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Jimin sits on the ground sobbing, his hands were now free from ropes "he's harmless" one guy says from behind while smirking. Jimin's mind is fuzzy all he sees now is what happened earlier it's like a loop it keeps on repeating it's self over and over again and he seems to go out of control anytime now, he tries to pull himself together but doesn't work out "i gave you a drug that shut down your whole systematic power body, for the time i kept an eye on you i made the drug and sure it works" the masked man says while chuckling feeling all proud of his stupidity.

"who are you?" Jimin asks in a low broken voice, the man come nearer him and takes off his mask but Jimin is confused he doesn't know the man "Oh i will introduce myself am, inspector Xiao still confused? am the one who was looking about your whereabouts from the first day" he said "then if you don't like me then why did you have to bring in hyungs they didn't do anything" Jimin sobbed "well am Rose's father yes the person all of you took to jail being an inspector i couldn't do anything to prove her innocent all your fault" he screamed in anger "you say innocent" Jimin scoffed and stood up "she deserved it and your gonna get what you deserve" Jimin said under gritted teeth "you can't do anything your powerless making you useless they are dead you can't change that" Xiao laughed out loudly as Jimin the words replay 'they are dead' 'they are dead' he held his fists in anger eyes bloodshot as Xiao continues to mock him not knowing what will happen next "you are going to face my wrath" Jimin shouted but his voice changed not anymore of the sweet and innocent more of anger and venom which made the others back away slowly but Xiao is stubborn and doesn't move away that easily "you are nothing" he screams too

"aaahhhhhhhhhhhh" Jimin shouts as his mouth spits a bright light eyes too brighten a white bright light "hold him" he instructs but Jimin's screams are too loud to be bearable but the men tried to hold him, one brought his arm forward "ahhhgh" he screams in pain as his very arm that touched Jimin became ash and he falls back. The others back away slowly then turn to run away but Jimin wasn't going to let anyone go yet.

The weather suddenly changes it seemed like a storm was approaching, the lightening became stronger too as Xiao looks in horror. Jimin is floating in the air his body all bright to make you blind, his body changed it was his true form, blue scales covering his half body a trident in his hands emitting lightening his blonde hair turned to grey eyes all white "Oh My God, what are you?" Xiao asks in horror "A wrath that you wont forget" Jimin's hoarse deep voice says sounding so different from him and he looks like a giant in the air.

"ahhh" one man screams as the lightening structs him hard and falling to the ground, another one was thrown away from a distance as the lightening structs the remaining, with each passing time the weather was getting worse a tornado was forming and that will be dangerous.

Jimin turned to Xiao and lifting him with his eyes "no...no" Xiao cries as his body is stiff and being controlled "have mercy" he begs "After what you did you are supposed to die" Jimin's deep voice says and man gulps hard "You asked who i am "Am Park Jimin, the prince of Hangul kingdom blessed with all the powers a chance for new life and also destruction and you got to my destruction side now face it" He spat in anger as Xiao shakes his head in no "forgive me...forgive me" he begs but Jimin isn't going to do that any sooner.

His body starts to tremble as he chokes on his own breath "urgh....mmmh" he tries to talk but it was Jimin's turn to chuckle which sounded so evil, Xiao has a hard time breathing then suddenly his body starts to crack "n...no" he begs as Jimin just smirks but eyes visible with anger. Slowly his face cracks slowly and painfully as he continue to smirk to himself.


"Thanks Tae for saving us" Hobi says while limping but Tae hold his waist for support, when Tae and Mark tracked them immediately they set out with Lan helping them with the devices who changed the cameras with the loop videos seeming to play again and again. The others too walk out slowly and weak as the drug is still in their system and head to the trees and in seconds the cabinet blew up "JIMIN" Jungkook shouts falling to the ground and sobs while the others couldn't help than sob "he's not dead" Tae announces as he still feels him but a dark aura which was making him worried "how do you know?" Jin asks but Tae cant tell them how he knows "i just know" he says but the others were not convinced but Jungkook seems to understand how he knows but he is confused how he knows.

Suddenly there is a bright light coming from their opposite where they stood "what's that?" Yoongi asks "oh no" Tae mutters in horror but Jungkook heard him, and then suddenly the weather changes "what is happening?" Namjoon asks in confusion "let's go" Tae says holding Hobi in a tight embrace and heading to the light and no one disagreed.

It was a horror sight as they reached to the sight, they saw how their Jimin turned differently "OH MY GOD" Jin screams in horror as Namjoon and Yoongi fall back hitting the ground "no...no...no" Tae shakes his head "What is it tell me?" Jungkook asks as he too is surprised "he's dark aura has woken up" Tae says unknowingly "it can even cause destruction" he adds "what to do?" Jungkook asks "we have to make him snap out of it" he adds and the others still stare in horror "Go bring back our Jimin" Hobi pats his shoulders and Tae nods heading to Jimin "am coming too" Jungkook says "it's dangerous" Jin stops him "i know my Jimin he wont hurt us" he assures and follows Tae "am going first" Tae says and Jungkook nods waiting from a distance.

"Jimin stop" Tae shouts and Jimin turns his head to him no emotion visible on his beautiful eyes Jungkook felt like crying as he saw the pain from his eyes "See it's me your alien remember" Tae continues to soothe him but Jimin was long gone, he snapped his eyes to him and lifts him up Jungkook panics and Tae looks at him shaking his head in no "it's me" he says but Jimin wasn't gonna buy that, slowly he starts to squeeze him "aaahhh" he screams in pain "your Jimin is long gone" he chuckles with his deep voice 'this ain't gonna be easy'..................



✴MY MERMAN ✴ ( JIKOOK)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu