chapter fifty six.

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I thought I would be taken to the hospital, but I was taken somewhere I had never been before. It was a nice looking building, it had large gardens full of flowers. As we pulled up into a car park, a paramedic took me out of the ambulance and held onto my arm tightly. I guess she thought I would run, we walked closer to the entrance and as we did I saw the sign.

'Los Angeles County department of mental health'

We walked inside and I was signed in, I was given a change of clothes and a box to put all my things in. I had to hand over any technology and anything I could harm myself with, I didn't have anything sharp on me but they did take the laces out of my shoes. For the situation I was In, I was pretty calm for the time being. I was taken to a room, there was 2 other people in the room who I avoided eye contact with at all times. I was walked over to the far corner of the room and put into a bed, I looked around the room and all of a sudden I began to panic as I realised how scared I actually was. I began screaming for luke and the rest of the boys. 2 nurses came running in and tried to calm me down, one held me still as the other one spoke to me.

"Chelsea you need to work with us or you won't get better"

"I don't want to get better I want to die" I spat.

"Your friends are on their way" one nurse said.

"They're not my friends they are my family" I corrected her.

I calmed down and sat quietly until they arrived, all of the boys minus luke came into the room. The atmosphere was different than usual, the boys were sat in silence and it was as if they were scared to talk to me.

"I'm not some sort of psycho, I'm not going to hurt you?" I said to them.

Jai nodded, and came over and hugged me.

"How are you?" James then asked.

Stupid question really.

Before I could answer luke and a nurse came into the room, and informed me I was being moved to a private room. I got out of the bed and was walked down the corridor into a small but nice room. There was also s spare bed at the other side of mine, so one of the boys could stay with me. Preferably luke.

"I hope you're comfortable and enjoy your stay with us" the nurse smiled.

This isn't a fucking hotel you idiot, I didn't choose to come here?!!! I will in no way enjoy my stay.

"Why did I get moved?" I asked.

"I paid extra to get you private treatment, I will do anything to help you get better" luke said, smiling.

Suddenly a huge wave of guilt just washed over me, Luke is paying a lot of money for this which he really doesn't need to be doing.

"You don't need to do that lukey" I sighed.

I feel like I'm holding him back, he could be out living his life but he's spending his money on treatment for me??

I feel like I'm slowly giving up, and he's just wasting his money.

"I love you" I said to Luke, sighing.

"I love you more" he smiled, sitting down on the bed next to me.

He says that but I know I love him way more than he could ever love me, because he's what keeps me breathing.


Hello, I'm really really sorry that this chapter is basically non existent. It's so short and I'm sorry about that. Right now I'm really struggling to write, recently I've been assigned to a mental health service in my town. My doctor referred me to it due to my mental state, I'm really sorry. Writing about depression and mental health units really isn't going to help what I'm going through right now. I'll try and update as soon as I'm ready and feel like I can produce good content.

I'm so so sorry, I love you x

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