When you got to the dining room you saw Clint look up and grin, and the boys looked at each other and high fived one another. Steve, Sam, and Bucky turned around at the same time, and you saw Bucky flush a bit and give you his flirty grin. He was wearing his long sleeved red shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans and had his black leather jacket on the back of his chair.
"Wow doll" his eyes kept travelling up and down you slowly as though he was taking it all in. You blushed again and bit your bottom lip, heading over to sit down.
"The girls did a good job, you look great" Clint whispered to you.
"Don't fuck this up" Sam punched Bucky in the arm.
"Language" Steve pipped up. "Also, agreed"
"I might mess it up" you sat down.
"You won't" Wanda spoke confidently. "I already know what you're thinking, its not possible"
"I wish I had your confidence" you whispered.
"You've never been confident when it came to dating, but you'll be just fine. You and Bucky seem to be good friends. This is just taking it one step further" you mom spoke knowledgably. "You've known each other over eight months"
"Eight months, three weeks, five days" Bucky blushed.
"That was oddly accurate" Tony looked at him impressed. "Pepper wants pictures of the two of you while your out. She had to go to an early meeting"
"Selfies sound fun" Nat smiled approvingly. "You two can commemorate your first date with a few. I wish Bruce and I would have done that"
"Lets not put too much pressure on them, its just a first date" Tony reminded.
"I think its going to be fun. I haven't been to the museum in forever. I'm really excited" you could see Bucky was getting nervous. He gave a relieved smile, and started eating his food. Clint handed you the platter and you filled up your plate and started eating, keeping a shy smile to yourself. Everyone seemed to carry the conversation lightly for the morning, your mom mentioned she needed to go do her packing for the morning. You finished quickly and you looked pointedly at Nat and she gave you the thumbs up your lipstick was still good.
"You'll be fine" Clint whispered to you. "Your makeup is still good" he added.
"Just remember to be yourself Principessa" Pietro whispered.
"Let him hold your hand too, if he goes for it" Peter added and you blushed as you looked over and saw Bucky was blushing and getting last minute advice from Sam and Steve as well.
"Ready to go?" Bucky stood up after nodding a few times.
"Born ready" you stood up and put your plate away.
"I'll watch your Pup" your mom reminded you. "And the pack" she added with a smile.
"Have fun on your date, I approve of this one" Cloud spoke to you as you came out of the kitchen. Bucky waited for you, and started walking slowly beside you towards the front door. He opened the door when you got there, and he gave a shy smile and you walked out. You followed him to his motorcycle, and he opened the seat and took your purse putting it in for you.
"Are you nervous?" he finally broke the silence.
"A little bit" you admitted. "But its going to be fun, I just know it" you smiled widely at him. "Are you nervous?"
"More than I should be" he grinned, and put on a pair of gloves. "Let me help you with your helmet" he took one off the handlebar. He helped you put it on, then put his on. He got on, and waited for you to jump on the back. You scooted in close to him and wrapped your arms around his torso tightly. He put it into gear and went out of the parking lot, and took a more scenic tour to get to the museum. You got a good view of the forest surrounding the compound and the changes into the more urban areas before you got into the city.

When you got to the museum, Bucky waited for you to jump off, then he got off and took off his helmet and smiled at you while you took off yours. He pulled your purse out for you and gave a smile.
"I liked the ride here, it was beautiful" you smiled, taking your purse. He pulled out a baseball cap and put it on, and you noticed he left the gloves on as well.
"I like the more scenic routes" he gave a grin. "I thought you might appreciate it" he bit his bottom lip.
"Okay, can I ask questions?" you saw he was about to start leading the way to the museum.
"Sure" he looked at you expectantly.
"Why the gloves?" you looked at him curiously.
"The vibranium arm makes people uncomfortable" he spoke slowly.
"Why the hat?" you asked gently.
"So people don't recognize me. The paparazzi is notorious" he grinned.
"I think your vibranium arm is beautiful, you shouldn't have to hide it" you blushed and looked him in the eye. "Is it to make other people comfortable, or you?"
"Other people" he blushed.
