Chapter forty two.

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*3 weeks later*

Chelsea's been drinking heavily and acting off with me these past couple of days. She's secretive and all she does is sleep and drink. Worrying about her has become constant, and I'm fearing for her health.


I walked back into the doctors office, he smiled at me slightly and sighed.

"Am i?" I asked, nervously.

"Yes, congratulations" he smiled.

fuck. fuck. fuck.

I took so many tests at home, but I was sure they must have been wrong but no. This is actually happening, it's real.

I'm pregnant.


How do I tell luke? What do I tell luke? This is the first time in weeks that I've been fully sober, that can't be good for my baby?

Instead of getting a taxi, I decided to walk home. I need to think this through, how could we have been so stupid.

I took my phone from my bag and called Jenny, she would know what to do. Hopefully.

"Hiya love" she chirped down the phone.

"Hi" I replied, my voice was so shaky.

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Not really" I said, as the thoughts ran through my head.

"What's up? Has anything happened?!"

"Well, um" I stuttered.

"You can tell me chels, I won't judge you babe" she reassured.

"I'm, I'm pregnant" I said quietly.

Jenny went silent, I heard her sigh loudly before she questioned me.

"How?!" She asked.

"Jenny I think you know how" I laughed slightly, but she didn't laugh.

"What has luke said?" She then asked.

"You're the only person who knows" I sighed.

We continued to talk for what felt like 5 minutes, and then I was at the door of the house. I said goodbye to Jenny and told her I'd text her if anything happens. I took a deep breath and walked into the house, there was no one to be seen. I jogged up the stairs and into lukes room, where he was sat on his laptop.

"Hey" he smiled.

"Hi" I said, my heart was racing.

"Where were you?" Luke asked me.

"Okay, I need to tell you something really important but you have to promise me you won't freak out" I said.

"Okaaaay?" Luke said, dragging out the word.

"Well, im-" I stuttered, I physically couldn't even say it.

"You're??" He said, hoping for an answer.

"I'm pregnant" I whispered.

His face dropped, and he stared at me in shock. We sat in silence for a second until he spoke.

"What are we going to do?" He asked.

"I don't know" I replied.

I kicked my shoes off and curled up into a ball on lukes bed. I held my stomach tightly, it was scary and odd to think that there is a small human growing inside me. Luke lay down next to me, wrapping his arms around my body and laying his hands on my stomach.

"I'm scared Luke" I said, tears filling my eyes.

"Me too" he said, sighing and rested his forehead on my back.

"I love you" he said, hugging me tightly.

"I love you too" I said back.

This is nothing like I had planned, I didn't want this to happen but it is and I don't know what to do.

The thoughts were running round my head, causing me to get worked up and cry into the pillow.

"Hey, hey listen to me yeah? Everything will be okay, we can get through this" luke said, as we both sat up.

I cried onto lukes shoulder, I'm responsible for another persons life.

I can't even keep myself alive, how am I supposed to keep a baby alive?


short chapter, but I got too excited about the secret lmao!

What's your opinion on this?😁

so much more to come!!

- stevie😛

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