chapter sixteen

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*the next day*

I could feel my body being lightly shook, I opened my eyes and was greeted by a nurse smiling down at me.

"Time to take these" she said, handing me a small cardboard cup that had 2 pills in.

"Okay" I smiled back, picking up the tablets and 'taking' them. Instead of actually taking them I hid them in my hands until she left. Then putting them in my makeup bag that Gina brought up for me.

I could hear voices from down the corridor and I instantly knew it was some of the boys. Then I saw Jai, Luke and James turn the corner and greet me with huge smiles. Jai lightly jogged over and grabbed a seat before the others, James took the other seat and luke just sat on my bed with me.

"How've you been?" James smiled, I haven't seen him in a while as he was in Sydney for a day or two.

"Good I guess" I said, luke playing with my hands, then taking my hand in his and interlocking our fingers.

I glanced over to Jess' bed and caught her smiling at me. I smiled back and she stood up and walked over.

"Hey" she said.

"Hi, guys this is Jess" I smiled

They all introduced themselves and we spoke for about half an hour until a nurse showed two men into the ward and they walked over to my bed.

"Hi, are you Chelsea?" One asked.

"Um, yeah why?"

"We're from social care and we've been sent here to speak to you about where you'll be living when you're out of here" the other man said.

I looked at the boys and Jess confused and Jai stood up and took his phone out and walked away.

"We understand you recently lost your legal guardian?"

I nodded and they began speaking about things I didn't understand. I was confused.

"Since you're under 18 you need a guardian, who will you be living with when you are discharged?"

I actually hadn't thought about that, I could go home but that means living with Lorna which I wasn't too fond of.

"Um, I'm not sure?" I said.

"What about your mother?" One of the men asked.

I sighed and explained how my mother abandoned me when I was younger and my dad eventually remarried.

"Could you stay with your step mum?"

I paused and thought about it carefully, and honestly I don't think I'd survive living with her. Since my dad isn't here anymore she wouldn't hold back, I'd probably end up dead to be honest.

I think luke noticed the fear in my eyes after the man asked that and he butted in and said I could maybe stay with my cousin claire of maybe even stay with them.

Jai walked back into the room, while putting his phone in his pocket.

"Mums on her way" he said to luke.

Luke nodded and took out his phone and started typing. I leaned over and saw he was texting claire to also come to the hospital.

After speaking to the men for a few more minutes they left and said they would phone me to discuss the situation.

Once Gina and Claire arrived we spoke about living arrangements for what felt like forever. During the conversation I could feel my skin itching, craving the touch of a blade. I slid my hand up my jumper sleeve and started scratching harder than I actually intended. I could feel my skin becoming irritated but I didn't care, I needed to get rid of the urges.

After hours of discussing where I'm going to live everyone apart from Luke left. Doctors agreed to letting Luke stay after visiting hours because I didn't cope well without him here.

I sighed loudly and curled up in my bed, my dad's funeral was tomorrow and I still haven't been told if I can leave the hospital for it yet. Even if they don't allow me to go I will go, I'll just leave myself.

After laying with luke for a while I stood up from my bed and walked to the bathroom since I can now go there on my own. I stood in front of the tall mirror that covered one of the walls and I stared at myself. Picking out every single flaw I could find. Tears welled up in my eyes and as I blinked they dripped down my face. I grabbed and pulled at my hair to get the bad thoughts out of my head but I couldn't, every single flaw I had was spinning round and round in my head. It's as if I was trying to torture myself.

I heard a knock at the door and I walked over slowly, unlocking it and being greeted by luke. Pulling my into his chest knowing I was upset.

"What's wrong baby?" He said, holding me tightly.

"I'm fat, and im too young to be feeling like this! I've barely lived my life and I already want it to be over. The demons in my head are drowning my and I don't know how to swim luke. They're taking over me, showing me my every flaw" I screamed, as nurses ran in trying to calm me down.

"Size is just a number, age is just a number, weight is just a number. But Chelsea you, you're not a number. You're a collection of thoughts, feelings and stories. You're the yawns and sneezes of your life. You're the sun and the moon that changes each day. You are not a number on a scale or the number on your clothing tags. You're you, and if you don't love you for that I guess I'll just have to love you enough for us both" luke said as I collapsed into his arms, sobbing violently.

Luke carried me back to my room and we climbed into bed. I rested my head on his chest as he breathed heavily and I listened to the sound of his heart beat.

His heart may being keeping him alive, but it's keeping me alive too.

just another quick filler chapter!


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