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For the past week I feel like my soul leaves my body every time the pain strucks in my lower abdomen, what happened to me? it can't be due to food poisoning because Dae did a check on me and there was nothing but the pain wouldn't stop I was really shocked the last time when he told me the only option had left "let's go back to land I do a proper scan on you it's the only way I can help you" that's what he told me, I didn't even think about it so I rejected that option and thanks to that stupidity am here clutching on my abdomen due to pain.

I know he wants to help me but thinking about it, i don't want to go back after whatever happened last time I don't want bad things to repeat but again the pain is worse than death maybe..... just maybe I should really get myself checked.

I can't see my parents worried sick that doesn't sit too well with me, it's been long since we have been united and now I make them worried now this is not how it must be.

it's been a week since they told me about going back to land, I guess since we wiped everyone's memories no one will recognize me, so it's a good idea considering the pain I feel like I'm going to die in any second from now so now I'm heading to my dad's chamber I called everyone there to discuss.

"Jimin I hope everything is ok right baby?" my mom seemed worried exactly what I don't really want to see in their eyes "well about Dae's plan i thought about it I guess I will go with the plan I don't want to worry you but again the kingdom....." I hesitated to say I can't really leave my responsibilities can I? my boy don't sweat it you know I'm not that old right so I can take over I don't want to see you pale all we want is you to be healthy and no stress, so since I'm still healthy and in good condition I will take over and when you feel better I'll come and get you" I hug him tightly "oh Dad you a lifesaver I Sob......

"I want to see you healthy and happy so don't worry about Hangul me and your mum will take care of everything just be happy" I feel really happy right now I hug him again and mom both "I love you two both very much"

"we love you too baby" mum kisses my face "I promise I shall meet you soon" I say "no... no.. no no we will meet you soon ok, now go" she hands me a few things. After a few minutes of bidding goodbye we finally start of our journey I'm very weak to even think how we are gonna make it the last time was the portal and now how will we be going?.....

I look at Dae he seems to be thinking about something "hey what's wrong?" I asked concerned "ok this might sound weird but I think you shouldn't take any of these chemicals you know I just have a hunch that you don't really need it if my hunch is true then you are going to turn back and that too not even trying" at first I'm shocked "how is that even possible?" I ask

"Looking back at how everything happened I just have a strong hunch that you will turn back you don't need to do it but I just want to confirm something and if it's possible then whatever I'm thinking is true" he explains the situation i even don't know what he's talking about but I agree anyway...

Thanks to his ship we were able to reach within few hours on land, yes Hangul is very deep that's why it is very hard to discover that mermaids do exist.

"Ok Jimin now try swimming out of the water this is my secret spot no one is around so don't worry" he assures me and I nod I feel very weak but I use all the fibers in my body to pull myself and I'm out of water then I look at my tail "Dae you are wrong it doesn't....oh my god" I gasp when I finally see my legs, my tail disappears.

For a minute even the air I was breathing in helped to calm me down I even forgot the pain in my lower abdomen as I was feeling very relaxed and calm, I inhale deeply and exhale just feel like life has been brought back to me I never knew I would be back here soon, I could see Dae had brought a cloth which used to cover me it might have been sunny but I was trembling due to cold "can you walk?" he asks "I will check" I stand up but with wobbly legs I almost fall "I guess not" he concluded and I gasp when he carried me bridal style "you don't have to" I try to protest but he ignores me "from now on I'm looking after you so now let's go check you" we go into his personal lab which was inside the big house, I could really tell he was really rich but I guess his researches and talent was way more rich than riches his house is very nice and cozy.

"Well I found my mother's lawyer she had given me this house, feel at home" he lays me on the coach as he grabs  clothes in another room, and I continue to admire the view.....

We freshen up, he shows me around the house, when I peep outside I could see afew people it was peaceful and quiet exactly what one would need for a vacation. He shows me my room and settle in. I lay on the bed feeling the sun hit my face, so warm, and I love it. Dae prepares something to eat of course sea food but when the smell hit me I felt my stomach turn, quickly ran to the bathroom and threw up coming back I saw the sea food was no longer there rather different food which made my mouth water "Thanks Dae" I dig in.

Later he hands me a gown "uhmm...don't tell me you lost your eyesight too doc" I joke "hahh funny one, for the scan you need this after your free to remove" he hands me and I don't argue more.

Entering his lab I was in awe "wow so many machines" I touch some "you lay here" there was a bed at the center and I nod as he said. He opened the gown revealing my belly and some kind of machine he placed on my belly it felt very cold and ticklish "with this we can see whatever is in here through that screen" he points and I nod looking at it sternly 'today we are gonna see where you are hiding' I think to myself.

Dae moves the machine around my tummy and suddenly we feel a sound "is that heartbeat?" Am also shocked at my own question, I look at Dae whose smile widens "uhmm.. what is happening?" I feel so confused right now "yes it's a heartbeat" he beams in happiness, why a heartbeat in my tummy? "What do you mean, elaborate please" I look at him "Actually I knew something like this will likely to happen, I hadn't proven it yet to be possible but yes it is, wow good news You are pregnant" he announces I shake my head "I think I didn't hear you right please repeat" I wait to hear something different but it doesn't come "congratulations, you are having a baby you are going to be a...mom.." he says.

I stare at him blankly, my mind in a mental freeze 'pregnant' 'baby' I suddenly start to sob "Oh My God" I cry out as Dae side hugs me "Th..this is a miracle" am filled with Joy right now am carrying Kook's baby.....

"Well as I can see, sea conditions aren't good for you, no wander you were in pain most of the time which was not normal at all your baby like it here, I think you have to make your self comfortable, though am not sure when you will give birth I need to do more research" he explains his thoughts as I caress my tummy "am very happy" I say as I sob again tears of joy of course "You need rest" he helps me down and am back to my comfy clothes "from tomorrow I will make you a list of things you should do" I nod as this is my first time am not sure how things work beside we lay eggs not this.....but no matter what I will protect him or her with all my life....


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me:waiting for your..





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