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Tae and the group were ready in the forest looking for the so called creature but to their disappointment nothing was there "How comes there is nothing here?" Tae asked in disbelief "Or maybe someone else found him before we could" Mark pointed out still looking around "Do you feel that?" Lisa asked "What?" Dae asked "I cannot feel it anymore it's like it's not there" Tae explained while Mark and Lan looked at them confused "Well i don't see why we are still here let's go back before someone else sees us" He added "You guys are sure?" Lan asked "we are sure" and with that they headed out of the forest.

But at the end of the forest someone was actually watching them from afar wearing all black to be noticed in the dark while contacting someone "Boss they have minions too" he said "Good keep an eye on them and update me every time" the other answered from the end of the phone.


"Thank you" Sooyoung gasped when Jimin finally frees her from any control of the king he is a prince after all it's piece of cake "No other creatures can feel you now your free to even stay here "Well i lost everything in the deep all my family members turned to foam our kind doesn't exist anymore i was the only survivor who wanted to revenge" she explained bitterly. "I will make sure he pays, for now we have to build the strength within us we have to plan careful and also know how we will go back, but since he sent you i guess we have to be more careful because he knows am here trust me we can do this we need some time" Jimin smiled assuring her while holding Sobbing Sooyoung. She couldn't help than feel more alive "Now i get it why you were the prince you were and always be" she smiled "Well i was not anymore" he replied sadly "You might look human but we both know deep inside who we are" she stated while her finger pointed to his heart "I never forgot who i was and i wont stop doing my duties".

"I forgot to mention that when he sent me he said i should kill you and your friends i guess your not the only one here" the moment he heard that his heart skipped a beat 'was i right all along?' he thought "W..What my friends who exactly?" he asked desperately knowing the answer pretty well "i will show you look into my eyes" she starred at him without blinking and Jimin did the same.... Images flashed in the brown orbs of Sooyoung reflecting back to the crescent orbs......

He saw him, yes his soulmate, he could see him, how much he became strong and tough oh how much he missed his boxy smile "Oh my Tae Tae" a tear slipped from his eyes "Yes they are all here" more tears rolled to his cheek "I don't know exactly where but all i know they are here" she confidently said "I hope you find them" she pat on his shoulder "I will find him no matter what he came to find me i will find him too" he toughened.


"So what is your plan?" Jimin asked "Well i will stay near the shores to keep an eye for any creatures i will help you protect the people any time you need me i will be here" she bow "Thank you Sooyoung, so right now i gotta go see you around" he said "Take care". Jimin looked around to see if there is someone watching, he gave one last glance to Sooyoung before he completely disappeared.


Am standing in the center of my room, looking around thank God everyone is still asleep. I took a bath and now fresh. I was hungry so i went downstairs to see if i can get something lucky enough i found something. Took a sit on the table, thirty minutes later i was done. Looking outside the weather was not that friendly 'not the thunder again' i pout before actually i got a reply back. The light from inside was dim so the lightening was enough to make the whole room bright enough, i gasp and hurriedly stand up going upstairs the more i stayed the more paranoid i became.


Jimin stood at Jungkook's door in his mind debating if he should go inside or not. He looked down to his feet thinking 'What if he is sleeping?' 'am i disturbing him' 'i can't go back to my room i do not want to die of heart attack' finally he decided to just go back in his room.

Before he could turn around the door flung open revealing a shirtless Jungkook, that inked body on display, Jimin looking up he was shook 'Oh Sharks' he thought his cheeks already tinted red he couldn't even stop looking 'JIMIN STOP STARRING' he mentally screamed but could he look away? No duh.

Before he knew it Jungkook held his wrist pulling him inside his room and made him sit on his bed with him sitting beside "I was waiting for you" Jungkook started 'Oh no does he know if i went out, i should have known' Jungkook seeing his hesitation asked again "i mean the thunder thingy i know you don't like it but seeing you here now i know you trust me enough to be you comfort" he said smirking.

Before Jimin could reply a gunshot sound was heard the dim room with neon lights was now beaming bright "Ahhhhh" Jimin shouted clutching onto Jungkook's arm for dear life "Definitely my source of comfort" he whispered but it was enough for Jungkook to hear making him smile.

"Let's sleep am sure your tired" He said getting up but the younger wasn't letting him go "Do.not.leave.me" he sternly said "I wont leave you" he assured him. He held him up and laying onto his bed with him still holding his arm tightly but did Jungkook mind? No he was loving the whole moment.

Jimin lay hugging onto his Jungkookie very tight but the older found him cute his hold wasn't even tight it felt like a cat's paw hold very soft and comforting. Jungkook couldn't help than stare at his angel in his arms. Looking him closely he found the younger's features very attractive, his blonde fluffy hair bangs covering his eyes, his pink cheeks, the slightly opened plump lips, oh how much he is trying not to devour him right there and then. "Have i ever told you how cute and beautiful you are, i can't stop gawking at you" he whispered while his thumb rub on his jaw lightly. "Am lucky to have such an angel with me, goodnight Angel" he whispered before falling into a deep slumber.


After we reached home we had dinner and about the creature we didn't talk much about it, right now we believe it does not exist we cannot feel it. After having dinner i headed to my room flopped onto the bed. Just as i closed my eyes that beautiful sunshine smile again came in view.

I don't seem to stop thinking about him, i only saw him at least twice but the more i see him the brighter he becomes 'I can't wait to see him again' i thought. Everyday i go to work but most especially excited to see that smile again 'am i love' i mentally screamed.

"I have to talk to him or else i will go crazy" i sigh. "All i do is watch him from afar am sure he never noticed me before. If he's so beautiful like this how will his voice sound like let alone his awesome dance moves" i chuckle like a lunatic throwing my legs in the air and blankets on the floor "I don't even know his name" i tell myself "I will call him sunshine yes that sounds better" i nod to the name which sounds so perfect for him.


Meanwhile Lan was looking through his files when he noticed the papers of Jimin from the hospital, he's been thinking of showing it to Mark. Infact he has lots to tell him about him "He is different" he mumbled to himself, he knows Lisa and Tae has abilities but not Dae and he is curious as to why. Seeing Jimin's abilities he knew this kid is much more. He was still looking for other things when his eyes fell on an old news paper all dusty but still readable. "The disappearance of the 10 great scientists" he read "Oh my God" he gasped when he saw a familiar picture of a man but he was around his twenties"Isn't this Dae? more like his younger version" he asked to no one specific "I knew it he was familiar" he added.

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