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I felt so different all of a sudden and the poison in my body wasn't helping at all i feel even more weak and what is this feeling i don't feel water around it feels hot, the sand the, breeze all these are rare in the deep. Am i dead? If am dead then where am i? well i wont know if i don't open my eyes. All are the thoughts running in my mind so i decided to see for myself if am really dead.

Slowly i try to open my eyes only to close them back, the light was so bright almost making me blind but i try again and finally able to see the blur sky, adjusting more i could now see clearly it was so beautiful. I couldn't move a muscle, body all numb, feeling dizzy i saw everything getting dark slowly 'no i still love to see the beautiful view' i thought. Looking side ways i see a person he was far but i could tell his face features but what caught my attention is the beautiful smile 'i didn't know smiling was adorable' i chuckled to my thoughts but his smile got wider, if you were to ask me i saw the sun instead very bright than the sun it'self i couldn't help than shut my eyes again 'too bright' but he kept on smiling and before i knew it i drowned into darkness.


Luckily enough before the attack Mark made sure to contact his assistant for plan B he knew everything was too good to happen smoothly. He was to wait for their arrival at the shores no one knew they would make it alive, thanks to the tracker Lan had gave Mark last time he was able to know where they were. "Dr. Mark wake up" he shook his body after a few seconds he opened his eyes meeting with the teary Lan he was so happy he was still alive he couldn't help than hug the older "Thank God your alive i thought i lost you" he sobbed "not...so..tight"is all Mark could say "oh sorry" he broke the hug embarrassed "I missed you too Lan " he smiled at him "oh where are the others?" he asked looking in front of him they lay there. Lan checked on them and they were fine, a couple of seconds they woke up too "Here" Lan handed them some clothes "Am Lan, the doctor's assistant" he introduced himself showing a hand "Am lisa" "am Dae and nice to meet you too" he gave him a handshake because Lisa was hesitant she actually doesn't know what a hand shake is really but seeing the action she did the same but Lan still kept his gaze on Dae 'where have i seen him?" he asked in his mind but brushed it off thinking it wasn't important for now.

"If am to remember you guys were four where is the other one?" Lan asked the three "Oh no Tae ...." Lisa was now becoming worried "Do you think he made it?" she asked "he said he will follow us and as much as i understood the situation the king wouldn't do anything to him because he needed the antidote" Mark explained "then he must be around lets look for him" Lan suggested and they nod everyone looking around from different directions "Tae!!" Lisa shouted running to the man who lay near the big stones and the other followed too. Tae lay there unconscious it was a hot day but he was shivering "Its the poison" Dae said coming closer to him checking his pulse "let's take him to the hospital" Mark suggested "it's not a good idea" Lan said pretty well remembering Jimin's file in the hospital "He is right beside i can make the antidote" Dae said confidently "then lets go before anyone sees us" Mark said and all headed to the big van with Tae in Dae's arms all wrapped up and Lisa looking all around like a lost puppy.

TIME SKIP.........

"He's stable now it will take some hours before the poison gets out completely from his system" Dae said after an hour of making the antidote he was actually scared he wont make it in time. When Tae at that time had asked him how to make the poison he knew he was up to something, he followed his every move and that's how he got to know what the poison was made of in order to make the antidote.

Sighing in relief he took a sit opposite Lan while Tae was in another room "Thanks for helping us" Dae smiled politely at them and Mark shook his head "No actually you guys saved me back then its my duty to do the same" Mark smiled too "Since you don't know anything around here you can stay at my place for now" he added "Thank you Mark we are great full" he said "Ok i have to check my mails and other things see you later" Mark said and headed out "Well i want to check something too" Dae got up "you sure wont get lost" Lan was worried "it ain't far from here i cant get lost" he assured "ok if you say so" and with that he headed out. It was an awkward silence between Lan and Lisa but he broke the silence "Hey wanna have a walk outside i could show you human..staff" this made Lisa Blush "i would love to" she smiled at him.

Watching the beautiful tall tress, the chirping birds, feeling the warm sun all this Dae had missed this. He made it to the cemmentary which wasn't that crowded and stopped at a specific template scribbled on 'mom' he touched the words lightly and a tear slipped "Hey Mom your son is back, did you miss me? because i sure did" he smiled sadly. He brushed off the dust, planted a fresh flower and after a few more minutes he decide to head home to check on Tae.


Jimin and Jungkook were practicing a certain dance where Jungkook will have to lift up the younger and swirl him around. This was easy for Jungkook he found Jimin too light even wondered if he eats anything. But they were not getting it right with Jungkook lost in his thoughts he was missing his steps making the both fall. "That's enough for today lets have lunch" Jin came with plates and food already prepared "Hey hyung did you know Jimin is so light am even wondering if he eats your delicious food it would be a loss...if he doesn't...." Jungkook was trying to get on Jin's good side which was working. Jimin gave him a glare 'snitch' but the other was enjoying his reaction "Jimin you don't eat" he almost screamed "No hyung i do " Jimin defend himself "then prove it" he said placing four plates with different dishes in front of Jimin and he gulp down knowing if he refused Jin will get mad.

"You...are...gonna carry me upstairs its..your fault i cant walk" eating all the four plates without complain was really a bad idea, Jimin was all looking like a stuffed plushie which Jungkook called it chimmy "i don't look like chimmy" he whined on the floor, Jungkook found him cute "ok stuffed mochi" he wriggled his brows showing his bunny teeth teasing Jimin "you bad bunny once i catch you...." he couldn't finish "what is the mochi gonna do" he teased again "aiiish just carry me to my room or i will throw up on you" "ok ok piggy ride coming up" with that he took him up stairs placing him onto his bed and tucking him in "see you mochi" he waved at him heading to his own room leaving Jimin with his thoughts.

Namjoon, Hobi and Yoongi had gone for a photo shoot which will be at the beach and the others remained at home but Jimin has an oddly feeling. Just like other creatures could tell their kind was around Jimin felt the same. You can feel your own kind even if they were far away but not that strong to know who it is really 'could that mean am not the only one?' he asked to no one specific shaking away those thoughts he decided to sleep maybe he needs that to have a clear mind later.


Tea was finally waking up feeling like life had been sucked out from him 'am never trying that stunt again' he thought. Looking around he saw the familiar faces smiling at him and Lan introduced himself as he did last time "Don't you guys feel weird like our kind is here too i can feel it but not so strong enough" Tae explained but the two only shook their head but to Tae he knew the feeling and he is going to find out who it is maybe he will find his best friend with that thought he smiled at himself "Anyone wanna eat?" Lan asked as he had ordered something "we all do" Tea answered excitedly like nothing happened a while ago.

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