chapter eleven

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Sympathy is all I've been getting from the boys these past few days and I'm sick of it. It's the one thing I didn't want, I'm being treated like a child.

'Are you okay?'

'Do you need anything?'

'Ill get that for you chels'

'Chels don't stress yourself out, I'll go for you'

'You look tired, maybe you should get some sleep'

I know they're trying to help and be caring but I don't need help. I'm fine on my own.

Charlotte has moved out, she's living with her dad again. So I'm alone in the house most of the time. Since I'm old enough to leave school I just left, but Luke, Jai and James still attend. I don't mind staying in the house by myself during the day it's just at night when I get scared. I'm scared Lorna comes back, and hurts me or even worse I hurt myself.

I've still been having nightmares, and they terrify me. Every noise I here I'm convinced it's her coming back for me. Beau came round today, just before the boys finished school so he could meet them here. We sat and spoke for a bit but not much conversation was actually made.

"So, how you doing?" Beau asked, while drinking a bottle of water.

"Yeah, I'm okay I guess. Not having Charlotte around anymore is starting to effect me. Whenever I was scared she would let me sleep with her but now I'm alone" I sighed.

"I have an idea, maybe you could come stay with us for a while? Just until you feel better?" Beau smiled eagerly.

"I, um? I'm sure ill be fine" I smiled falsely.

He nodded his head and continued drinking his water.

The front door opened which made me jump slightly, Luke came in and dumped his bag and shoes by the door.

"Hey pretty girl" he said, while walking over and kissing my cheek lightly.

I rolled my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder closing my eyes for a minute or two.

I woke with a fright as the front door opened again, I sat up in a panic and then realised it was Jai, James and Daniel.

"It's okay" luke reassured me.

Daniel had boxes of pizza in his hand and Jai had Lukes laptop.

"Pizza and Netflix" Daniel shouted with happiness.

Jai set up the laptop to the tv and Daniel and I got out plates for everyone, not like the boys would use them. I carried through 6 plates and Daniel took 6 glasses and some bottles of juice. We sat and ate, while we chose a film. Obviously it took a whole to chose because the boys couldn't agree on one, Eventually they chose one.

After the film finished Jai had fell asleep on the floor, and Beau and Daniel were both asleep on the sofa. James and Luke were sat talking and I made my way up to bed. I checked my phone as I had left it charging and I had messages from Claire, my dad and Lorna?

My dad had phoned me a few times but I missed them. He left messages which I listened to before I read the messages.


"Hi chicken, it's dad here. I'm not wanting to worry you but I'm not too well just now. Doctors say it's my lungs, I'm in England just now and I know you can't get here but I want you to know that I'll probably be fine so there is no need to worry. I love you Chelsea, maybe phone me back?"

"I love you chicken, you'll always be my princess"

~end of voicemails~

I quickly tried to phone my dad back, but it went straight to voicemail which made me worry more than it should have. I checked the messages I had and could feel my heart getting faster and faster.


'Hi babe, your dad's in the hospital! Phone me now!!xx'


'Your dad's dying, I'm in England with him now'

That heartless bitch, she shouldn't be with him. She cheated on him, she doesn't deserve to be there.

I quickly phoned claire who picked up almost instantly, there was unease in her voice as was mine.

"He'll be fine" she repeated over and over.

I could feel my throat closing up, I was panicking a lot and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Hold on chels, the hospital is trying to phone me" claire said, before hanging up on me.

I went through to the bathroom and lent over the toilet thinking I was going to throw up, which I did.

It's been 10 minutes, why hasn't claire called me back?

All the boys are asleep now, I tried wakening them but I couldn't. I was crying heavily now, tears poured down my face as I not so patiently waited for the phone call from claire.

It took her almost an hour to phone me back.

"Chelsea, I need you to stay calm okay?" She said, not sounding so call herself.

"Claire please just tell me what's happening?" I cried down the phone.

"He's not doing to good babe, his lungs have collapsed and he's on life support" she said, her nose stuffy from crying too.

I slid my back down my bedroom door and pulled my knees to my chest crying into them.

"I-I nee-need to talk to hi-him" I said, trying to catch my breath.

"You'll be able to soon I promise" claire said, stuttering on her words because she knew that her promise will be hard to keep.

"I'll phone you back when I've heard anything okay?" She said said.

"Okay" I said quietly, trying to stop my tears from pouring down my face.

"I love you lots okay?"

"I love you too" I replied, tears trickling down my cheeks.

After she hung up I climbed into bed and sobbed, my dad is on life support on a different country to me and I have no way of even hearing his voice properly. I listened to the voicemails over and over, which was basically torture for me.

It's been 3 hours now, it's 2am and I'm slowly losing hope. I'm so scared, scared i lose him. He's the only person I've had for so long until I met the boys. My dad is my world, my life and I don't know how I'd cope without him. I know he isn't around very often but he phones or texts me every single day without fail.

It's 5am now, and still no word from Claire or anyone in fact. I'm worried sick and no one is telling me anything. Ive been pacing up and down for a while now. I've tried phoning claire so many times and I even resorted to phoning Lorna a couple of times too. I need to know he's okay.

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