet and began playing with my messy jet black hair as I reluctantly let him do so.

"lovely big sister doesn't sound like me are you talking about Marguerite," I said looking at him with a half-smile and my eyes barely open.

"I'm talking about you, get up," he said slapping my face lightly, abruptly standing up which really did wake me up. he then picked me up out of the bed throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of feathers.

"put me down at once Francis," I squealed slapping his back but with a smile. I then began laughing as he danced around the room humming,

"wow," I started knowing exactly how to get Francis to put me down.

"wow what, there's no point in trying to get me to put you down," he said confidently dancing around the room with me still on his shoulder.

"wow, your butt looks amazing from here Francis" I giggled stretching my hand to smack his arse, which made Francis place me down at once onto the end of the bed, he then towered over me with a smirk caressing my cheek.

"thank you for the comment on my butt," he said staring deeply into my eyes. I then drew him closer to me staring deeply into his blue eyes as his hungry stare only intensified. I then leaned to kiss him but instead my lips met with his huge palm. I quickly let go of him lowering my wondering eyes down to the fall

"Okay I'll leave you to get ready, I'll be outside," he said kissing my cheek. As I was getting ready I realised how much I had missed France. the court was so much bubblier and friendlier than the one back in England. there were so many people I hadn't seen in years but got to see and chat with.

"ahh about time," Francis said 

"Okay, so where we going," I said ignoring his comment and we got onto two horses. we rode through empty acres of land, which were all so familiar to me. we then arrived in this small patch of grass and then I gasped.

"This is where we used to play" I squealed as Francis nodded dragging me to the middle.

"what, you want to wrestle now", I said and he nodded, 

"yes unless you think you will lose" he cried as I burst into laughter

"you're going down brother" I coldly spoke. we stood opposite each other and wrapped arms around our hip as if we doing a lower hug. I then kissed his cheek

"good luck" I cried out and chuckled 

"You're going down sister" he confidently said 

"3, 2,1 " I shouted but empathised on the 1, we then began to wrestle. Francis was trying to fling me over his shoulder but I tried kicking his legs. after a few minutes he picked me up and I quickly and sharply jabbed his arm and he let go letting me tumble down. I quickly got up grabbed his arms to try to push him down to the ground. after a while, I was close to the ground but pushing as hard as I could.

"you're losing Lottie," he said with a grin

"we'll see," I said then quickly swung my foot knocking him off balance making him crash to the ground. I then stood on him and realised we had a crowd of children. I raised my arms and victory and they cheered for me. I then helped my brother up

His French Rose~ Henry VIIIWhere stories live. Discover now