"Then hold my hand" you reached out your hand to him. "Unless you don't want to"
"I love holding your hand" he took off his gloves and put them in his pocket and reached for your hand. You took his hand proudly and walked close beside him as he brought you inside. He paid for the tickets and brought you into the first floor. There was a huge Egyptian display going and you both walked close to each other as you went through. You took out your phone and took a few pictures of different things. You got in front of a bit sarcophagus and pulled Bucky to you and turned the screen for your camera.
"Smile" you prompted him and he gave a nervous smile. You rolled your eyes after taking the first picture, and reached up to kiss his cheek. When you pulled away, he was giving a real smile, and you snapped another photo. "I like that one better" you decided.
"That wasn't so bad" he grinned at you.
"Sargent, this date had better not be over, or else I'm going to be very cross with you" you gave a smile and pulled on his hand going towards the stairs to go see the normal exhibits. The longer the two of you were together, the more he seemed to relax with you. When you went through the dinosaur exhibit you took a few pictures, and tried to get him to take a photo of just him on his own, but he shook his head and said he didn't want to be in one if you weren't in it. You stood in front of him and he wrapped his arms around you seeming to relax further and you took another photo. You pulled him through the under water exhibit, loving everything that you could see. He started coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around you as you read different panels. You enjoyed that he was relaxed enough, and it was starting to feel like a real date. You noticed he also started holding your hand with his flesh hand, instead of the vibranium one, seeming to forget the other one altogether.
"We need to go to the space exhibit" you squealed and pulled on his hand. He chuckled and followed you in seeming to be just as excited as you were. You kept stopping every couple of feet to look at something else and pointing it out to Bucky. You pulled his arm over your shoulders when he just stood beside you, just wanting that physical contact. He kept smiling the entire time, like he was having the time of his life. You were having the time of your life. You wanted to tell him as much, but there were people everywhere, and barely a moment to speak to one another. You were wondering if he was ever going to make a move at this point, it had been days since you thought maybe he was going to try, but you were doubting yourself now. You let out a small sigh as you saw more people come into the exhibit. You had hoped since it was darker, it would be easier to cuddle up to him more too. Maybe he was thinking this was a friend date, or at least that's what you were starting to think. Friends held each other, right? You felt Bucky pull on your hand, and you blindly followed him as he walked through a door and you blinked from the sudden lights. He reached down and touched your cheek to make you look up at him.
"What's wrong doll?" he moved in closer, looking down at you intently.
"Nothing, why?" you gave your best smile.
"You went from having fun to seeming a bit sad" he brushed his thumb across your cheek.
"I realized you probably consider this a friend date, and I thought it was a real date" you blushed.
"It's a real date" he looked confused. "I didn't think the museum would be this busy" he bit his bottom lip. "Come on, there's more to see" he gave a sincere smile, and took your hand again and brought you back into the space exhibit. You noticed he seemed to be holding you closer now, seeming a bit more confident. You followed him blindly to the next exhibit which was on ancient Greece and you enjoyed seeing all the statues and different pottery that was available. Bucky took every opportunity now to hold you closely from behind or from the side, and you smiled more. He really had picked the perfect date.
"How about we get out of here?" he leaned down and whispered in your ear. "I have a few idea's of where we can go, that's not so busy"
"But we didn't finish the museum" you pouted slightly.
"I promise to bring you back on another date to the museum, when its not as busy" he grinned.
"So there's going to be more than one date?" you turned in his arms to look at him.
"Definitely, as long as you keep saying yes" he gave his flirty smile.
"Lead the way Sargent" you blushed, and he took your hand easily, leading you to the stairs. You followed him easily and when you got outside you saw a large lineup to get inside. You felt a little bit of anxiety with so many people, but Bucky just squeezed your hand and led you to the motorcycle and opened up the center for you to put your purse in again, and he put in his baseball cap. He handed you your helmet and you put it on quickly while he put his on and he jumped on. You jumped on the back and wrapped your arms around him again. You felt his hand come down and touch your hands for a moment before he revved the engine to life, and he pulled out of the parking lot.

Enemies to lovers (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now